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book I 

Kansas city 
ilic library 
Kansas city, 




Austin, Texas 

Copyright, 1936, by Lota M. Spell 
All rights reserved, including the 
right to reproduce this book or 
parts thereof in', any Jorm. 


THE purpose of this work is to make available to teachers, 
club workers, and others interested in the cultural develop- 
ment of the State of Texas some facts by which the progress 
of music may be traced, and also some songs actually sung 
through the years, as illustrative material Many of these, here 
reproduced from early editions in the possession of the writer,, 
while in no sense masterpieces of musical art, are represent- 
ative of the taste of the people at different eras. A collection 
of dances and instrumental music will be issued separately in 
larger format later* 

The thanks of the writer for assistance are due to too many 
to call each by name. Especial thanks are due Dr. R. C. Ste- 
phenson for the translation of the Spanish songs; and to Dr. 
Eduard Micek, Dr. Carlos Castaneda, Miss Hilda Widen 
and Miss Julia Harris, of Austin; Miss Julia Owen of Navasota; 
Sr. Julio Galindo of Mexico City; Miss Jovita Gonzales and 
Mr. Oscar Fox of San Antonio; Mrs. Selma Metzenthin-Raun- 
ick and Mr. H. M. Dietel of New Braunfels; and Dr. Charles 
B. Qualia of Lubbock, for aid in locating materials. Without 
the interest and insistence of the officers and members of the 
State Federation of Music Clubs the work would never have 
been completed or issued. 

The courtesy of Silver, Burdett and Company in permitting 
the use of "Clang, Clang/' "Choosing a Flower," and "At 
the Window" from the Progressive Music Series; of Oscar Fox 
and Whitney Montgomery for "Corn Silks and Cotton Blos- 
soms**; of the Adolf Fuchs Memorial Association for the use 
of the Fuchs songs; and of Dr. H. F. Estill for his adaptation 
of the text of "Will you come to the Bower" is gratefully 

To my aunt, 

Lota Dashiell 

bom in Texas, 1853, 

who sang to me, in my childhood,. 

the songs of early Texas; 

and to the members o[ the 

State Federation of Music Clubs, 

whose insistence led to its preparation; 

this work is dedicated 



I Music among the Indians ~ 3 

II Music in the Texas Mission 6 

III Spanish -Mexican Folk Music H 

IV Anglo-American Music 23 

V The Early German Contribution 34 


VI Music of the Mexican War 46 

VII Other Foreign Contributions 52 

VIII Echoes of the Old South 61 

IX Some Musical Annals before 1890 69 

X Music Education to 1910 80 


XI Effects of the World War on Musical Progress .... 89 

XII Singing Societies in Texas 92 

XIII Opera in Texas 101 

XIV The Symphony Orchestra in Texas 107 

XV Music Education, 19H-1936 113 

XVI Other Agencies Contributing to Musical Progress 119 


XVII Texas Folk Music 127 

XVIII Music Composed by Texans or in Texas 137 

APPENDIX. Texas Concert Calendar, 1920-1921 .... 144 
INDEX. 1 47 


Padre Nuestro 1 

An old Alabado - - 1 1 

Alabado as sung in Texas today 12 

Lullaby of a Spanish Mother 15 

Call of the Tamale Vender 16 

Music of the Pastores: 

De larga Jornada 1 8 

Oh peregrina 19 

La Viudita 2 1 

Christmas Carol 22 

\Vill you come to the Bower 25 

The Banks of the Blue Moselle opposite 26 

Old Windham (two forms) 29, 30 

German Folk Song 36 

At the Window 39, 40 

Song of the Texas Ranger I'm Afloat 46, 47 

The Campbells are Coming 49 

The Maid of Monterey 51 

Clang! Clang! Clang! 56 

Choosing a Flower 57 

Come, oh come with me - 59, 60 

Lorena 64 

Take me home 66 > 67 

The Vacant Chair 85 

Lebewohl by Silcher 95 

On Yonder Rock Reclining - 102, 103 

Yellow Rose of Texas 128, 129 

Down on de rollin* Brazos 132, 133 

Palomita - 13 5 

Corn Silks and Cotton Blossoms 138, 139 



Frontispiece Specimen of oldest printed music used 
in Texas 

'The Invitation" A Texas paraphrase of "Will you 

come to the Bower" 25 

First advertisement of a musical instrument 26 

Cards of early music teachers in Texas press 27 

The first concert hall in Texas the State Capitol 28 

Announcement of first public concert at Houston 28 

Announcement of first sacred concert at Houston 29 

Title page of Fallersleben's Texas Songs 35 

Franz Van der Stucken 38 

Invitation to the first singing society in Texas 92 

The first German singing society 93 

Women's Choral Club, Houston 98 

The Dallas Symphony in its early days 109 



Music Among the Indians 

hundred years ago the great stretch of land between 
the Rio Grande and Red River was inhabited only by 
wandering Indians engaged largely in hunting, fishing, and 
fighting any other tribes who trespassed upon their hunting 
grounds. All were of a low degree of civilization, if by that term 
we understand the practice of having fixed homes, knowledge 
of the useful arts such as tool-making, home building, stock 
raising, crop growing, spinning and weaving, and mastery of 
means of transmitting experience to those who lived after them. 
The Indians who roamed the wilds of Texas even two centuries 
ago were still nomadic, some were even cannibalistic. It is 
easy to understand that among a people who lived only to 
eat and fight such a thing as culture was long unknown. For 
culture, and music is one form of it, can come into existence 
only after the barest necessities of life have been met. Until 
a man can protect himself against the weather and his ene- 
mies, and discover ways of securing food, he will not likely 
turn his attention to drawing pictures, modeling, making mu- 
sic, or writing books. And that is the reason that music and 
other forms of culture the finer elements in a man's life 
were very slow in developing in Texas. 

Nevertheless the earliest music in T'exas was that of the In- 
dians. On first thought it seems surprising that an Indian, 
who lived almost entirely in the open and gathered his food 
day by day, moving about whenever the game supply be- 
came scarce, and who had little care for the future, should 
ever know anything about music. But people who live in the 
great outdoors hear the music of Nature, which the child of 
the city seldom hears. The Indian heard the sounds of the 
water, of the leaves on the trees, of the birds in the woods, 
and many other sounds only heard in the country. And he 
must have tried to imitate some of the sounds he heard* So 
long as he used his voice only in talking, his range of pitch 
was small; but when he began to imitate the songs of the 

Music in Texas 

winds and the birds, he raised and lowered his voice and 
used new tones he had never needed before. And when he 
did so, he had begun to create one element of music melody. 

All peoples who have spent their lives largely in the open 
have noticed the marvellous things happening about them, and 
long ago they discovered that many seem to follow a regular 
routine. They observed the regularity with which the sun and 
moon rose and set, the paths the stars travelled, the rise and 
fall of the tides, the coming of spring and winter, the beginning 
and the end of plant, animal, and human life. They became 
aware that within themselves the heart beat by a regular pat- 
tern; the lungs breathed in and out; in order even to walk or 
run, the feet are raised and put down again regularly. And 
from all those things, primitive people like the Indians gained 
some feeling for what we call rhythmthe repetition of some cer- 
tain pattern. They noticed that in order to have rhythm some 
contrast was always necessary the heart beat loud and soft; the 
lungs breathed in and out; the sun rose and set, as did the moon 
and stars; the tides rose and fell; in each and every pattern there 
was the contrast of strong and weak, of loud and soft, of an ac- 
cent and the lack of it. When they began to imitate any of 
these patterns they made accented and unaccented sounds by 
striking with sticks or stones on hollow logs, thereby creating 
rhythm; after a while they found they could make better 
sounds by striking on skins stretched across the ends of hollow 
logs; then they had begun to construct musical instruments, 
drums. When they began to beat on logs or drums as an ac- 
companiment to the tread of their feet on the ground, they were 
composing march rhythms. Soon they were clapping their 
hands or moving different parts of their bodies according to 
some regular pattern; then they were dancing. \Vhen they imi- 
tated the beat of their hearts, they used double rhythm; from the 
action of their lungs, they learned to create triple rhythms. And, 
even so long ago, they realized that when they sang or danced 
no faster than their hearts beat normally, the music was quiet 
and satisfying and made them feel contented; when they sang 
or danced faster, their blood was stirred to quicker action and 
they were soon ready to fight. 

It has always been true that when people notice the marvel- 
ous things that happen about them, they soon begin to wonder 
what great power directs everything. From that wonder came 

Music Among the Indians 

religion a feeling of awe and respect for some power greater 
than man can understand. To that mysterious being who sent 
the rain and the storm, the Texas Indian early directed his pray- 
ers; in honor of that Invisible Spirit he danced and sang as best 
he could. So music came into use as an aid in appealing to the 
Great Power above. By moving parts of his body, by beating 
on wood or stones, by blowing through reeds or shell horns, and 
by raising his voice to a greater range than in speaking which 
is usually only five tones he tried to imitate some of the sounds 
he heard, and this gave him intense pleasure. As he thought 
that what gave him pleasure would also please his Great Fath- 
er, he danced and sang with great fervor in his prayers and 
ceremonies. With the Indian began the association in Texas 
of music and religion. 

The Texas Indian made other uses of music. The squaw 
crooned tunes to her baby, who made his first attempts at pro- 
ducing rhythms on a rattle made from a gourd filled with tiny 
stones. \Vhen the young brave went courting, he sang or played 
tunes on a reed to lure the maiden he loved from her wigwam. 
When one of the tribe was sick, the Medicine Man called in 
some of the best singers, or himself sang over trie sick one in 
order to drive away the evil spirits. When the brave went to 
war, he made noises on his drum or with his rattles or shell 
Korns, to arouse all to action. Such music seemed to stir them 
to increased effort. 

Although he learned from his great teacher, Nature, some- 
thing of those essential elements of music melody and rhythm 
the Texas Indian never learned any way of writing down his 
music so that others might play and sing just what he 
did. His music was taught by sheer imitation the young 
Indian did what he heard his elders do. This is the reason 
that none of the songs the early Indians sang has been pre- 
served in its original form. From the accounts of white men 
who visited them later we know that they had various types of 
songs; many were wild and blood-curdling; others were like a 
quiet chant. To these white men, who knew so much more 
about music, that of the Indians sounded like a lot of noise 
such as children make with rattles, sticks of wood, and crude 
drums; it did not seem worth preserving. But today we wish 
we knew just what the Indian sang in Texas before the white 
man came, and what the rhythms were he beat on his crude 



Music in the Texas Mission 

ABOUT a quarter of a century after Columbus discovered 
America, some of the Spaniards cruising about the Gulf of 
Mexico landed on the coast. Led by propitious Fates, they climb- 
ed an ever-ascending road westward until from a great height 
they saw nestling in a tropical valley a city which they soon 
learned was the capital of the Aztecs, a highly civilized Indian 
tribe. By a series of fortunate circumstances, the small band 
of foreigners quickly made themselves the masters of what 
is today called Mexico City. By 1521, the leader, Hernan Cor- 
tez, was begging that missionaries be sent from Spain to con- 
vert these Indians to Christianity and to assist in the conquest 
of other regions. The first three came in 1523; and thereafter 
for three centuries there poured from Europe a continuous stream 
of friars and priests, who marched beside the explorers, erected 
monasteries in the regions brought under Spanish control, and 
established missions on the frontiers* For the mission was a 
frontier institution destined to do pioneer work in Christianiz- 
ing and civilizing, according to the standards of Europe, the 
natives of the territory Spain was adding to her domains. 

Music was soon found to be an important means in achieving 
this purpose. The early missionaries reported that the Indians in 
practically every region responded quickly to music. In order 
to avail themselves of this means of peaceful approach, they 
asked the king to furnish singers and instrument players who 
should accompany expeditions into hostile territory. In reply, 
the emperor Charles V, who was also the king of Spain, com- 
manded the church authorities, for the Church controlled all 
education in those days, to furnish musicians wherever needed, 
in order to further the purposes of the Spanish crown. To 
supply musicians, it was necessary to teach the natives. The 
first teacher of European music in North America was Fray 
Pedro de Gante, who established a school in Mexico City in 
1527, and at once made music one of the most important sub- 
jects of the curriculum, for musicians were needed in the ser- 
vices of the Church as well as in missionary projects.* Soon 
monasteries dotted the Valley of Mexico and then the regions 

*L. Spell, "The First Teacher of European Music in America," In 
Catholic Historical Quarterly, New Series, II (1923), 372-378. 

Music in the Texas Mission 

westward to the Pacific; in all these there were teachers of mu- 
sic who taught the young Indians not only to sing and play 
but also how to construct all the instruments then known in 
Europe. Rapidly the line of missions was moved northward; 
by 1600 the Spanish frontier line had reached the Rio Grande. 
From the adjacent regions the missionaries drew the Indians 
with whom they labored in their efforts at civilization; some of 
these were from the wandering Texas tribes. 

An entirely different purpose had brought the Spaniards to 
that stream much earlier. The Spanish leaders, the famed 
conquistador es, dreamed of finding gold and other treasures, 
of becoming fabulously wealthy over night. Hardly had they 
made themselves masters of the Aztec territory, when strange 
tales came to their ears of gold in the "great unknown North"; 
always lured by hopes of riches without labor, a band of in- 
trepid explorers crossed the Rio Grande and pushed on into 
what is today New Mexico. The point at which they crossed 
they called by the Spanish word for ford, "El Paso." But the 
expected treasure was not found; only the homes of the cliff- 
dwellers met their disappointed gaze. That group returned 
to the fertile valleys of the Aztecs, but Hew Mexico was not 
forgotten. Before the end of the century other expeditions 
had gone north with colonists, cattle, and supplies to establish 
permanent settlements in the territory Coronado and his band 
had explored. 

It was as an approach to those settlements in New Mexico 
that the first mision was established near the present city of 
El Paso in 1659. There the first European music kno-wn in 
Texas was taught to the Indian boys who were gathered within 
the sheltering walls by a kindly missionary fired with the hope 
of civilizing them. Friar Garcia de San Francisco, who es- 
tablished this mission of Our Lady of Guadalupe, had pre- 
viously worked in the missions in New Mexico and had built 
an organ for the chapel of each one he served. While we 
have no definite statement that he did the same for the Tex- 
as mission in which he worked until 1671, it is probable that 
he built the first organ used on Texas soil; we know that while 
training his boys to live like civilized people he taught them 
to sing the songs and prayers of the church and to play on 
various other instruments.* That the mission did not grow 

*k Spell, "Music TeacMng in New Mexico in the Seventeenth Cen- 
tury," in New Mexico Historical Review, II (3927). 


Music in Texas 

into a famous one is possibly due to the troubles that followed 
in New Mexico; in 1680 the Indians by a prearranged plan 
all rose in rebellion, and killed or drove back across the Rio 
Grande every Spaniard in the territory. Then, for a time, 
they were free once more. 

The Spaniards proved themselves earnest and determined 
people, especially in trying to Christianize the natives of the 
New World. With the Mendoza expedition, which penetrat- 
ed as far as San Angelo, came Father Lopez, bringing with him 
a portable organ. On this he produced music which amazed the 
Indians. This instrument is the first of the organ family specifi- 
cally named in the records of Texas. Other expeditions crossed 
the Rio Grande further south, and some made settlements* Over 
along the Trinity River was a tribe of Indians called the Tejas; 
they were said to be docile. Before the end of the seventeenth 
century the missionaries were at work among these natives, from 
whom it is said comes the name of the state. But before much 
progress in civilizing them could be made, the imminence of the 
French caused the Spanish authorities to abandon these mis- 
sions and establish others further west. The sites chosen for 
the most famous of the Texas missions, five of which still stand, 
were along the San Antonio River. This was far enough west 
to bring the missionaries in touch with the nomadic plains tribes 
which crossed Texas according to the seasons in the fall they 
went south to Mexico; in the spring they turned north. The 
missionaries tried to persuade them to live in one place, to 
learn the principles of the Christian religion, and to work. 
They tried to induce them to want better homes, food and 
clothes, and to teach them other ways of amusing themselves 
than fighting, getting drunk, and eating other human beings, 
Father Solis reported on the work of the father in charge at 
the Mission Rosario: 

Eaah Saturday he calls them together and has them recite the 
Rosary, with the various mysteries, and has them sing the A lab ado. 
Before Mass on Sunday and feast days he makes them recite their 
prayers and the lessons of the catechism, and afterward he preaches 
and explains to them the 'Ghristian doctrine. . . .* 

But most of the Texas Indians loved freedom more than civiliza- 

*"The Solis Diary of 1767," in Preliminary Studies of the Texas 
Catholic Historical Society, I (March, 1931), No. 6, 20-21 


Music in the Texas Mission 

tion, which implies both routine and labor; lured by beads, trin~ 
kets, food, and music, they would come into the mission and stay 
awhile; then they would run away and strike the trail again. 
Those who stayed learned many of the manual arts; through 
their labor the missions near San Antonio were built of stone, 
enlarged, and beautified; as they learned methods of irrigation, 
garden spots extended along the river; and under their care the 
herds of cattle grew large and prosperous. In the mission the 
Indian women did the cooking, spinning, and weaving. Each 
mission was soon an institution in which the necessities of life 
were produced. 

In the daily life of the mission, music played an important 
part. At dawn there were matins; before the day's work was 
begun and at meal time there were prayers; at evening there 
were vespers. On Sunday and feast days there were the other 
regular services of the church. At all of these, there was mu- 
sic, the prayers being taught to the Indians set to very simple 
tunes, sometimes a native chant. Usually both prayers and 
hymns were taught responsively; the men and women assembled 
in the courtyard were divided into groups, one of which sang 
a line of a prayer or hymn, then the other followed with the 
same. All learned to sing the Pater Noster, the Salve, and 
the Ave; some of the more gifted were taught to sing more elab- 
orate chants and hymns and to play on such instruments as the 
guitar, flute, and violin. There are no organs mentioned in the 
existing reports of the activities in the missions along the San 
Antonio River, but the music at San Juan, which was founded 
in 1718, was unusually good, for Father Soils reported in 

All of these Indians speak Spanish. . . . .Most of them play some 
musical instrument, the guitar, the violin or the Harp. All have 
good voices, and on Saturdays, the 19th of each month and cm the 
feasts of Our Lord and of the Blessed Virgin they take out their 
rosaries, wlhile a choir of four voices, soprano, alto, tenor and bass, 
with musical accompaniment, sings so beautifully that it is a de- 
light to hear it Both men and women can sing and dance just 

as the Spaniards, and they do so, perhaps, even more beautifully 
and more gracefully.* 

One of the first hymns sung in Texas, according to tradi- 
tion, was the Alabado, introduced by Fray Margil de Jesus, 


Music in Texas 


Our Fa - - thcr. who art in Heav - - - en Hal - 

Give us this day our dai - ly br^ad; 

And' for - 

give us out Tees - - - ( pass - es Lead us not in- to temp - - ta - tion 


But de liv - er us from ev J. ^ men . A men. 


one of the earliest of the missionaries to Texas. When his 
group reached a point a few miles north of the center of the 
present city of San Antonio, they were exhausted, hungry and 
thirsty. They had travelled over a long stretch of territory 
without finding any prospect of water. In the heat of a Tex- 
as sun, it was a simple matter to become parched, and their wa- 
ter supply was exhausted. But the courage of the leader nev- 
er flagged, although his companions had lost heart completely. 
Resting under a large tree, Fray Margil happened to look up 
and spied a vine from whose branches hung luscious grapes. 
In trying to reach some of these he gave the vines a tug that 


Music in the Texas Mission 

A-la-ba-dcfy en-sal-za--do Secfel di- vi~ - no Sa- - cra-men-to,- 

En cjuienDfoso-cul-tojQ-sis-te De ios ol-rocs el sus-ten-to. 

Let us sing the praises and glories 
Of what the Sacrament can avail us, 
Let us sing that God in person comes 
To stay the spirits that fail us. 

uprooted them; at once a great Jet of water spurted forth. As 
the amazed men quickly gathered about the spring, they found 
other smaller springs had also broken through; and soon the 
water was trickling off into a beautiful little winding stream. 
This the group dedicated to St. Anthony; and on the banks 
of that stream the city of San Antonio was later founded. In 
praise of God, who had cared for them in such bountiful fash- 
ion, all fell on their knees and sang the Alabado, which was 
later learned by all the neophytes in the mission. Various 
texts are known; the last stanza attributed to Margil is the 

He who wishes to follow God 
And enter into his kingdom, 
One tlhing must declare 
And say with all his heart: 
"To die rather than to sin, 
Rather than to sin, to die." 

Some glimpses of the life and customs of the Indians in the 
missions are given by a volume written by Bartolome Garcia, 
a missionary at San Francisco de la Espada from 1750 to 1760.* 
The numerous shortcomings of the natives were usually attri- 

*Por further details see the writer's "The First Textbook Used 
in Texas" in The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, XXIX (1926) 

289 - 295 -' (ID 

Music in Texas 

A-la-ba-do seacl San-tl --si - mo Sacra- 


del ai- tar Y la 

Virgen con-ce bid* 

Sia pc ca - d<Q> ri - gi - - nal. 

Sea en cielo y en la tierra El coraz<5n amoroso 

Alabado sin cesar 

Sing praises, sing of the 


Its solemn consecration, 
Sing praises, sing Mary the 

Of sinless generation. 

Que hasta ml quiere llegar. 

Now botai in Heav'n and upon the 


May praises ring unending 
Of that compassionate Master 
That over us is bending. 

buted by them either to laziness or forgetfulness. Their 
insistent belief in the meaning of the hoot of an owl, 
the song of a bird, the cry of an animal, or dreams 
and evil spirits gave the missionaries much concern. Then 
the Indian persisted in cursing; especially when lyimg, angry, 
or doing wrong, he invoked the name of God, the cross, 
the Virgin Mary, and all the saints of his acquaintance, 
He was not always an enthusiastic church-goer; sometimes 
when he attended mass he fell into a blissfully somno- 
lent attitude. Fasting had small appeal for him; instead he 
reveled in human flesh, and in drinking a concoction made 
from peyote or the laurel beans, both of which served as nar- 
cotics. Furthermore the Indian danced and sang his own 
songs, many of which did not find favor with the church fath- 
ers* The fttitc&e especially appealed to the natives* who con- 
tended it was an innocent diversibn; while the missionaries 
said it was heathen, superstitious, and dangerous* for it 
was always danced at drunken ravels. Clearly the native 
dances and songs were too closely associated with the Indian's 
owtt forms of religion for them to be generally acceptable in 
the Christian chapel. The fact that the Indians persisted in 


Music in the Texas Mission 

using their own songs and dances reveals how deep-rooted 
some of their traditions and practices were. 

The missions were supported as homes for the Indians until 
1794; by that time it seemed to the Spanish government that 
the natives should be sufficiently civilized to be given lands 
and permitted to live in homes of their own. Religious serv- 
ices were continued in the chapels; but priests served instead 
of the friars. In the century the Texas missions functioned, 
many devoted churchmen dedicated their lives to the Indians; 
of the various subjects taught them, music was, throughout the 
period, one which received most attention. In the records of 
these institutions we find references to Indians who became 
especially proficient in some branch of music; these were fre- 
quently sent to other missions to serve as instructors of their 
red brethern. Some few Gregorian tunes used in those days 
are still known to descendants of those Indians. But long be- 
fore the missions were secularized, other people had come to 
carry forward the use and perpetuation of Spanish music 
of another type* 



Spanish~Mexican Folk Music 

AT the time the missions were founded, the Spanish govern- 
ment sent small detachments of troops to establish garri- 
sons or forts nearby as a protection against encroaching for- 
eigners and hostile Indians. It was not long before some of these 
men brought their families and perhaps friends to live neai 
them; in that way settlements were made in Texas near the mis- 
sions long before such were officially recognized. Not until the 
Spaniards were alarmed over reports that the French were about 
to occupy Texas did the government send colonists to make 
permanent homes in the province. A few miles from the head 
of the river to which Fray Margil had given the name of San 
Antonio, settlers from the Canary Islands laid out in 1731 a 
town which they called San Antonio de Bexar. As soon as 
houses were built, these people, who were all Catholics, set 
about the construction of a church. This became the cathedral 
of" San Fernando, which still faces Main Plaza* During the 
rule of Texas by Spain and Mexico, this church boasted neith- 
er an organ nor a large choir. San Antonio was a poor, strug- 
gling settlement. The only music heard in the church was 
that furnished by a small group of boys, who were trained by 
the parish priest. The services in the church of San Fernando 
were as simple as in the mission chapels, which the citizens of- 
ten attended. 

As a distraction from the toil and hardships of pioneer life in 
this Spanish city in Texas, music was the one art which could 
serve, for books and pictures were scarce. The Spanish people 
had been for centuries music-loving; they sang at their work, and 
sang and danced as recreation in their leisure hours. The Is- 
leiios, as the Canary Island settlers were called, brought with 
them the songs and dances they had learned in their former 
homes. Many of the songs of old Spain, some peculiar to the Ca- 
nary Islands, and others of distinctly Indian origin from Mexico 
were thus introduced during the eighteenth century by new set- 
tlers who from time to time joined the struggling little colony 

Spanish~Mexican Folk Music 

at San Antonio. Among these were the songs of the chariot- 
eer, for all supplies had to be brought overland from Mexico 
either mule-back or by the painfully slow ox-cart; the songs 
of the plowman, as his ox-drawn plow leisurely broke the vir- 
gin soil; the songs of the wine-maker, whose vineyards stretch- 
ed from the San Antonio to the San Pedro or from one bend 
of the river to another, watered by the winding acequias; and 
the songs of the women as they Aground their corn, Indian- 
style, on the metate, or rocked their babies to sleep. From 



Se-no-ra Sant' An- - na 

Why'gthe ba - by 

cry - ing? 


Is it for an 

That you" vebeen de- 



We'll go to the garden, 
There we will pull two 

Sefiora Sant' Ana, 
I For qu^ llora el nifio? 
For una manzana 
Que se le ha perdido? 

One for the Christ Child 
And one for you. 

Vamos a la huerta, 
Cortaremos dos, 
Una para el 
Otra para vc-s. 

FIG. 4 

one or more of these same sources came the tunes of the street 
venders those picturesque figures which early made their ap- 
pearance in Texas and soon became very numerous, for every- 
thing salable was peddled from house to house; merchandizing 
on an infinitely small scale was a favorite occupation of both men 
and women, and has continued so until the 20th century. 
There were the venders of wood and water; these bore their 
goods at first on their backs, later in two-wheeled carts or on 


" ." Music in Texas 

donkey-back. Water for. household consumption/ was. sold 
to those who did not live directly along the stream; and wood 
and charcoal packed on the patient burro are still familiar wares 
in, the Mexican section of San Antonio, Later came the ven- 
ders of tamales and masa; still later those of pastries and 


to- ma-ran fa- ma-les ca- - - -Iten-tes tor-f i-llas con chi - j e ? 
Don'i qouwanHa-ma-les, hof ones?Tor-l i - llos witbchi-| i 

FIG. 5 

sweets. From time to time all the knicknacks so dear to the 
heart of women were harked from door to door or rather from 
window to window, for much of the bargaining went on through 
the grated windows, and only on rare occasions were the 
venders invited to enter the patio of the house. Some of the In r 
dian foods early known in the Spanish settlements in Texas 
were the tortillas, the tamale, chile con came, and frijoles. This 
can readily be understood as both corn and beans could gen- 
erally be depended upon for a crop. The tamale vender with 
his tortillas kept warm in the upper compartment of his char- 
coal-heated tamale container was a familiar figure. Some- 
times he carried two containers; in this case he had chile also 
for sale. Each day about sunset his familiar call might be 
heard as he passed leisurely through the narrow streets. 

Every evening that the weather was at all propitious one 
could depend upon hearing a steady stream of music on the 
plaza.* On one side of the square were the stands at which 
cooked food was dispensed; under the light of old Spanish 
lanterns, on tables erected each evening of long boards placed 
on saw-horses, suppers of tamales, tortillas and chile were 
served to eager patrons. Nearby lolled a singer who strum- 
med his guitar as an accompaniment, sometimes there was a 
small group of singers, each playing some instrument. Here one 
heard not the brief call of the vender, but the interminable 
romance, some old ballad strung out to unbelievable length, 

*Military Plaza first served; much later Alamo Plaza for a while; 
now the stands are on the Market Square, near the grave of Ben 


Spanish~]!$exican Polk Musk: 

frequently extended or colored by the imagination of the sing- 
er. To the same tune many verses were monotonously chant- 
ed* Around these tables gathered all social classes; all were 
familiar with the tales of sixteenth-century Spain. Here 
one heard of the strange happenings on St. John's Day so long 
ago; of the soldier who returned from the war only^ to discov- 
er the inconstancy of his lady; the story of Preste Juan of 
the Indies; and many others. No doubt the prisoners in the 
old calabozo which was located across the corner from the old 
governor's palace, enjoyed the bits of song wafted to their ears 
as much as those lodged in more spacious quarters. On the 
other plaza, now known as Main, another practice kept music 
alive in the midst of these settlers. As soon as the community 
boasted a number of string players, a small orchestra was 
formed. In pleasant weather these players dispensed music 
on the plaza. Around the walk on the outside of the square 
the elder people sat and chatted, while the younger prome- 
naded, the girls in one direction, the youths in the opposite, 
thus making possible frequent meetings and side glances, if 
not a few words. For the Spanish or Mexican girl was guard- 
ed quite as carefully in Texas as in medieval Spain. After 
the settlement boasted players of brass instruments, a band 
played on the plaza and, later, on the Alameda a park extend- 
ing back from the river about where East Commerce Street is 
now. On Sunday in the summer, the leading families assembled 
there in the late afternoons. Dancing was a common diver- 
sion in the homes; at first the music was sung to a guitar ac- 
companiment; later the violin, harp, and flute lent their aid. 
Until the twentieth century these Mexican orchestras contin- 
ued in demand for dances among the whole population; they 
still exist in the Mexican group. 

Some of the customs in connection with the celebration of 
Christmas kept Spanish tunes alive in Texas. One of these 
was the posadas, given usually on any of the nine nights pre- 
ceding Christmas and culminating in the Nacimiento on Christ- 
mas Eve; another was the pastores, a slight dramatic perform- 
ance given on various evenings before Christmas and often 
as late as Epiphany or Twelfth Night. For the posadas, a 
form of entertaining a small group of friends by commemorat- 
ing the struggle of Mary to find lodgings as the time approached 


Music in Texas 

for the birth of her baby, the inside of a room or a patio was 
converted into the semblance of a wood by the use of boughs 
of cedar or other foliage. Candles or crude paper lanterns 
were suspended in various places. First, everyone present 
knelt and sang a hymn, usually the Litany of the Virgin; then 
all formed a procession at the head of which marched the tiny 
children with their little candles; then came the young people, 
also with candles; then the elders who were followed by a group 
of children carrying on their shoulders the figures of the Blessed 
Pilgrims, with the angels and the indispensable little mule, ar- 
ranged on some kind of a background which suggested the 
cold of a winter's night. After these came such players of 
guitars and flutes as were available, while the family servants 
brought up the rear. Sometimes the children bearing the fig- 
ures led. After proceeding through the patio or several 
rooms, the singers separated into groups, one of which return- 
ed with the rest of the company to the inside of the decorated 
room; the other remained with the children bearing the figures 
on the outside. Then began the appeal for shelter: 


* I n 

De lar-ga- jor 

na da Ren 

di- -dos He 


YTasi lo implo- ra 

Pa - - ra 

des- can-sar. 

From long and weary journey, 
Forspent, alone and harried, 
Here by your door we tarried, 
But to beg that we may rest us here. 


Spanish-Mexican Folk Music 

To which those inside answered: - 

Quie"n a nuestras puertas Who is it braves the darkness, 
En noche inclemente The storm that rages coldly, 

Se'acerca imprudente Who comes and calls so boldly, 

Para molestar? And disturbs the hour of homely cheer? 

After repeated appeals from outside, those inside made 
known their intentions to admit the suppliants: 

Entrad, pues !o!h esposos! Then enter, worthy Joseph 

Castos e inocentes, And Mary, pure and hely, 

Cultos y reverentes Our household which though lowly 

Venid a aceptar. Will receive and shelter and revere. 

Then rejoicing from the outside rose to its height: 

Abranse las puertas, Now rend the veils that hide him, 

R6mpanse los velos, Throw open all the portals 

Que viene a posar ' ^or he is coming, mortals, 

El Key de.los cielos. Lo, the King of Heav'n is drawing near. 

With much commotion, they burst in and placed the figures 
on a table* Then all knelt and said the prayer for the day, 
ending with seven Ave Marias, each of which was concluded 


pe -:re- 


- -ma 1 , Me 

Lovely pilgrim coming from above 

O Mary, bearing grace, 
In my heart are walls and a roof of love 
1 For your earthly dwelling-place. 

. (19) 

Music in Texas 

After the song was finished, general merriment reigned and 
refreshments of some kind were served, 

On Christmas Eve the Nacimiento was given. This por- 
trayed dramatically the happenings near Bethlehem* On an im- 
provised stage were Joseph and Mary kneeling on each side of 
the cradle; at the front or on each side were the ass and the 
mule; and always present were the three Wise Men, the first 
represented as a Spaniard, the second as an Indian, and the 
third as a negro. Over the door hung an angel supporting 
with her hands the emblem Gloria in excelsis deo; above shone 
the sky, depicting a long comet, representing that which guid- 
ed the steps of the three Wise Men to the birth place. Shep- 
herds and shepherdesses entered and told their story of watch- 
ing the stars and following to find at last the manger and the 
Child. At the end, all joined in singing cradle songs and Christ- 
mas carols.* 

Closely connected with the Manger Scene of Christmas Eve 
were the pastores slight dramatic productions of the same 
events but emphasizing also the eternal struggle between good 
and evil. In these little plays there was always a devil of some 
description which delayed the journey, caused minor disasters 
along the way, or prevented the couple from finding lodgings. 
To those who did not sense beneath the surface of the plot, 
this character represented only the comic element; it also gave 
opportunity for amusing songs, often at most incongruous mo- 
ments. In the pastorelas there were always many inconsis- 
tencies either in the background, the garb of the characters, or 
in minor details. A distinguishing feature, however, were the 
songs, largely old Spanish words and melodies, kept alive 
through repeated use with the children each year. These 
performances, which were crude indeed in the early days of 
the settlements in Texas, still continue in the Mexican sections 
of the larger cities and in the border towns, the number of 
performances often being determined by the need for the pro- 
ceeds derived therefrom. 

Other tunes were kept alive through children's games. One 
of these is La Viudita, sung as a circle game. In the center 

*One of the most beautiful is to be found in the Texas Centennial 
Edition of the Music Hourfa xiv), published by Silver, Burdett & Co. 


Spanish-Mexican Folk Music 



Yo [soy la viu di ta 
Young countess and \vidow 

condc Lau 
I of Lau 


y quie ,-ro . c a 
And I would re 

y no se con 
But whom I can't 

marry But whom I can't tell. 

Pues siendo tan bella 
no tienes con quien, 
escoge a tu gusto, 
aquf tienes den. 

Escojo a Carmelo, 
por ser la mas gentil 
y pura azucena 
de Mayo a Abril. 

FIG. 7 

Since, lady so- charming, 

No husband you find, 

Come choose from our hundreds 

The one to your mind. 

I choose, then, Carmelo, 
As handsome and gay, 
The fairest of flowers 
Frcwn June until May. 

of the ring is the viudita, who selects in turn her successor. In 
one form or another, and set to various tunes, this game is 
known throughout the Spanish world. 

It is to be regretted that more of the secular music of the 
Spanish and Mexican settlers of Texas has not been recorded* 
The love of music and dancing was a part of their heritage 
throughout the Southwest; in these regions the folk songs of 
sixteenth and seventeenth-century Spain were long kept alive. 
Descendants of both Spaniards and Indians were skilled both 
in playing and in making guitars and flutes; particularly did 
they excel in group playing of stringed instruments. 

Interest in the music bequeathed to Texas by the Spaniards 
is just beginning to awaken. The Spanish folk tales and folk 
songs are now the subject of extensive research; the romances 
or ballads are being collected and eagerly studied by special- 
ists. With this newly aroused enthusiasm will come a 
more general realization that the Spaniards were the pioneers 
of music in Texas. They introduced European music through 
the missions; they furnished the first music teacher, out in the 

(21) . 

Music in Texas 

west where the Rio Grande was first forded by Europeans; 
and long before music was brought westward from the Atlantic 
coast, Texas knew the solemn chants and hymns of the Catho~ 
lie church as well as the folk music of Spain* While New 
England was singing psalm tunes, rhythms reminiscent of the 
Moors and melodies tinged with Mexican melancholy were a 
part of the cultural heritage of the descendants of the Span- 
ish and Mexican settlers in Texas. 



|jV3 1 rl Ml 

M. j i ' 1 


[4-W- &j=d 

- * i J. J 
1 '''"u J ,'./ " 


r^ J 
^j j 

^ i j 



i j -L 



M J J T"[ 
Tj J 

^ ^ 

Jubilo samente 
V^n y adora amante 
El divino infante 
Peq.nen.ito Dios. 
For <1 esta el cielo 
Sembrado de estrellas, 
Por ^1 son tan bellas 
Las otoras de Dios. 

Joyous, O most joyous 
Come and bow before Hian, 
Love Him and adore Htm, 
Him tlhe infant God, 
Him for wnom the heavens, 
Starry-bright with wonder, 
Shine above and under 
Goodly works of God. 


Anglo-American Music 

WHILE life moved on uneventfully in the few Spanish set- 
tlements in Texas San Antonio, Goliad, Nacogdoches 
and Salcedo on the Trinity were the only ones sufficiently 
important in 1805 to be put on the map strange things were 
happening in Europe. Many of the changes were due to Na- 
poleon, who after arousing the admiration of all those who 
dreamed of a republic and democracy, made himself the em- 
peror of France. When most of western Europe had been 
conquered, he decided to add Spain to his realm, and very 
soon his troops were invading that peninsula* \Vhile the peo- 
ple there were busy fighting the French soldiers, the Spanish 
colonists in the New World found it a propitious moment to 
follow the example of the United States and become indepen- 
dent. As a result, when Mexico accomplished this, Texas 
found herself no longer a Spanish province, but a part of a 
Mexican state. Those in charge of the government in Mexico 
City, the capital, found that is was not so easy to govern a 
people who had never before known much freedom. Among 
the acts of the new government that Mexico bitterly regret- 
ted later was the privilege granted to a few people from the 
United States to make settlements of Anglo-Americans in Tex- 
as. For, as soon as this permission was granted, English- 
speaking people from the United States began to pour over the 
border. Between 1822 and 1836 they opened roads, built 
towns, and slowly drove the Indians back. Although they 
promised when they came to use the Spanish language and 
to be good Catholics, they did neither very long. They were 
not accustomed to the slow, tedious way of doing business 
that the Spaniards had taught the Mexicans; and they were 
soon determined to manage their affairs more quickly and in 
their own way. 

The Anglo-Americans who settled in Texas held conflict- 
ing views in regard to music; these varied somewhat accord- 
ing to the social class. Some of the colonists were people of 
wealth, for whom playing and singing were common forms 

Music in Texas 

of diversion. Such a man was Colonel Jared Groce, who ar- 
rived with fifty or more wagons; in some of these the women 
and children travelled; in others came the furniture, spinning 
wheels and looms, and provisions for many months. On horse- 
back were the men driving other horses, mules, cows, sheep, 
and hogs. Such people built large, comfortable homes and 
cleared extensive tracts of land; they became the leaders in 
industry and government. Among the other things they 
brought into Texas were musical instruments; and usually 
among their slaves were some accustomed to furnish music for 
dancing and other forms of entertainment. 

It was as a rule the poor settler that regarded music as the 
work of the devil. Men of this class had little equipment, 
little education, and few home diversions. Their only contact 
with music had been through the church; and even there it 
was not regarded very favorably. Dancing was an unforgivable 
sin. While some of the more prosperous class shared these 
views, it was almost uniformly true that the "poor white" was 
antagonistic to music except that suggestive of psalm tunes. 
But however the two social classes differed in their views re- 
garding music and dancing, they were as one in their attitude 
toward the Mexican government; they were ambitious, ener- 
getic, active and determined in their opposition to the whole 
Spanish system. 

In the clash of the Anglo-Americans and the Mexicans 
groups differing in language, laws and customs, and religion 
the natural result was that as the Anglo-Americans became 
more numerous than the Spanish-speaking settlers, the newcom- 
ers became the rulers. The Mexican government sent an 
army into Texas to enforce the laws; but it was useless. On 
March 2, 1836, the Texans declared their independence from 
Mexico. After the battle of the Alamo one of the old mis- 
sions, San Antonio de Valero, converted into a fortress at 
which nearly every American was killed on March 6, 1836, 
and the massacre at Goliad, the Texans were thoroughly 
aroused. Sam Houston hastily raised an army on the Brazos, 
met the Mexicans on April 21 at San Jacinto and defeated 
them completely, taking the Mexican president, Santa Anna, 
prisoner. At that battle the musicians played "Yankee 
Doodle'* and "Will you come to the Bower," a song written 


Anglo-American Music 

There, under the bower, on roses you'll rest, 
While a smile lights the eyes of the girl I love best. 
1 Will you, will you, will you, will yo-u, 

Smile, my beloved? 

But the roses so fair will not rival your cheek 
Nor the dew be so sweet as the vows we shall speak. 
Will you, will you, will you, will yc-u, 

Speak, my beloved? , 

We'll swear mid the roses we never shall part 
Thou fairest of roses, thou queen of my heart. 
Will you, will you, will you, will you, 

Won't you, my love? 
FIG. 8 

by Thomas Moore, but which soon became known in Texas 
both as "The Invitation" and "The San Jacinto Quickstep/' 


Will you come to the battlefield we've chosen for you? 
Your reception shall be bloody your runaways but few. 
Come, come, oh come, we dare you to the battle. 
Ye Mexicans so brave Santa Anna at your head, 
Jacinto's fields, perchance, again shall fatten with your dead. 
Then come with all your prison hoard of wretches on our borders, 
We'll teach them how to march, in quick time, without orders. 
When next your President we catch, a-hiding in our bushes, 
Well give him, what he should have had, sans pity, sans excuse^. 
You have blustered long enough with your talk about invasion, 
You had better come in earnest now upon the first occasion. 
We'll meet you, and well greet you, with sound of pipe and drum 
Will you come to the battle will you come will you come? 

Sung lo the tune of Will You Come to the Bower, thecberge at San Jacinto. 

and was shortly proclaimed the "national song of the Republic 
of Texas/* The only instruments they had were drums, fifes, 

*Frorn the San Luis Advocate Jan 29, 1841. Printed on Galveston 
Island by the first printer in Texas, Samuel Bangs. 


Music in Texas; 

clarions or bugles, and cymbals, but they played right lustily 
as the troops went into action. Among these musicians were 
Thomas Wesson, John N. Beebe and Peter Allen; one of the 
flfers is said to have been Frederick Limsky, a Czech; and 
George Broom was a drummer. Some of these musi- 
cians were later rewarded by the republic of Texas with lands 
and a pension for their good work on that spring morning, 
The success of the battle gave rise to quite a flood of patriotic 
music; seven more or less original poems appeared in the lone 
newspaper of the period, The Texas Telegraph. Two of these 
"Texians to your Banner Fly" and 'Texians Brave" were 
set to the tune of "Scots what hae with Wallace Bled;" two 
others, "The Texian War Cry" and "Hymn ^pf the Alamo" 
were sung to the melody of the Marseillaise; "The Battle of 
San Jacinto" employed the tune of Yankee Doodle for the main 
stanzas and "The Hunters of Kentucky" for the chorus; while 
the "Song of the Texian Prisoner in Mexico" utilized the mel- 
ody of "Days of Absence." Another song popular at that 
era, the words of which appeared in the press, was "The Banks 
of the Blue Moselle" (Fig. 10)^ 

By the time Texas became an independent nation, many 

musical instruments and 

NEW GOODS. The subscriber has 
just landed from New-Orleans, with an 
assortment of Goods for this market, 
of which the following is a part: 
Mills; coffee do.; cross-cut, pit and 
hand-saws ; hoes ; trace and ox chains ; 
cast steel axes; fro-es; foot adzes; 
Ratchets; chisels; augurs; gimblets; 
drawing knives; bolts; hinges; screws; 
butcher, dirk, pocket and pen knives; 
knives and forks; razors and strops * 
G-eirman Harps; spurs; brass candle- 
sticks; snuffers; brass stirrups; plat- 
ed do.; violin strings; rifle flints, etc. 
March 12. 4tf. 

German harps for sale by R. J. 
Moseley /at San Felipe de Austin. This 
is the first mention of a musical in- 
strument in the Texas press. It ap- 
pears in The Mexican Citizen* one 
of the earliest newspapers printed in 
Texas (1831). 

FIG. & 


music books had been 
brought into Texas by 
Anglo-American settlers, 
some few of whom were 
musicians* Among the 
pioneer music teachers of 
the period were two 
young women, Mrs, 
Wightman, the wife of a 
surveyor at Matagorda, 
and Miss Frances Trask, 
a member of a prominent 
Boston family. The hon- 
or of being the first wo- 
man composer among the 
Anglo- Americans in Tex- 
as probably falls to Mary 
Holley, a cousin of Steph- 
en R Austin; she wrote. 


G. H. B. Rodwell 

1. When the glow - - worm gilds the el - finflow'r That clmgsround the rutn'd.shrin*, Where 

2. If the cares of life shouldshade thybrow, Yes, yes, in our native bow'rs My 


*f MCf ^ 

first we met, wherefirst we lov'd. And I con - fess'd me thine; Tls 

lute andheart may best ac-cord. To tell of hap- pier hours; Yes. 


i rj- LJ f^a ^"i 

there I'll fly to meet thee still. At sound of V - per bell. In ih 

there m soothe thy griefs to rest. Each sigh of r - row quell, In the 

r * i 

p ia 

JL^_| |. I \ '.^' j J ^ . ^1 r^^*) ! | ^. ^| 

star - ry light of a sum - mermght In the star . ry light of a sum - mer night.On the 

d' p J ' ' *-- 

banks of the blue 

Mo - 


On the banks of the blue M"o-selle, In the 








lj y 1 , |f" h ,^ _ =j 





G. H. B. Rodwell 

a ~-~- 
1. When the glSS r "f 
2. If the cares 

worm gilds the el 
of life should shade 

thy brow, 

That clings round theruin'dshrine, 
Yes, yei, in our native bowr'rs 


! J T J j I 1 T J ' 

* 7 7 9 

i 4 

J_ ' J LJ J. J 



^ f MLJ 

first we met, where first we lov'd. And I con - fess'd me thine; TJs 

lute and heart may best ac-Cord, To tell of hap - pier hour*; Yes, 

there I'll fly to meet thee still. At sound of Ves - per bell. In the 

there I'M soothe thy griefe to rest. Each sigh of *jr - rt>w qudU. In the 

star - ry light of a sum 

ight In the star . ry light, of a sum - tnernight,On the 




r * 1 1 


banks of ihe blue Mo - sefle,, ........... On the banks of the blue 


1 14 * TQJ_J r LJTf 


J r I 

star - ry light of a sum - mcrmght.On thcbanksof the blue Mo-scUc. 

f * II 

| J r h 

Anglo-American Music 

while visiting In the province, that she had composed a boat- 
song on the Brazos in 1831, and tells entertainingly in her let- 
ters of young Zavala, who 
sang and played the piano 
and the guitar, while oth- 
er Mexicans and Ameri- 
cans sang and played the 
flute, guitar, violin, and 
accordion* As with the 
Spanish settlers, among 
the Anglo-Americans 
dancing was a favorite 
form of recreation. Often 
negroes were the fiddlers; 
but a Mr. Choate is re- 
membered as one of the 
early settlers who fiddled 
for dances. When Sam 
Houston became presi- 
dent, a grand ball was held 
in Houston, at which all 

the best fiddlers avail- 
able were assembled to furnish the music. Soon, according 
to the newspapers, there was a piano and flute teacher in Hous- 
ton; music stools and a Spanish guitar were for sale; and a 
piano was auctioned off. 

With the establishment of the capital of the new republic 
at Houston, that city became at once a center of social life. 
By 1838 a theater was opened there, for which a company 
of no mean ability was brought from the United States. The 
leader of the "full and efficient" orchestra, as well as its mem- 
bers, gave music lessons during the day, and, when not busy 
at the theater, played for dances at the hotels and in private 
homes. One of the favorite actresses, Madame Thielemann 
(Louise Ehlers, who prior to her marriage had been engaged 
at the royal theater in Cassel, Germany, and had played in 
New York, St. Louis, and New Orleans) was a popular sing- 
er, who delighted her audiences with such songs as "Does 
your Mother Know you're Out/* "Come Dwell with Me/' 



The subscriber takes leave to inform 
the public generally, that from the 
first of February next he will teach 
Music in its various branches. Also 
the German and French languages, at 
his house, opposite to Mr. Cooke's 
store. F. LEMKY. 

Houston, Jan. 24, 1838. 

Air. Sames, (late of the principal 
northern theatres,) now member of the 
Houston theatre, begs respectfully to 
acquaint the citizens, that he proposes 
devoting a few hours in the day to giv- 
ing instruction in the above deligftit- 
ful accompaniment, on the most ap- 
proved principles fei-nd on the most lib- 
eral terms. Any commands left at Mr. 
King's, Star Coffee House, will be at- 
tended to. [Jan. SO, 1839] 

Two notices of music teachers from 
the Texas Telegraph, published in 

FIG. 11 

Music in Texas 

*Xove was once a Little Boy/' and the popular romance from 
Fra Diavolo "On Yonder Rock Reclining" (seepage 102). On. 
January 9, 1839, there was presented a "new national Texas 
hymn called the Texas Star" written by Mr, Corri, the manager 
of the theater. 


FIG. 12 

Concerts early became popular among the Anglo-Americans 
in Texas. The first capitol in Houston was used as a con- 
cert hall before it served 

Mrs. Debar commences her con- 
certs at the Capitol on Wednesday 
Evening next, assisted by Mr. Debar, 
Archer and an Amateur. From the 
bills we have no doubt that the public 
will be delightfully entertained. 

Announcement of first public con- 
certs in Houston. From the Morning: 
Star May 28, 1839. 

FIG. 13 

its original purpose, and 
was used for concerts dur- 
ing many years. One of 
the pioneers in the long 
list of singers, varying in 
type from negro minstrels 
to European exiles, who 

introduced the best of 

foreign music was Mrs. De Bar, some of whose programs are 
published in the local press of the day. Local singing organiza- 
tions also gave concerts. 

The attitude toward and the contribution to music of the 


Anglo-American Music 

Anglo- American church in Texas was both positive and nega- 

tive. In 1838 a -month- There will be preaching in the 

concert prayer 
meeting" was held in the 
capitol in Houston. There 

was also a sacred music 

. , t. i i i . 

society which rehearsed m 

the capitol; later, after the 
seat of government had 

There will be 

Senate Chamber next Sabbath, at the 
usual hours. Sunday School at nine 

' clock ' 

Tne Montnl y Concert Missionary 

Prayer Meeting, will be held at the 

same place nest Monday evening. 

Service to commence at seven o'clock. 

_ _ F1G - t4 _ 

been transferred, a similar organization was formed in Aus- 
tin. Not until 1848 was a good church organ brought to 
Texas; that was shipped from New Orleans by order of 
Bishop Odin and installed in the Catholic church in Galveston, 
at the cost of $2,000. But there were many ministers and 
church members who bitterly opposed any form of music, and 
their influence prevented the encouragement of the art in va- 
rious communities. The conference which selected the Method- 
ist missionaries for Texas passed a resolution in 1838 that 
"The introduction of instrumental music and the conducting 
of music in our churches by choirs is injurious to the spirit- 
uality of singing and is inconsistent with the directions of our 
Disciples/' And in 1840 a Methodist preacher was complain- 
ing that the prospects for a good revival in Austin had been 
destroyed by a dancing school. Such an attitude did not favor 
the promotion of music in either religious or secular life. As 
a result we find such doggerel hymns as that sung by a pious 
old lady down on Caney Creek: 

WINDHAM. L. M. *" 

1. BrodU lhrodthatledi to death, AJU! thousands wIk to- there; But wtodomshow* E aar-nr p*ti, TTltlt hroe md tlu>re trt-d - lar 

, The fctt-MiouIthtttirwMdfmlatt.AUwtDuthftirvior Ood nouqre. I bot wrteem'd. l-ort a ulnt. 

4. Lot^let not I1 ny hope, to Tain: Ore- * wy heart ca- tfr.-lyneir:HUIcoh7-po-erUocoulJno' at-Uifl. WHeU &L* ji -,,OiUtta ne-W knw. 

The original form in which this tune appeared in singing schoo-1 


Music in Texas 

As sung on Caney Creek 

T 1 T'll A. * 


when I die I'll go to rest, And live among the 



The devil hates the Methodists 
Because they sing and shout the best, 
And when I die 111 go to rest, 
And live among the Methodists. 

FIG. 16 

Out of the attitude that tolerated music only as an adjunct 
of the church grew two institutions which have survived in 
Texas life. The first of these was the singing school, that 
product of New England religious zeaL Instituted by reli- 
gious leaders solely for the purpose of training adults to fur- 
nish music for the services of the church, the singing school by 
the beginning of the nineteenth century had so gained public 
favor that it was in some cases supported by local funds; its 
subject matter slowly and imperceptibly shifted from religious 
to secular music; its membership from the old to the young, 
both male and female; and the teachers were individuals who 
depended upon the fees for a livelihood. Its popularity spread 
westward with the moving frontier; it had reached the Mis- 
sissippi early in the nineteenth century. Scarcely had the 
Anglo-Americans established themselves in the northeastern 
regions of Texas before the singing school had come, not in 


Anglo-American Music 

its most advanced stage, but in the primitive form that early 
New England had known it. It has survived almost a cen- 

As an outgrowth of the singing school in the various local- 
ities came the singing convention, a gathering of local sing- 
ing societies in competitive meets at some convenient point* 
The Eastern Texas Vocal Musical Convention met in 1858 
"on the Thursday before the third Sabbath in October, * . at 
the Christian Church on the Saline Road, six miles west of 
Camden in Rusk Co./' the Galveston News announced, copy- 
ing from the Henderson Beacon. In these conventions, still 
common in many parts of the state, the religious element has 
always been predominant; in the early days it prevailed ex- 
clusively; and only with many misgivings are secular songs 
permitted to invade the sacred precincts of a singing conven- 
tion still. The leader with a thunderous voice has been a typi- 
cal factor; the singing-books still carry the shaped notes a 
profitable commercial line, especially in East Texas; and the 
groups of eager if unlearned singers are at no pains to con- 
ceal the fact that the social aspect of the meeting is a strong 
drawing card. For the singing convention was no trifling af- 
fair; it lasted, in some cases, two or three days; and brought 
together members of widely scattered communities. There 
were always "good eats'' picnic fashion; sometimes a barbe- 
cue gave added zest to the appetite; usually each family brought 
food enough for three, and all was spread in community style. 
The books used might serve as an index to the westward ad- 
vance of the publishing business; at first those used were print- 
ed in New England; then Philadelphia publications served; 
Cincinnati and New Orleans claimed the market after the 
middle of the century; now Arkansas and Texas promoters of 
musical progress turn the profits to their own pockets* On 
the shelves of many northeast Texas homes are to be found 
copies of the various volumes issued by Lowell Mason; while 
a late acquisition to the series is one .Roses of Spring, is- 
sued as the mid-season offering of 1935, for new books each 
season contribute to the financial returns of the publishers. 

The camp-meeting of the whites, first held in Texas in 1833, 
might in its later days be considered in some respects a projec- 
tion of the singing convention. While the religious element was 
entirely predominant, so long as the institution survived music 


Music in Texas 

played an important part.* Here the whole family came in a 
wagon; under the large tent, straw was spread thickly over the 
ground, and to its shelter slipped the babies, the children, and 
the adults when overcome by sleep. The camp-meeting songs 
were impregnated with the enthusiasm and religious zeal of 
the conductors; most of them sank deep in the hearts of those 
who heard and sang them. The railroad and the automobile 
have sounded the death-knell of the camp-meeting, except 
among the negroes; but some of the songs still live, as the 
collection made by Dean Meyer of Southwestern University 

Military music received some attention even in the early 
days. When the Santa Fe expedition was organized, John 
Doran went as sergeant major, and A* Pisarenski, Daniel B. 
Smith, and C. C. Willis were enlisted as musicians. It was 
the unhappy fate of the survivors of this expedition which 
gave rise to the song "The Santa Fe Prisoners/' whose two 
stanzas were sung with zest to the tune of "Columbia, Land 
of Liberty/* 

Americans, protect your blood, 

From slavery's soul-galling chain, 
Shall brothers of fair freedom's sod, 

Linger still in captive's pain? 
Shall foreign dungeons still confine, 

The hearts that bled for freedom here? 
No, cross the mongrel Spaniard's line, 

And by the blood of freedom swear 
To rescue from captivity, 
The prisoners of Santa Fe. 

Oh, sb,all it e'er be said that we, 

Who hear their groans across the waves, 
Still suffered them to bow the knee, 

To toil like brutes, and pine like slaves? 
Up, up, and strike the vengeful blow, 

And for their liberation call, 
Or raze the lofty towers low, 

And crush the tyrants in their fall, 
And tear from vile captivity, 
The prisoners of Santa Fe. 

*Some typical songs of the Texas camp-meeting collected by Dean 
Henry E. Meyer are available in the publications of the Texas Folk 
Lore Society, X (1932). 


Anglo-American Music 

Meanwhile at Perote the Texans were solacing the slow 
hours by singing "A Soldier's Tear/' "Will you come to the 
Bower/* and "Long, long ago/' 

It was the treatment accorded these prisoners in Mexico 
as well as the boundary problem which arose with annexation 
that hastened the Mexican War. But before hostilities had be- 
gun, another factor in musical life had come upon the scene the 
German settlers who were to play an important role in the 
cultivation of music in the next half century in Texas, 

T/ie Early German Contribution 

I;T would be hard to estimate the value of the German efforts 
to create and develop in Texas a love of good music. Musical 
people in their homeland and trained in the theory and practice 
of the "art as were many of the leading emigrants', it was only 
natural that they should promote music in their new homes in 
the Southwest. Especially in Texas, where their largest settle- 
ments were rapidly made from 1845 on, was their influence 
strongly felt. 

Of the Germans who entered the Republic before 1840, his- 
tory records some evidences of a love of music. As early as 
1834, when the Kleberg family arrived, they brought with them 
a good piano, which unfortunately perished in the burning of 
Harrisburg by Santa Anna. Mrs. Holley, a cousin of Stephen 
F. Austin, in writing from Galveston in 1837 of conditions^ in 
Texas commented on the Germans who "sang in concert/' 

After 1845 the number of Germans increased rapidly. 
Groups settled in Austin, La Grange, San Antonio, New 
Braunfels and Fredericksburg. Among those who came were 
trained musicians and instrument makers* In spite of the dif- 
ficulties of pioneer life which beset them Indians, lack of food, 
inadequate shelter, poor means of communication these peo- 
ple bravely determined to wrest more than a mere existence 
from the wilds of Texas. In New Braunfels especially was the 
German spirit kept alive in song, and there in 1850 was formed 
the first German singing society in Texas. Soon other similar 
groups were organized in the neighboring German settlements. 
It was through the efforts of these groups, composed of men 
who met weekly for the practice of unaccompanied choral 
singing, that many of the works of the masters of music were 
first produced in Texas. From the individual groups, there 
was formed the Texas Saengerbund, or Singers' Union, 
which gave its first program at New Braunfels on October 15, 
1853 the first saengerfest in the Southwest. Delegations from 
Sisterdale, Austin, and San Antonio attended. This saen- 
gerbund has continued to flourish until the present day 

The Early German Contribution 

with but two interruptions the Civil War and the World 
War and has done much to stimulate the efforts which resulted 
in the solid foundation of musical culture which is a charac- 
teristic of the German element in Texas today. 

Of the many educated Germans who immigrated to Texas, 
Adolf buchs has a special interest for the history of music. 
A Lutheran pastor in Mecklenburg, he became interested in 
Texas through the account of travellers through the region, 
and decided to migrate there with a group organized for this 
purpose. At their departure for the New W^rld, Hoffmann 
von Fallersleben, the famous poet, wrote a song honoring the 

On to Texas, on to Texas, 
Where the Lone Star in its glory, 
Prophecies a world of freedom, 
Beckons to each heart resounding 
To the call for truth and justice 
There alone my heart would be. 

This German poet who never saw Texas, wrote thirty other 
poems about life in Texas, copies of which Fuchs either brought 

with him or received lat- 

e, . ,1 ^ ^i- Texanische Lieder. Aus mundlicher 

er. Strange to say the title und whrlftllcher M itteilung deutscher 

page gives the place of Texaner, mit sing weisen. San Felipe 
imprint as "San Felipe de de Austin bei Adolf Fuchs & Co. 

Austin" and the publish- FlG ' 17 

er as "Adolf Fuchs and Company" clearly a disguise for the 
benefit of the censor. Many of these poems Fuchs adapted 
to German folk-tunes; for others he composed the music. 
Fallersleben also wrote an opera, "In the Two Worlds/' based 
on life in Texas* 

After settling in the Brazos region, Adolf Fuchs taught for 
some years at the oldest girls' school now existing in Texas, 
Baylor College, established at that time at Independence. But 
he felt a longing for the hills, the broken country, and soon this 
master of five languages moved west to the Colorado River 
and settled in what is today Burnet County. Though he bus- 
ied himself with farming and ranching problems, music never 
lost its interest. Until his death in 1885 he continued to com- 
pose; a manuscript volume preserved by the family is evidence 


Music in Texas 

of his creative bent. In this are songs of which he wrote both 
the words and the music and musical settings of poems by Fall- 
ersleben, Goethe, Uhland, and Wieland. While the volume 


Ach, so 

HaVmich all-well ver- trb-stet auf die 
Lie -ber Vo-gel, fHg* wei-tei; nimmeirfn 

iMi I F';l 

im Schn*4>l, von der 

nie - der atrfxueirfn foM, &t ein Brief-chen im 

fremdbin ich hien nnd es fragthier kein 

som-mer-li-che Zell, and der '-* 

Oruas mit uad elrin 8o. Ach,ich 

a 5 ? . _| ? i 

_jL vonrfer Mut-ter eirfn OTOSB. 

der, kel-ne Sdkwtster nch mir. 

men, and ten bin noch so weft. 

"-- hierblei-ben muss. 




FIG. is 

To this melody (Figure 18) Fuchs adapted his translation of Fal- 
lersleben's poem "The German Backwoodsman/'* 

A rifle for hunting, 

For defense or for fight, 

A yoke of oxen for ploughing, 
That is my delight. 

My farm is enclosed, 

My crop is laid by, 
My log house is ready; 

I laugh, I know why. 

I sit on my pony, 

Before me my gun, 
Thus gaily through woods and 

Through prairie I run. 

A turkey I kill now, 

A buck and a doe, 
In lakes and in rivers 

My line do I throw 

I get bread from my cornfield 
And meat from my sow, 

From the spring I get water, 
And milk from my cow 

I go .hunting and chopping 
Not fearing the dawn. 

No keeper forbids me 
The grape and pecan. 

Nobody does trouble 

My sheep and my geese, 

They can feed about here 
As much as they please. 

Sometimes with the birds to 
Sing songs I do chance, 

Sometimes with the humbirds 
The Fandango dance. 

In the woods I feel bappy 

With *ny child and my wife, 
But freedom is blessing 

But freedom is life. 

*Used by permission of the Adolf Fuchs Memorial Associntiom. 


TTie Early German Contribution 

possesses more historical than musical interest, it is ample evi- 
dence of the existence in Texas of a cultured man* He encour- 
aged his children and his neighbors to sing; in his later years 
he held family reunions at which his own songs, in addition to 
those of the best German composers, were sung. Among his 
descendants are many who are musical; the best known is a 
grandson, Oscar Fox, who first achieved fame for his settings 
of Texas cowboy congs. 

There were many German songs written in Texas before the 
Civil War; of these only the words have, in some cases, sur- 
vived. The first was that composed by Count Solms-Braun- 
fels on the occasion of the founding of New Braunfels (1845). 
It is said the verses were set to music by Alexis Bauer; others 
claim they were sung to a German folk- tune.* There is a 
Festlied written by Petmecky, the director of the Men's Sing- 
ing Society "Liedextafel," organized in 1855, which begins 
"Texas hoch/' Then we know of a Maennergesang by Adolf 
Douai, editor for a time of the Frei Presse fur Texas, printed 
at San Antonio. There is an Alamo Hymn by C. Wilke, of 
which the words have been published; the music may still exist 
in the archives of the singing societies of New Braunfels. 

Five years to a day after the opening of the first saengerfest in 
the Southwest (Oct. 15, 1858), there was born in Fredericks- 
burg, then a frontier outpost, of a German mother and a Flemish 
father, a child who was destined to hold first rank among 
American musicians, Franz van der Stucken, His talent for 
music showed itself early and at the age of eight he was taken 
to Antwerp for a musical education, and enrolled as a pupil of 
Peter Benoit, While still a student there his compositions 
were played in the churches and a ballet by him was produced 
at the Royal Theater. In 1881 he became director of the Bres- 
lau City Theater, and, two years later, through the assistance 
of Liszt, he gave concerts of his own compositions at Weimar. 
In 1884 he was engaged to succeed Dr. Leopold Damrosch, 
who was director of the Arion Singing Society of New York* 
Very soon he became active as an orchestral director, conduct- 
ing the Novelty Concerts of 1884 and 1885, the Symphony 
Concerts of 1886 and 1887, and the American Concerts of 

*See Metzentliiii-Raunick, S., Deutsche Schriften in Texas (1935) 


Music in Texas 

the two following years. In 1895 he became director of the 
Cincinnati Conservatory and the Symphony Orchestra. He 

conducted the May musi- 
cal festivals there from 
1906 to 1912 and again 
in 1923-25 and in 1927. 
in 1920 he directed the 
Wagner and Gluck revi- 
vals in Antwerp. His 
death occurred at Ham- 
burg on August 16, 1929. 
This Texas-born musi- 
cian was among the first 
to recognize the genuine 
worth of American music. 
Not only did he try to fos- 
ter it in the United States; 
he was the first conductor 
to tour Europe with an 
American group of sing- 
ers presenting American 
songs. He encouraged 
young composers, and 
predicted the recognition 
which has since come, in 
some degree, to music 
created on this side of the Atlantic. Himself a prolific 
composer, he also devoted much time to orchestral and choral 
arrangements, one of the most extensive being his adaptation 
of the Bach Passion Music for presentation at one of the Cin- 
cinnati festivals. In this field his work is marked by the same 
depth and seriousness so evident in the other branches of crea- 
tive art. In his later years he visited Texas and found both 
the state and Fredericksburg proud to claim him as a native 
son. During his seventy years of life he was showered with 
honors in recognition of the value of his contribution to the 
world of music. His name must, so far, head the list of the 
illustrious Germans born in the Southwest who have forged 
their way to the front rank in music. 

In many lines of musical endeavor the Germans early became 


FIG. 19 

The Early German Contribution 

Maurice Thompson 

At the Window 

Frank van der Stucken 




Con moto 

I heard tie -wood - pec-ker tap - ping:, 



The blue - bird tea , der-ly sing-; 

turned and look'd out of my win - dow, 



it was spring-! 



Music in Texas 

breath from trap - i - cal bor - ders 

J* 1 


J ^ J 

f Jow'd in - 

to my room, 









face clean of its 











From The Progressive Music Series. Used by permission of Silver 

Burdett & Co. 

FIG. 20 


The Early German Contribution 

leaders. In Houston, Galveston, San Antonio and in the 
smaller places bands were formed of Germans and directed by 
Germans. Concerts by local and foreign talent were fostered; 
outstanding among the visiting groups were those of the Ger- 
man and Hungarian exiles driven from their homes by politi- 
cal conditions. Largely through German insistence, music was 
introduced into the first public schools established in the state 
those in Galveston, in 1845; and early in the fifties a music 
teacher was employed by the public schools of San Antonio. 
Other communities in which the Germans were strong followed 
the example of these cities; even before the Civil War a good 
beginning had been made toward the musical education of the 
younger German generation. In the private schools in all parts 
of the state Germans quickly secured positions as music teach- 
ers and contributed largely to the musical education of the girls. 

Among the early teachers was one who figured also as a com- 
poser Gustave Fitze, whose compositions were published by 
Oliver Ditson 6 Co. Among these were "I Know Not Why 
I Love Thee" and the "Waverly" and "Starlight" schottisches. 
Mr. Fitze taught in Galveston, at Waverly, in Walker 
County, and at the Richmond Academy in Fort Bend County. 

The commercial side of music was by no means neglected 
by the Germans. In Galveston, Sachtleben's Emporium of 
Music offered for sale all kinds of instruments and both do- 
mestic and imported sheet music. Music halls, often combined 
with turn-halls or dance-halls, were built to serve as meeting 
places and concert halls for the singing groups, whose num- 
bers grew with the years. These buildings were rented to 
other organizations for various purposes. 

The close relation of music and social life was particularly 
noticeable among the Germans. As in Germany, the beer 
gardens were the recreation centers to which the whole family 
repaired on Sundays and holidays. There the beer was sipped 
in leisurely fashion in a jovial atmosphere, while the band 
played and the groups sang. The children had the opportunity 
to hear music; the elders, an opportunity to create; and there can 
be small doubt that music did much to foster the feeling of 
good fellowship so characteristic of German neighborhoods. 
A good foundation was being laid, but, alas, the foundation 


Mrtsfc In Texas 

was nearly destroyed by the inroads of the Civil War* 
For almost ten years music had to give way to the sterner calls 
of life. Many Germans fled to Mexico to escape serving in 
the army; others were busy protecting the frontier and their 
homes against Indians. As both food and clothing were 
scarce, all efforts were turned toward satisfying these needs. 
Not until after the dark days of reconstruction were the Ger- 
mans again able to devote their leisure hours seriously to music. 





The Music of the Mexican War 

FROM the time that secret orders were delivered to Gen- 
eral Taylor in 1845 to proceed to Texas and there place 
his army in position for such action as circumstances might 
render advisable, the eyes of the world were turned to the 
Mexican border. Almost overnight the comparatively un- 
settled regions along the Rio Grande became the scene of 
feverish action. Troops and supply trains blazed trails 
through vast uninhabited stretches, and established camps 
in somnolent Mexican villages. Corpus Christi was the first of 
these to feel the effects of the increased activity, but all the 
settled portions of Texas were stirred by the arrival of large 
groups of men from various parts of the United States. New- 
contacts, cultural as well as military, were quickly established. 
The martial spirit in the United States showed itself promptly 
through musical channels; publishers from Boston to New- 
Orleans rushed patriotic music from their presses; new pub- 
lications were rapidly forwarded to the front; and Texas, now 
for the first time the center of general interest, eagerly re- 
ceived and broadcasted the new music. 

Some of this had Texas for its background. "Uncle Sam 
and Texas'* was sung to the tune of Yankee Doodle; "Texas 
the Young Tree of Freedom/' to that of Harry Bluff; "The 
Fair Land of Texas*' to When the Fair Land of Poland 
while the "Flag of Texas", and "All for Texas" had original 
music* The evolution of Texas was commemorated through 
"The Alamo" by J. H. Hewitt; "Remember the Alamo" by T. A. 
Durriage, which was set to the tune of Bruce' 's Address, as 
was "The Texian General's Address to his Army" and "San 
Jacinto"; and "The Song of the Texas Ranger" sung to the 
tune of I'm Afloat. 

As the war progressed, the various points in Mexico reached 
by the victorious army were quickly made familiar through 
songs and instrumental compositions. Corpus Christi and the 



1'iu a- float! I'm a- float! on the fierce roll--iiitf tide, Tl>e o-cean "a my 

'ILL 1 ~ L ' L L L ' L L ' L v^ 

r r r r r r r rrrrrrrr 

home, ami my bark is my bride! 

Up! up! -with my flag! let it 

wave o'er the sea, Im a -float! I'm .-float! and the ro - ver is 

I fear not the uiou-nrch. I fieetl not the law, IV 

H coin-pa^ to 




by, a <lag-ger to tlraw; And i 

ueer as a eow-anl or slave will 'I 




kneel, UhHrf my guns jcur - ry shot, or my belt bears a steel! 

U'.CK! trim her aitv, let lier sl.eets kUs the wind And I war-r*.ut we'll 

T r h r r r i" ' 1* r r r r r r r 

boon leave the sea 

v '* r ' r -^ 

- gulls oe-himl; Up' up 1 with my 

lag! let it 

* * - * f 

f T r lU'i i-^ 4 

* * * 

M ^ t E 'P 

r r 'j j j'f 1- i- ' 

r h f ' 

wave o'er the sea! I'm a - float! I'tu a - floi 

E > ' r i=f^ 

it! aid tl>e ro - ver is 

I J ' -I I -< H 

"**' sr **-*<- "y^v 1 ^ 

[ i i ] j. ^ ^ ' 

free! I'm a - float! I'm a - float! and the ro - ver i* free! 

f 5 

FIG. 21 

This music was well known in Texas as "The Ranger's Song" with 
the following text: 


Music in Texas 

Mount, mount, and away o'er the green pastures wide, 
The sword is our scepter, the fleet steed our pride. 
Up, up with our flag, let its bright star gleam out! 
Mount, mount and away on the wild border scout 

We care not for danger, we heed not the foe, 

Where our brave steeds can bear us, right onward we go; 

And never, as cowards, can we fly from the fight 

While our belts hold a blade, our star sheds its bright light. 

Then mount and away! give the fleet steed the rein, 
The Ranger's at home on the prairie again; 
Spur, spur in the chase, dash on to the fight, 
Cry vengeance for Texas and God speed the right. 

The might of the foe gathers thick in our way, 
They hear our wild sho-ut as we rush to the fray; 
What to us is the fear of the death-stricken plain, 
We have "braved it before, and will brave it again." 

The death-dealing bullets around us may fall, 

They may strike, they fciay kill, but they cannot appal; 

Through the red field of carnage rigflit onward well wade, 

While our guns carry ball, and our hands wield the blade. 

Hurrah, my brave boys! ye may fare as ye please, 

No Mexican banner now floats in the breeze! 

'Tis the flag of Columbia that waves o'er each height, 

While on its proud folds our star sheds its light. 

Then mount and away! give the fleet steed the rein, 

The Ranger's at home on the prairie again; 

Spur, spur in the chase, dash on to the fight, 

Cry vengeance for Texas and God speed the right. 

FIG. 22 

Nueces had been abandoned in March, 1846, before publishers 
had fully awakened to the opportunity; but by the time the 
Rio Grande was reached by Taylor's force, composers were 
adding fame both to individuals and places. "General Tay- 
lor's Grand March" by Grobe; "General Taylor's Quickstep;" 
"Rough and Ready" by F. A. Durivage; "Rough and Ready" 
by Austin Phillips; "Zachary Taylor;" "Hurrah for Rough 
and Ready," which begins "Strike for our Right" and is set 
to the tune of Rose of Alabama, are but a few of the musical 
compositions quickly made familiar in Texas. 

The arrival of the troops at the Rio Grande was celebrated 
in song and dance. "The Rio Grande;" "The Rio Bravo, a 
Mexican Lament" by Austin Phillips; "The Fort Brown Quick- 
step" by Getze; "The Point Isabel Chaunt"; "The Coast of 
Mexico," sung to the tune of Lacy Neal; "We're the Boys for 


The Music of the Mexican War 

Mexico;" "Wave, Wave the Banner High/' sung to the mel- 
ody of March to the Battle Field; "The American Bivouac 
on the Banks of the Rio Grande;*' and "Capt. Walkers Quick- 
step" by Grobe, honoring the leader of the Texas Rangers, 
were among the many. "On to the Charge" by Hewitt and 
a "Funeral March" by Mattias Kellar were written in memory 
of Ringgold, who fell at Fort Brown; "Fire Away," set to the 
tune The Campbells are Coming, was the song of Ringgold's 


9 Campbells arotomin', O ho, O ha. The Campbells are comin.% O ho, O hoi Tha 

Campbells are comin' to botuiie Loch- le-ven, The Campbells are comia', O ho, O hoi 


-> J. , J 1 SX ^ i>- i - ' -'.- y I f 

IJp-oa theLomouds I lay, I lay, Up -on the Lomonds I lay, I 1^ I 


Jook-ed down to bon-nie Loch-le- ven, And heard the bon - nie pibrochs play. 

artillerists. There was also a "Funeral March" dedicated to 
Colonel Watson; and "Watson's Lament," with words by 
W. K. Dean, was published in Baltimore. 

The occupation in May of the first Mexican town beyond 
the Rio Grande called forth a new wave of musical enthu- 
siasm. "The Fall of Matamoros," "The Matamoros Grand 
Triumphal March and Quickstep;" and the "Matamoros 
Grand March" commemorated this event. "Palo Alto, or Our 
Army on the Rio Grande," given in New Orleans in No- 
vember, 1846; the "Palo Alto Grand March;" and "Palo Alto 
and Resaca de la Palma" by Prevost the first music engrav- 
ed on zinc in New Orleans; "Palo Alto," a song beginning 
"Now while our cups are. flowing;" "Le Capt. May et le Gen- 
eral de la Vega sur les bords du Rio Grande" a one-act comic 
opera, the libretto by Felix de Coermont and music by Four- 
mestroux; and "Here's a Health to Thee, May" are a few of 
the vocal productions that marked the advance inland. 

Buena Vista was the subject of six songs: "On Buena Vista's 
Bloody Field" by Col. Henry Petrunken; "Buena Vista," 


Music in Texas 

beginning "Near Buena Vista's Mountain Chain;" another by 
the same title, beginning "From the Rio Grande's waters to 
the icy lakes of Maine/' by Albert Pike; "The Dead at Buena 
Vista/* words by Thos. G. Spear, on hearing of the fall of 
Henry Clay, Jr., and sung to the tune of Burial of Sir John 
Moore; "A Song of Buena Vista" by Alison Phillips; and 
"The Battle of Buena Vista" with words by John G. Dunn* 
Among the marches were "The Buena Vista Grand March;" 
"Buena Vista," dedicated to Gen. Woll; and "General Tay- 
lor's March at Buena Vista," by Reimer. An opera by that 
title was composed by Prevost and performed in New Orleans 
before May 24, 1847. 

Most popular of subjects from September, 1846, for over 
a year while the army was pushing forward from Vera Cruz 
to the City of Mexico, was Monterey. "The storming of Mon- 
terey" by F. Buck and "The Monterey Grand Waltz" were 
among the instrumental compositions. Songs were more nu- 
merous: "The Storming of Monterey," words by Gardenier; 
"Monterey," dedicated to Gen. Taylor; "Monterey, a Nation- 
al Song;" another "Monterey, a National Song" with words 
by Watson and music by Austin Phillips; "The Fields of 
Mexico or the American Maiden's Song to her Lover," which 
begins "Wouldst thou have me leave thee, dearest"; "The 
Field of Monterey" by Sullivan; "Monterey" by Bayard 
Taylor, which begins "We were not many, we who stood"; 
and "The Soldier's Widow," which ends with the line "Than 
he who fell at bloody Monterey." Especially famous was the 
incident of the Mexican girl killed while extending aid to in- 
jured United States soldiers; this called forth novels, poems, 
and the songs "The Heroine of Monterey" and "The Maid 
of Monterrey" by John H. Hewitt. This became one of the 
most famous songs of the war; the tune was sung in Texas with 
the original words for over half a century, and later adapted 
to various other texts including that of the gospel hymn "I want 
to be an Angel." 

The storming and capture of Vera Cruz in March, 1847, 
served as new inspiration for instrumental compositions, among 
which were "The Fall of Vera Cruz" by Francis Buck; "The 
Vera Cruz Quickstep" by E. Wathan; "The Vera Cruz Grand 



f\ It 

- By 

TT~1 J" h r p-r f 

Words and*Mueic 

1 ! ; nH 

g) Hrj 1 J. / J 

i* 1 v ji 

1. The moon was shin- ing bright - ly Up - on the bat - tie plain; The 

2. She cast a look of an - guish On dy - ing and on dead, Her 

3. She gave the thirst -y wa - ter, And dress'd the bleed -ing wound; And 

4. For, tho' she loved her na - tion And prayed that it might live, Yet, 

J J I J." 

gen - tie breeze fann'd light - ly The fea - tures of the slain; The 

lap she male the pil - low Of those who groan'd and bled. And 

gen - tie prayers she ut - ter'd For those who sigh'd a - round. And 

for the dy - ing foe - men She had a tear to give, Then, 

guns bad hush'd their than 

when the dy - ing sol 

when the bu - gle sound 

1 here's to that bright beau 

der. The drum in si * lence lay; When 

dier For one bright gleam did pray. He 

ed Just at the break of day; We 

ty Who drove death's pang a * way, The 

rj ji 







came the 

Se - 



- ri 






W I 
-te - 



biess'd the 

Se - 


- ri 

- ta. 





-te - 



bleM'd the 

Se - 


- rl 

- ta. 





-te - 



meek - eyed 

Se - 


* r4 

- ta. 





- te - 



///I J J 

guns had hush'd their thun - der. The drum in si - lence lay. When 

when the dy - ing sol - dier For one bright gleam did pray, He 

when the bu - gle sound - ed Just at the break of day. We 

here's to that bright beau - ty Who drove death's pang a way. The 

"Jr TT-ti 

jw -jfc; JL. l 

[ J _p ^=q 

-H p- 



J J J_l 

L U 

came the Se - no - 

ri - ta. The 

maid of 

Mon - te 

- rey. 

biess'd the Se - no - 

ri. - ta. The 

maid of 

Mon - te 

- rey. 

ttese'd the Se - no - 

ri - ta The 

maid of 

Mon - te 

- rey. 

meek- eyed Se - no - 

ri - ta. The 

maid of 

Mon - te 

- rey. 

FIG. 24 


Music in Texas 

March" by Chadwick; and the "Grand Military Quadrille." 
"Cerro Gordo Grand March and Quickstep by a Texan 
Youth" is evidence that Texas was contributing. 

The arrival of the army at the capital was also chronicled in 
song. "The Men of Churubusco" was set to music from 
Norma; and "Hurrah for the Halls of Montezuma" was sung 
to the overworked melody of YanAree Doodle. 

All of this music reached Texas in some form, and much of 
it became a part of that passed down to succeeding genera- 
tions. It was through this music that Texas was first brought 
into close touch with the wider world of music; and through 
the various songs and instrumental compositions linked with 
Texas localities, events, and people, the outside world was in- 
troduced to, and became familiar with, the new state. 


The Song of Ringgold's Artillerists 
Tune "The Campbells are Coming" 

The Mexican bandits 

Have crossed to our shore; 
Our soil has been dyed 

With our countrymen's gore. 
The murderer's triumph, 

Was theirs for a day 
Our triumph is coming 

So fire fire away! 

Be steady be steady 

And firm every hand-- 
Pour your shot like a storm 

On the murderous band. 
On their flanks, on their center, 

Our batteries play 
And we sweep them like chaff, 

As we fire fire away! 

*Tis over the thunders 

Have died on the gale- 
Of the wounded and vanquished 

Hark! hark to the wail! 
Long the foreign invader 

Shall morn for the day, 
When Ringgold was summoned 

To fire fire away! 


Other Foreign Contributors 

EVEN before the Anglo-Americans and Germans came into 
Texas in large numbers, other nationalities had begun 
to contribute in a lesser degree to musical life in Texas. During 
the 18th century the eastern neighbor of the Texans had been 
the French in Louisiana, and the contacts became much closer 
after 1762 when Louisiana was ceded to Spain. From that 
time until the territory was sold to the United States in 1803, 
there was a constant intermingling of the two peoples both 
socially and commercially an intermingling which left its im- 
press upon various aspects of the culture of both especially 
upon the music. 

Any reference to the music of the French in the Southwest 
brings in the term "creole," a word often misunderstsood. A 
creole is a child of European parents born in America; the 
pure-blooded descendants of French and Spanish settlers in 
America are the real Creoles, although the term, by popular 
usage, has been applied to the offspring of mixed marriages, 
regardless of color. The latter element enters largely into the 
general application of the term in Louisiana, for there the 
negro population was large, through the contant influx from 
the West Indies. Out of the mixture of French, Spanish and 
negro life grew the music of today known as "creole." Which 
blood was the greatest contributor has been disputed. "The 
melancholy, quavering beauty and weirdness of the negro 
chant are lightened by the French influence or subdued and 
deepened by the Spanish," wrote Lafcadio Hearn. Krebhiel 
admits that the basic rhythm of the negro was that of the 
"Habanera," but he credits the Spaniards with having borrowed 
it from the negroes. 

Regardless of the origin of the rhythms and melodies, there 
was in Louisiana a mass of folk music among the people. Since 
the French were fond of dancing, many of the French folk and 
and court dances of the 18th century were known in New 
Orleans. The Acadians, those unfortunate peasants made 
famous by Evangeline, are credited with having introduced 

Music in Texas 

many songs; of the people scattered along the Gulf Coast, the 
small group settled near Port Arthur is of special interest to 
Texas. These "cajuns" as they came to be called, in trying 
to make new homes on the Texas coast had little in the way 
of solace but their simple songs. They lived to themselves; 
even after Texas was predominantly Anglo-American, des- 
cendants of these people remained aloof, clung to their own 
language and customs, and kept alive what semblances of cul- 
ture their ancestors had known* Some of their songs are 
still to be heard, in more or less corrupted forms, along the 
Texas coast and in the "cajun" district extending into Lou- 
isiana. One of these is "Va ingrate bergere." 

It was during the period of Spanish occupancy that a most 
important forward step in the cultivation of music was taken 
in New Orleans, and its reflection was heard in Texas. In 
1791, following an insurrection in Santo Domingo, an opera 
company took refuge in New Orleans and was heartily re- 
ceived by both the French and Spanish populace. To house 
them an opera house was built, and from that ^time on com- 
panies of singers and players, often brought to America un- 
der subsidies of the Spanish government at Havana or Mexico, 
stopped at New Orleans. Opera had been common in both 
Mexico and Havana since before 1700 and no doubt many ot 
the songs later heard in mangled forms of French or Spanish 
from the lips of the negroes were brought to the Crescent City 
by European singers. 

From New Orleans both French and Spanish music was 
carried into Texas and New Mexico by traders, enterprising 
investigators, and their followers r who, despite restrictions, 
were constantly lured westward. Especially strong was the 
tide of French-Spanish immigration after the announcement 
of the purchase of Louisiana by the United States, many claim- 
ing they were unwilling to live under the new government. 
Various types of Creole songs became known in the Spanish 
border province; those dedicated to the black-eyed senoritas 
were in strong evidence; but songs, under cover of which 
remarks and illusions not otherwise permissible were included, 
are to be found among the official records of Texas. Before 
and after Texas became independent there was a slight infil- 
tration of French music from the several colonies of French 


Other Foreign Contributors 

and Swiss who located at various points. In 1817 a group of 
exiles settled on the Trinity; but they soon scattered. 

Various Frenchmen drifted into Texas after 1821 and some 
brought their families and made permanent homes in the re- 
gion, but it was not until 1844 that another distinctly French 
colony, Castroville, was established on the Medina River, some 
twenty miles west of San Antonio, by Henry Castro who 
brought over several hundred families. We get glimpses of 
the cultural life of the group from Emanuel Domenech, who 
served the community as parish priest during some years. 
Among the songs he mentions in connection with Texas was: 

Oh, surtout cache-lui 
D'ou vient non ennui, 

which he heard in San Antonio, and 

Vogue, vogue, oh ma balancelle, 

a boat song he himself sang on the Medina River. After two 
years in the wilds, as he termed the region, this French priest 
returned to France and wrote his impressions of Texas. 

Even before Domenech issued his volume descriptive of the 
new state of the American Union, others were turning their 
eyes in its direction. In 1854 Victor Considerant, a French 
economist who believed in the socialistic principle of work alike 
and share alike, persuaded a group of French and Swiss, who 
were dissatisfied with conditions at home, to emigrate to Texas 
and establish there a colony in which there would be complete 
freedom and independence* In this group of five hundred were 
some highly educated people, artists, writers, and musicians; 
in the latter group were Mrs. Vigoreaux, the mother-in-law 
of the founder, Charles Capys, and Allyre Bureau, who had 
been the musical director of the Odeon, a Paris theater. After 
landing on the Texas coast, they travelled with many diffi- 
culties to the vicinity of Dallas, where, near the present sub- 
urb of Oak Cliff, they established "La Reunion/* on land 
- Considerant had previously purchased. But homes had to be 
built, and crops planted and harvested in order that all might 
live. Those of the group unaccustomed to manual labor found 
life in Texas very different from what they dreamed. The 

' (55) 


Abble Farwell Brown 
From the French. 

Allyre Bureau 


negro oeeiao 

1 .(^laneprfarftiJCi'txTifri'T^f' za\ _ -yii sound- ing; Clang! Clang! Clang!Th& forge fire 
2.Claiig1ClaDg1Clng-! Resounds the ham-mer. Clang! Clang! Clang ITheflam* as- 

j i Ji J * J J i i > i J i J J J i 

1 "U , f * 



-f- 8 1-*- 

~4-^ *-f- 

' ^ 

A # 

1 I V J 1 

$> r^Prfi^j^'"'*"" 

Clang! The hammer po-onding, Clang! Clang! ClanglWi-dus 
Clang! A migh-ty clamor! Clang! Clang'.Clang! The a. 

* J j j J | 1 J J l-l 1 1 ' 



M ill 

^ S ? S^Mfc= 


IT-* 3-3- 








1 r r_J 

LJ p i-i 








= f = ^ =: 

pi I 

' ' '*-'F P 

' P F ' 



Lp jLJ 


1 V ** 

Forge the 
Beat the 


1 i r i r v ^ 

met-al fas-ter and 
sword to hap -pi - er 

us - es ; Haste the 

man the migh-ty 
end of war's a - 

11 J 1 j=| 

1 * J J ' ^ 
mas-ter; Round 
bus-es; Forge 



9 f 

s a 


J J J 


P-F ^ PTT 



to brace it the strong- er, PoVr of steel and i - ron 
the ship, and the rail- road, Peace- ful bonds that make all 



j J J I J j^rr 



the Progressive Music Series. Used by permission of Silver 

Other Foreign Contributors 

heat of the Texas sun through the long hot summer was scorch- 
ing to people accustomed to Alpine regions; and the Texas 
northers swept down upon them before adequate housing could 
be providied. They planted wheat only to have it eaten up 
by grasshoppers. 

Utterly unprepared for the conditions they were to meet, 


Miriam Clark Potter 

From the French. 

Allyre Bureau 

& 1 

Mi. r i i 

, i j 

1. "Come flow- era to 
2. "Too haugh-ty is 
3. ."But she is too 
4. "Though love-ly the 

^J II 1 1=^ 

me! I'll 
she; Of 
shy; She 
rose, Her 

-*-' -| ' ' ' r ' ' 

choose one, the fair - est, The fin - est, the 
flow-ers, the proud -est, In col - ors, the 
shuns the bright mea dows,And hides in the 
play- mates she teas - es With thorns when she 

IP ! j i r-j j i j j J i 



' 3. ' 

! 1 



t- + 


1 -. 



- r ' i 

T ' ' 

L . 1 

I I ' ' " " ' 

rar- est, My sis - ter to be." ^"The tu - lip is gay -est, Most gor-g-eous-ty 

loud- est; She'll not do for me.", * "The vio-let is mod- est, And fair- est of 

shad-ows Her big- gol-den eye7 "The rose smiles up - on you From beau-ti - ful 

pleas -es, As ev-'ry-one knows" "No flow-er is per- feet, No mat -ter how 

l . J 

flfi 1 11 

drest; Ajid 
face: She 
bowrs-. Choose 
rare; Come, 

\ \ =f= 

loved by the 
loves the deep 
her for your 
play with us 

_, = (_i 

sun - light A - 
for - est "With 
sis - ter, The 
all then, Thro* 

j j J l 

-\ i i > 

bove all the 
beau - ty to 
queen of aU 
sum - mer days 

4 j j l 





J d , J 




r~j *J 

a^ i 

From tlie Progressive Music Series. Used by permission of Silver 
Burdett and Co. 

FIG. 26 


Music in Texas 

these pioneers had brought with them a piano, an organ, flutes 
and violins; these indeed proved a means of recreation. In the 
community house, the whole group met once or twice a week 
for singing. Here Allyre Bureau composed some songs which 
his compatriots sang among these "Clang, Clang, Clang," 
and "Choosing a Flower/' included later in the Progressive 
Music Series and still sung delightedly today by our school 

But before long many were dissatisfied; the leader Consider- 
ant and a group of the colonists moved to San Antonio, and 
later returned to France. Of those who stayed in Texas, some 
became prominent citizens of Dallas, one later served as mayor; 
others moved to San Antonio and contributed in some degree 
to the development of musical life in that city. Bureau set 
out with a small group who intended to sail for France, but 
he died before he reached the coast and is buried in Texas soil, 
near Houston. 

The Czech immigrants, a few of whom began to drift in 
during the thirties, became a much more numerous group with 
the passing of time. During the fifties many arrived; at this 
time Fayetteville, Dubina, Praha, and Hostyn were settled. 
Among the newcomers were physicians, lawyers, bankers, ed- 
ucators, and musicians. Others continued to come until, in the 
fifty- four Czech settlements in the state, there are in 1936 
some 300,000 Czechs. Musical organizations were early estab- 
lished; bands formed; and good music maintained in the 
churches. Czechoslovakia, or Bohemia, is especially rich in 
folk-songs; it is especially these that have lived in Texas. The 
Czech folk-songs and folk-dances are popularized today by 
numerous musical organizations which devote themselves spe- 
cifically to the cultivation of the music of their fatherland. 

Of the other nationalities who made settlements in Texas 
before the Civil War the Swedes were the most important. 
The leader was Sir Swante Palm, for many years the Swedish 
consul at Austin. This scholarly gentleman and good musi- 
cian, who served as the first organist of the Swedish Lutheran 
church of the capital, did much to encourage musical activities 
among his countrymen, many of whom he had been instrumen- 
tal in bringing to Texas, Near Austin, at New Sweden and at 
Round Rock, Swedish groups settled; in each community was 









My kiff ij by the ihor; h*'i lifht end frtti To * ply tb f either' 

Come ,oh! come with me, the moon i* 

Couie, ehfcomewith 

^ "' " 1 

joy u, 

-r -fn 

rT' 7i 

^ ,iai 

b My 

T J E- 1 

me the 

stars are 

I r ' 1 

gleam , ing; 

All a_jound>a _ 

_^ _*- 

tove, wit! 

i beau . ty 

teem , _ iar: 

U j ^ 

H r 1 

* E 


_J ,_ 




} b * j 



uj 1 

uj 1 

Iov bat the*. 



r^ - 11 ' 


hour* are 

me*t for 

loTe . 

Tra la la la 



la la la 




fL *L 






. ' 



.__4 * L_ 

_ n_ 

I^t f 

1* TV* 1* 1* U L* U U. 1* U U 

My*krtf t by tU tkart', *.', 


Music in Texas 

light ifld frt To ply the falWd oar It joy to m.) And fhil B w gli.U _ 

moon is beanuings Come, oh! come with me the stars are gleaming All a. round,*.. 

wn ff hll bet "My dew ctt uiid I love but th.e .' 

_bovfc, with beau ty teem tog: Moonlight hours are meet for- love. 

FIG. 27 

a church which conducted its services in Swedish, and at Round 
Rock and Austin Swedish colleges were established and main- 
tained throug many years. The church choirs specialized in 
the beautiful Swedish chorales. At midsummer, a festival was 
held at which singers from the various choirs were combined 
into a large chorus, which sang music of a high type. Folk 
and art songs of Sweden and Germany were thus kept alive 
and made familiar to the younger generation. At the Lutheran 
Encampment, an annual affair, the combined choirs frequently 
rendered choral works of a high type. Sir Swante Palm gath- 
ered about him an extensive Swedish library, a large part of 
which he left at his death to the University of Texas. Among 
the books he bequeathed to the Swedish Lutheran Church at 
Austin are many volumes of Swedish music, representative of 
the best of his day* 

One of the later foreign settlers; the Italians, many of whom 
established themselves near Del Rio and Bryan, introduced 
many simple but lovely melodies. One early known in Texas 
is "Come, oh Come With Me." 


Echoes From The Old South 

IN spite of the presence within her borders before 1860 of 
many foreign elements and of large groups of settlers from 
northern states of the Union, Texas was at heart a part of 
the Old South, as was clearly demonstrated by the Act of Se- 
cession, passed early in 1861. The culture and tradition of 
the dominant class had largely been transplanted westward 
along the Gulf Coast; and the political philosophy of the South 
was destined to determine the course Texas followed as a 

While the privations and suffering of many of the other 
southern states during the Civil War were never known within 
the boundaries of Texas, because only part of her territory fell 
into Union hands and her proximity to Mexico made possible 
the uninterrupted exportation of cotton and the importation 
of not only necessities but even some luxuries, her people 
shared the mental anguish of those years. Little by little the 
state was depleted of its man force; they went to the front either 
voluntarily or by coercion, or else they sought refuge in Mex- 
ico to avoid conscription a procedure followed by many of 
the foreign element which as a whole was hostile to slavery. 
As a result the singing societies, the bands, and the orchestras, 
entirely male organizations in those days, were soon disbanded, 
not to resume their activities until after the close of the war. 

From the press it has been possible to cull bits which give 
some insight into musical life during those years. During 1861 
came an influx of patriotic music from the presses of New Or- 
leans, Richmond, and Augusta as well as Galveston, which 
issued early in the year "The Southern Pleiades" (7 stars), 
a march and quickstep by Edward C. Wharton, published by 
August Sachtleben. Among the songs were Macarthy's 
"The Bonny Blue Flag/' "Missouri," and "The Volunteers;" 
Blackmar's "The Southron's Chaunt of Defiance;" Stanton's 
"Dixie War Song;" Alice Lane's "Stars of our Banner;" 

Music in Texas 

George's "The Confederate Flag;" Glover's "The Southron's 
Watchword;" and "God will Defend the Right" by a lady 
of Richmond. "The Beauregard Manassas Quickstep" and 
"Beauregard's Grand March" were among the instrumental 
compositions. The importation of pianos into Galveston kept 
pace with the diversity of sheet music, and a serenading band 
was organized there by Charles Hoffman, evidently with the 
expectation that the war would be speedily over. 

With the beginning of 1862 music came into service for 
benefit purposes. Concerts were given in the various cities for 
the benefit of families of soldiers. In Galveston the Confeder- 
ate Minstrels made their appearance, and concerts provided 
revenue for the support of Dr. Bryan's Hospital and assistance 
for the rangers. Among new patriotic songs was "The South- 
ern Marseillaise." The sentimental included "Carrie Bell" 
and "I would Like to Change my Name" by La Hache; 
"Violette" by Eaton; reprintings of foreign songs such as 
Kucken's "We Met by Chance" and "How can I Leave Thee;" 
Mengis* "Switzer's Farewell;" Abt's "When the Swallows 
Homeward Fly;" and old Scotch songs like "Annie Laurie," 
"Mary of Argyle" and "Bonnie Jean." "The Confederates 
Grand March" by Hartwell appeared in its fourth edition dur- 
ing that year. 

With the opening of 1863 the seriousness of the situation 
was generally felt. Despite the more marked exodus of troops, 
music continued. Concerts were given in Houston for the 
benefit of both Hood's and Sibley's brigades and for the Terry 
Rangers; another contributed to the hospital fund. Professor 
Frenel composed a new march in honor of General Magruder. 
Concerts and tableaux in Rutersville provided further funds 
for the Rangers; Hallettsville raised over four hundred dollars 
for Young's regiment. Among the other concerts in Houston 
was a program of orchestral music by Charles Otis; one in 
April for Baylor's Brigade; in May for the General Hospi- 
tal; in June there were juvenile concerts; in October, an ama- 
teur program for the Davis Guards; and in November the Star 
State Minstrels gave a benefit for the Soldier's Home. The es- 
tablishment of a musical academy in Houston during the fall 
suggests that musical education was still being earnestly pro- 


Echoes from the Old South 

With Galveston, as well as New Orleans, in Federal hands 
there was small chance for such merchandise as new music to 
enter Texas. Indeed the publication in the South had been 
more and more limited until Blackmar in Augusta was almost 
the only house left which continued to issue sheet music. John 
JHL Hewitt, whose songs were widely popular, maintained a 
music business there until 1863, when he, too, saw the future, 
and returned to Baltimore. Of the songs published during that 
year which found their way sooner or later into Texas were 
Hewitt's "The South;" Anna Ford's "The Prisoner's Lament;" 
Ilsley's "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh;" Mayer's "Keep the 
Powder Dry;" and one edition of "Maryland, My Maryland," 
with the music attributed to a lady of Baltimore. One publi- 
cation from the house of George Dunn at Richmond entitled 
Christmas and New Year Musical Souvenir was made up of 
three songs: "Fairies Have Broken Their Wings," with words 
by Thomas Hood; "The Lover's Wish," text by Rosier; and 
"I Know a Maiden Fair to See" by Longfellow, all set to 
music by "F. W. R." 

The year 1864 saw music in Texas at low ebb. A concert 
by Madame Rheinhardt, a pupil of Mendelssohn, and the 
benefit concerts, especially for the destitute soldiers and their 
families, were the ouly items of interest. In New Braunfels five 
of these followed each other in rapid succession. W^ith 1865 
the sky began to clear. Madame Bishop visited Texas and by 
the middle of the year male teachers began to insert their ad- 
vertisements in the local press, Charles Otis in Houston and F. 
W. Smith in La Grange being among the first. In October, 
Miss Mollie Moore, later known as a gifted poetess, appeared 
as a pianist, and in that same month musical items, including 
one on Franz Listz, began to appear in the Houston Telegraph. 
Concerts for benefit purposes continued, one for General Hood 
being sponsored in San Antonio by Professors Plagge and 
Heilig. The United States army bands stationed at such posts 
as San Aptonio gave frequent concerts. 

Aside from that group of songs that typified the last flare 
of patriotic spirit before the end of the struggle, such as "There's 
Life in the Old Land Yet;" Macarthy's "Origin of the Stars 
and Bars;" and Mordaunt's "Brave Boys are They," man> 
others appeared. These were principally love songs or songs 



H. D. L. Webster 

J. P. Webster 

Echoes from the Old South 

The years creep slowly by, Lorena, 

The snow is on the grass again; 
The sun's low down the sky, Lorena, 

The frost gleams where the flow'rs have .b 
But the heart throbs on as warmly now. 

As when the summer days were nigh ; 
Oh! the sun can never dip so low, 

Adown affection's cloudless sky, 
The sun can never dip so low, 

Adown affection's cloudless sky, 

A hundred months have passed Lorena, 

Since last I held that hand in mine; 
And felt the pulse beat fast Lorena, 

Though mine beat faster far, than thine: 
A hundred months have passed, Lorena 

When up the hilly slope we climbed, 
To watch the dying of the day, 

And hear the distant dhurch bells chime, 
To watch the dying of the day, 

And hear the distant dhurch bells chime, 

FIG. 28 

of home. Of the latter type were "What is Home Without 
Mother?" "Childhood Hours are Fleeting By" by Eaton; 
"Let Me Kiss Him for His Mother" by Ordway; "Take Me 
Home to the Place;" and "Listen to the Mocking Bird." Among 
the love songs sung through the years which always awaken 
recollections of the life of the Old South ^ere "Bonnie Eloise/' 
"Angel of Dreams" by Eaton; Webster's "Lorena" and the 
reply to it; Stephen Foster's "I See Her Still in My Dreams;" 
Daly's "Dying Camille;" Bucklet's "I am Dreaming Still of 
Thee;" "Fm Leaving Thee in Sorrow, Annie;" and "Juanita." 
Of the songs popular in those days, only "Nellie Gray" is sug- 
gestive of slave life. 

The evolution of a song in Texas is well illustrated in the 
case of "Take Me Home to the Place Where I First Saw the 
Light." In its original form it bore no relation to the South; 
it was a transplanted flower when first known in Texas. Sung 
through many years in this form, it was borrowed for camp 
meeting, and became known as "At the Cross/* widely used 
later as a gospel hymn. During the trail-driving years, when 
the cattle industry made the cowboy a feature of Texas life, 


Music in Texas 

this song was paraphased in the cow-camp, with the following 


At the bar, at the bar 

Where I smoked my first cigar, 

And my nickels and my dimes rolled away; 

It was there by chance 

That I tore my Sunday pants, 

And now I can wear them every day. 



1st. Take a horn* v> th pluco where I 
Id. Talce we home, to the pla.ce when ih 

first BILW the light, To tb **!. i. 
or u .,g<- ires tfrp*, To my rt ju 

Uk old bouw it 






bow*. - ,. Whey, the awx* - Jng bird iniijt tn* to ^ rr rt ^r| w y nigJiV ^M t 'Kjt *" 
shMli **. 'Wh^ , g Jff'. ,* on Urt' riv -*rt KTMU ^ibiir r r pfl muy ,*jit, Thi|. K^ w 

goual TLa Jcar Inertd* of myrtiiM U-J iu lU^^uiim Wo fr, XflQ * I t-i<i fc 

t t 'i r* 



And I know that- ihe*mi)ei u .t. AV .'forou I 
WlwwUtey puliM the white blov -401*1 tfc* tfu- nwfaSI 

> ^fc far * cW j 
IU flwp m ihe 0*k 
idi ffl * - dw> thwr foot- 

i' 'M- \\ If u 

FIG. 29 

Take me home to the place where I first saw the light, 

To the sweet sunny South take me home, 

Where the mocking bird sung me to rest ev'ry night, 

AJi! why whs I tempted to roam, 

I think with regret of the dear ones I left, 

Of the warm house that sheltered me then, 

Of the wife and the dear ones of whom I'm bereft, 

And I sigh for the old place again. 


Music in Texas 


Take me home to the place where my little ones sleep, 
Poor niassa lies buried close by 

O'er the grave of the lov'd ones I long to weep, 
And among them to rest when I die. 

Take me home to the place where the orange trees grow, 

To my cot in the evergreen shade, 

Where the flowers on the river's green margin may blo-w. 

Their sweets on the bank where we played, 

The path to our cottage they say has grown green, 

And the place is quite lonely around; 

And I know that the smiles and the forms I have seen, 

Now lie deep in the dark mossy ground. 

Take me home, let me see what is left that I know 

Can it be that the old house is gone! 

The dear friends of my childhood indeed *must be few, 

And I must lament all alone. 

But yet Fll return to the place of my birth, 

Where my children have played at the door; 

"Where they pull'd the white blossoms that garnish' d the 

Which will echo their footsteps no more. 


Some Musical Annals of Texas Before 1890 

USICAL development following the Civil War va- 
ried with the different social classes. In general 
there were five classes of people: (1) the well-to-do 
whites, who having depended entirely upon slaves for la- 
bor, were accustomed to leisure which was devoted either 
to recreation or to the cultivation of the arts; (2) the 
poor whites, who earned only a pittance by manual la- 
bor, were socially almost on a par with the negroes, and 
knew no music except the songs they had heard in the regions 
from which they had come largely hymn tunes or English, 
Irish, and Scotch folk-songs; (3) the foreigners, of whom the 
Germans were the most numerous, who havirig always done 
their own work, were entirely unaffected by the freeing of 
the slaves; (4) the Mexicans, mainly in San Antonio and the 
border regions, music loving but not active or enterprising 
promoters; and (5) the negroes, instinctively music lovers, 
but now faced for the first time with the problem of self-sup- 
port. Staggered by the outcome of the war, the members of 
the ex-slave-holding class were far more than a decade in be- 
coming adjusted to the changed conditions; the poor whites, 
like the negroes, were just beginning to emerge from a state of 
bondage. Under such conditions the development of music 
fell mainly to the foreign population, and it was only in the 
centers that boasted a substantial German population that 
any noteworthy musical progress was made. The sale of musi- 
cal instruments in all parts of the state in the post war years 
was extensive. 

Among the more important centers were Houston, Galves- 
ton, San Antonio, Austin, and the smaller German settlements 
headed by New Braunfels. Houston and Galveston, through 
their direct contact with New Orleans, Mexico and Europe, 
were, visited frequently by foreign musicians; in San Antonio 
were both the German and Mexican elements; Austin, the 
capital, and the home of a large German group, was also a 
leader musically* In all these towns, the musical organiza- 
tions formed befbre the war began to function again shortly 
after, under new leaders; concerts were frequent, aftdtfee study 
of music under private teadhets was given encouragement. 

Music in Texas 

"Both the type of music studied and performed indicated a great 
advance musically over that of the earlier decade* Particularly 
was this noticeable among the Anglo-Americans, who formerly 
had contented themselves largely with the popular music of 
-the day. 

Some of the incidents in the musical life of these towns are 
of interest. Houston, enjoying the advantages of its proximity 
to the sea coast and its position as an early railroad center, 
was quickly able to return to normal conditions. Soon after 
the German Glee Club was reorganized and, under the leader- 
ship of Professor Miller assisted by Professor Eckhardt and 
C. G. Heine, gave a series of vocal and instrumental concerts, 
some of which were for charitable purposes, such as the sup- 
port of the Bayland Orphan Home and to assist worthy 

By 1868 the Houston theater was again in operation, and 
there Professor Stadtler, who had already organized a string 
and brass band, as well as various singing societies, directed the 
music. Even in the saloons of that day^ the music must have 
been rather superior to that later, for we find Professor Stadt- 
ler and his band, when not engaged in the theater, busy with 
evening concerts at the Exchange saloon. 

The outstanding events in the musical life of Houston during 
the first decade after the Civil War were the Volkfests of 
1869 and 1870. There was competitive singing by groups 
from Houston and Galveston, and programs which included 
works of Beethoven and Schubert were well rendered. When 
news of the Franco-Prussian War was received, benefit con- 
certs for the German widows and orphans were given. Two 
excellent bands under the direction of Messrs. Schmidt and 
Stadtler gave public concerts and took part in all civic cele- 
brations. > 

Music teaching went on apace. Private teachers taught in 
the schools and at their own and the pupils' home. In 1868 
the Houston Telegram announced the "starting of a new enter- 
prise in musical education" that of teaching music in classes. 
"The plan is meeting with marked success in Europe and else- 
where/* Mr. A. Adey, who introduced the plan in Houston, 
opened in that year the Houston Conservatory of Music, which 
offered a complete musical education including class lessons 
and concerts. 


Some Musical Annals of Texas before 1890 

Among the other contributions to the musical life of Houston 
in the early seventies were the concerts given in 1873 by Euse- 
bio Delgado, a well-known violinist of Mexico City, and by 
the Peak bellringers and the Berger family, vocalists, harpists, 
and violinists. For those of less cultivated tastes, the bur- 
lesque opera troupes, presented with the brass bands of the 
various minstrel shows which visited the city, offered enter- 

Galveston, from the early days of the Republic, gave promise 
of becoming 'a musical center, for her location as a port was 
such that most of the newcomers, including musicians from 
either New York, Mobile, New Orleans, or Europe, landed 
there, and it also became the headquarters of the state for 
musical supplies. Pianos of the best manufacture, such as Wm. 
Hall, Checkering, Gilbert and Haines, were on sale regularly 
after 1850. Other instruments, especially violins, guitars, 
flutes, accordions, and tamborines, were regularly kept in stock 
and rarer instruments offered from time to time. Piano tuners 
from Galveston were sent to all parts of the state on annual or 
semi-annual trips* Sheet music and music books in a large and 
varied assortment were regularly advertised by Galveston 
merchants from the early fifties. Just after the Civil \Var the 
house of Thomas Goggan was established, which, with its 
branches, has served a wide circle of musicians and has pub- 
lished compositions of both Texans and Mexicans. Even be- 
fore the establishment of Goggan's, music written by local 
musicians was being published in Galveston. One of these, of 
which a copy has survived, was "Leaf by Leaf the Roses Fall" 
by T. B. Bishop. A few of Mr. Fitze's compositions were also 
published there, but many were issued by Oliver Ditson. 
Another early composer was F. Smith, who taught at Baylor 
University. His "Holly Oak Grand Waltz" was one of the 
early compositions which had its origin in Texas and was pub- 
lished by a reputable house. Attention has already been called 
to Civil War Compositions. 

Theater and concert life in Galveston had reached a point 
during the fifties that justified the erection of the Tremont 
Music Hall, which was owned and operated by August Sacht- 
leben. The organization of several German singing societies 


Music in Texas 

as well as the Turn verein had taken place much earlier. 
Aside from the music furnished by local talent, the list of 
visiting artists who appeared in Galveston before the Civil 
War included many celebrities, some of these foreigners, such 
as Anna Bishop, the Bernais Mountain Singers, and the Hun- 
garian exiles. An interesting figure connected with Galveston 
musical life in the fifties was Adah Isaacs Menken, a world- 
famed dancer and singer, who married Mr. Menken, a Gai- 
veston musician, in that city in 1856. 

The Civil War put an end to all musical activities, for, due 
to the capture of the city by the Federals, the inhabitants fled 
to the mainland. The loss of the files of the Galveston News 
during this period has robbed the historian of much valuable 
material concerning Galveston in two decades. But scarcely 
was the war over before such organizations as the Harmonic 
Society, the Liedertafel, Liederkranz, St. Cecilia Brass Band, 
Lone Star Brass Band, a colored brass band, the Mozartina 
and the Island City Glee Clubs and the Philharmonic Society 
were all functioning. 

In the churches Galveston was early blessed with un- 
usually good music given under the direction of capable or- 
ganists and choir directors. The Cathedral at Galveston 
boasted the first pipe organ in Texas. It was contracted for 
at a cost of $2,000, by Bishop Odin, and installed by Pro- 
fessor Felton, whose children all became accomplished musi- 
cians active in Galveston. Among the men who contributed 
later to the development of church music were Professors 
Sachtleben, Zawadil and Leberman, one of whose sons be^ 
came a music teacher at the State school for the Blind at Austin. 
For many years the father was organist and director of music 
at St. Mary's Cathedral, where a choir composed of excel- 
lent voices, including those of Miss Reybaud and Messrs. 
Waltersdorf and Walker, furnished a high type of music. As 
a compliment to Professor Leberman, the Mozartina and 
Island City Glee Clubs dedicated to him a performance in 

San Antonio was musically very fortunate, for many of the 
cultured foreign settlers, driven back from the frontier by 
Indians and other hardships, took refuge there, and many rep- 
resentatives of the educated families of the Old South, in ad- 


Some Musical 'Annals of -Texas before 1890 

dition to the original Spanish and Mexican settlers made their 
permanent homes in that city. Even from New England had 
come families of considerable musical talent, such as the Tomp- 
kins group, consisting of a brother and two sisters, who 
early in the fifties journeyed to Texas, giving concerts on the 
way. The Clarksville Standard, in recording their first per- 
formance in Texas, spoke of them as singers of extraordinary 
musical talent and admired particularly their comic songs, 
although it admitted that the pathetic, especially the "Snow 
Storm" and the "Death of Ringgold" were beautifully sung. 
Mr, Tompkins taught in San Antonio for many years; one 
sister became Mrs. Enoch Jones, the other Mrs. Newton; all 
were prominent musically until their death; and some of their 
descendants have carried on their good work. 

Other family groups very active in promoting musical life 
in the Alamo City through many decades were the Herffs and 
the LaCostes. The beautiful LaCoste voices are recalled still by 
the singing of the descendants of Ferdinand Herff and Zulema 
La Coste. Other active musicians of the seventies included 
Professor Plagge, for many years the superintendent of the 
public schools and for a time teacher of music in St* Mary's 
Hall the Episcopal school for girls; Mr. Heilig, who began 
teaching music in the public schools in the early fifties; and Mr. 
Thielepape, the director of the Beethoven Club, who also served 
for a time as the mayor of the city. When Sidney Lanier, 
the southern poet, spent some time in San Antonio in the early 
seventies, he visited the Beethoven Club, played his flute for 
its members, and was enthusiastically received. His con- 
tacts with this group of singers furnished some of the most 
pleasurable incidents of his stay there. 

One of the centers of musical life in San Antonio was the 
Casino, established before the Civil War and supported until 
the present day largely by the German element. Here concerts 
were almost a weekly occurrence. Operas were given with 
both singers and orchestra drawn from local talent; groups 
from the German sing-ing societies were heard from time to time; 
and visiting musicians were given a cordial and appreciative 

Music was generally provided for the public. Following the 
early Mexican custom, a city band played on the plaza once 


Music in Texas 

a week or oftener; during the concerts the young men and wo- 
men promenaded, while the elders occupied the seats about 
the square. In addition to the city band, the military band 
attached to the United States troops, stationed for a time 
where the Gunter Hotel now stands, gave frequent concerts. 
In the town was also an Italian harpist, Charley Calvello, who 
directed a string band much in favor for dances and home 
entertainments. Among the Mexicans a brass band, which 
gave both outdoor and indoor concerts, was organized and 
long maintained. 

In the churches some good music was given. The Catho- 
lic churches the Cathedral St. Mary's and St. Joseph's the 
former catering especially to the Spanish, the latter to the Ger- 
man element of the community, maintained a high standard. 
The first pipe organ in a Protestant church was that installed 
in 1875 in St. Mark's Episcopal Church, which before that 
time boasted only a melodeon. The other Protestant sects, 
while encouraging hymn singing, did not exert themselves to- 
ward securing good musical instruments or trained choirs 
until much later. In addition to the music on Sundays, some 
concerts were given in the churches, largely by German or 
German- American talent. 

Children of most of the prosperous French and Spanish 
families were generally sent away to school, frequently to 
Europe; consequently the musical ranks were continually being 
replenished by young people who had enjoyed opportunities 
for hearing far more music than San Antonio could provide. 
The activity of the Germans was largely directed to giving 
their children a good education at home; in their educational 
scheme music and gymnastics played an important part. 

Just across from the present Gunter Hotel on Houston Street 
stood Turner Hall, where the attention of both young and old 
was directed to physical development and to the attainment 
of some degree of vocal skill. Here also met for practice the 
German singing societies, directed by trained musicians, who 
instilled into their pupils, along with a general love of music 
and a first-hand knowledge of many of the classics, the the real- 
ization of the necessity for serious work. Among the teachers 
of the period in addition to Messrs. Plagg, Heilig and Thiele- 


Some Musical Annals of Texas before 1890 

pape, were Mr. Petmecky, Mr. Clements, and Lotus Eber- 

Various merchants handled musical instruments. Sweet and 
La Coste sold pianos and musical supplies; E. Pentrieder also 
carried such things in his varied stock. Judge Devine is 
generally ccredited with having the first piano; but even be- 
fore the Civil War pianos were common in most of the homes; 
in the well-to-do German or Mexican residence, it was unusual 
not to have one. Guitars were very popular as accompaniments 
for solo and group singing, especially among the Mexicans, 
all of whom sang constantly the folk-songs of old Spain, while 
many of them played beautifully by ear. 

In spite of the lack of transportation facilities, which made it 
difficult for musicians who visited other parts of the state to 
reach San Antonio, opera troupes from Mexico, and occa- 
sionally from Houston, came by stage and were always cor- 
dially greeted there by a large music-loving audience. It was 
in the years before the coming of the railroads that the foun- 
dations for the cosmopolitan and music-loving city, which San 
Antonio has since been acknowledged to be, were securely 

Among the musical organizations which came into existence 
in Austin, the capital, soon after the Civil War and worked 
for the benefit of the general public was a city string band, 
composed of eight of Austin's best musicians and directed 
by Henry A. Klotz, a musician who later taught at the State 
School for the Blind. A brass band was also organized among 
the Germans; these two united their forces in a concert in 1870 
for the benefit of the widows and orphans of the Franco-Prus- 
sian War. The string band especially enjoyed popular favor 
and more than one concert was given to secure funds for its 
support. In 1872 George Herzog, who became the teacher of 
orchestra and organ at the Blind Institute, took charge of the 
brass band and later conducted an orchestra. In 1877 the 
Hicks City Band, composed of colored members, came into 

Through its organist and musical director, Mrs. Fanny L. 
Crooker, St. David's Episcopal church was active in fostering 
good music. Under her leadership a Philharmonic Society, 
which met semi-monthly for musical study, was organized, 


Music in Texas 

and soon undertook the serious study of oratorio. Esther was 
performed with fifteen soloists and a chorus of fifty; in 1875 
the Creation was given by the same group with the coopera- 
tion of the other musicians in Austin. For fifteen years Mrs. 
Crooker played an important part in musical life in Austin; 
she was drowned in the Indianola flood in 1886, Soon after 
her death the church offered for sale the first pipe organ 
brought to Austin, an Aeolian Automatic, with eight sets of 
reeds, which had been installed about the time of Mrs. Crook- 
er r s arrival. 

The center of musical life in Austin for more than twert> 
years was the Turner Hall which then faced on Colorado 
Street and was later converted into the Scottish Rite Cathe- 
dral. With a floor space forty-five by sixty-six feet and a 
stage thirty-five by forty-five feet, it was claimed to be the 
finest hall in the state. The Turn Verein early organized a 
Singing Society which in the early seventies was under the 
direction of L. Klappenbach. Later, the Saengerrunde came 
under the direction of William Besserer, who, after playing 
an important part in musical life in Austin for more than fifty 
years, died in 1931* Born in Austin in 1850 and educated in 
Germany, he returned to his native city early in the seventies 
and entered upon an active career. Few musical performances 
were staged without his aid; few were the musical organiza- 
tions to which he did not at some time lend a helping hand. At 
Scholz' Garden, which became the property of the German 
Singing Society, the Austin Musical Union flourished for many 
years under his direction and gave opera and choral works of 
a high order* He also directed dramatic performances of the 
younger German set. In 1875 Schiller's birthday was cele- 
brated with tableaux and incidental music; in 1876 Prince 
Wolfgang of Anhalt was given; in* 1886 Stradella and Men- 
delssohn's Lorelei were performed by local talent under his 

The outstanding event of musical life in Austin during the 
seventies was the twelfth Saengerfest held there in April, 1879, 
to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of 
the State Saengerbund. Delegations from San Antonio, New 
Braunfels, Dallas, Brenham, and Galveston joined with the 


Some Musical Annals of Texas before 1890 

Austin Saegerrunde and a mixed chorus in a three-day session. 
Ten years later the city again welcomed the singers who took 
part in the seventeenth Saengerfest. 

Numerous were the teachers and musicians who contrib- 
uted to musical progress. Among those in the seventies 
were Udo Rhodius, pianist and composer; J. Messmer, who 
had played in concert with Paganini in London and Paris; C. T. 
Sisson, who composed much music popular in his day and 
acted as concert manager in Austin; and Mrs. Cecilia Town- 
send. In the eighties, Mrs. J. J. Lane, who taught at Hood's 
Seminary; Miss Virginia Latham, teacher of piano at the Blind 
Institute; Mr. and Mrs. Robbins at the Texas Female Institute; 
H. F. Gruendler who taught at the German and English Aca- 
demy, and his wife at the Stewart Female Seminary where Miss 
Clara Revell also taught; Mrs. E. B. Harding at the Mendels- 
sohn School of Music and Art; and Professor Besserer who 
taught in almost every school in the city at one time or another 
all contributed to musical education. The first music teacher 
in connection with the public schools was Mrs. Bettie Tyler who 
taught in the "Graded School" in 1881-82. 

During the decade many musical attractions visited Austin. 
Among them were the Carleton Opera Company, the Salis- 
bury Troubadours, the Emma Abbott Opera Company, the 
Hungarian Gypsy Students, and minstrels galore. These 
with the band concerts, the operas, and other concerts by local 
talent gave an opportunity for the young people to hear and 
study good music, and for the older folk to take an active 
part both in its cultivation and enjoyment. 

The beginnings of music in Dallas are to be found in the 
annals of that band of French, Belgian, and Swiss settlers 
who established in 1855, on a site only a few miles from Oak 
Cliff, the colony of "La Reunion" under the leadership of 
Victor Considerant. Among the individuals who figured most 
prominently in the musical life of the colony were: Mrs. Vigo- 
reaux, the mother-in-law of Considerant, who taught for a 
number of years; Allyre Bureau, already mentioned; Abel 
Daelly, a flutist* and Charles Capys, the leader of a singing 

The close of the Civil War found Dallas a struggling vil- 
lage of less than a thousand souls; but interest in music was 


Music In Texas 

not lacking. At an entertainment given to raise funds for the 
erection of the Methodist church in 1868, music was furnished 
by Dr. Willis and his class and by the Dallas Glee Club, Pro- 
fessor St. Clair gave lessons on the violin and flute and also 
taught dancing; Mrs. S. B. Halsell taught the piano and guitar. 
In that same year, instruments were ordered and a brass band 
organized under the leadership of Judson B. Steffee. Th?s 
band, late in 1868, gave a concert at Lancaster in response to 
a request of the "Ladies Building Committee* r and was assisted 
by Professor Steele's vocal class. Professor Steffee was a busy 
man, for he also organized and instructed the Mechanics Brass 
Band, formed that year at Waxahachie, a band in Lancaster, 
and a band at Weatherford. Mr. Kinney organized in Dallas 
a cornet band of eight members. Among other teachers who 
were active in the late sixties were Mrs. Ellen S. Smith and 
Professor J. D. Lackie, who taught both vocal and instrumental 
music and directed many concerts of local talent. 

With the coming of another Swiss group in 1870, music 
was given additional impetus, for most of the newcomers, 
while artisans, were accustomed to turn to music as a regular 
form of diversion. As a result the Swiss Glee Club was organ- 
ized and soon claimed an important place in social life. This 
with the Turner singing association, promoted music in many 
forms. A regular feature of Dallas life was the May Fest, at 
which songs in French and German usually featured the pro- 
gram. Concerts were frequently given by the Turner singing 
association, which was directed bv Professor Bauer, a teacher 
and composer of standing. One of his compositions, a Christmas 
anthem, was performed at the Episcopal church in 1875, when 
almost all the good voices of the city took part under his di- 
rection. Another organization which traces its origin to the 
Swiss group was the Frohsinn, a singing society which took 
part in the Saengerfest at Austin in 1879 by singing "Wie hab 
ich dich geliebt" by Moehring; after that date, it appeared 
regularly on the Saegerfest programs. 

As Dallas before the days of the railroads was further re- 
moved from contacts with visiting musical attractions than 
Galveston or San Antonio, its musicians were forced to de- 


Some Musical Annals of Texas before 1890 

pend more largely upon local talent and to develop it to a greater 
extent. That the programs given were not to be despised is 
evidenced by a survey of a few of the compositions rendered, 
In 1874 one opened with a piano duet of an operatic overture, 
the Infelice of Ernani was sung by Major Obenchain, and the 
Mad Scene of Lucia de Lammermoor by Miss Rivers; Mrs. 
Alice Fisher gave "Fleurs des Alpes," a Tyrolienne song, and 
the "Grand Air des Dragons de Villars"; while the program 
closed with Gottschalk's Last Hope played by Mr. W. G. 
Francis, who was rated as one of the best pianists in Dallas. A 
typical Turner concert was the following, given in 1875: Over- 
ture to Tancredi, Aria for tenor from Der Freischutz, Rei- 
chardt's Das Bild der Rose as chorus with tenor solo, selection 
from Egmont by the orchestra, a duet from Martha, and 
Kuntze's Weingalopp by the chorus under the direction of 
Theodore Bauer. Other musical organizations were the Con- 
cordia Club, organized in 1875, and the Cosmopolites, an ama- 
teur group which contributed minstrel performances. The 
Musicale Society, formed about the same time continued ac- 
tive for many years. 

The banner year of Dallas musical life in the decades fol- 
lowing the Civil War was 1883, in which the new opera house 
was opened and the state Saengerfest held its biennial festi- 
val there. For this occasion the Spanish Fort band of New 
Orleans was engaged at a cost of $6,000. The mixed chorus 
under Profesor Frees, numbering about seventy-five voices, 
prepared the jRose Maiden for presentation. Dallas proved no 
unworthy host to the delegations which arrived from Austin, 
San Antonio, Galveston, and Houston, as well as from many of 
the smaller cities, such as Terrell, Longview, Brenham, and 
Waco. Here was gathered, for the first time in the history of 
North Texas, a representative body of the best of Texas musi- 
cians, who rendered a program of which no region could feel 
other than pride. 


Musical Education 

SINCE the missions were the first schools in Texas, it might 
truthfully be said that music has had a place in the school 
curriculum since the days of the earliest settlements in the re- 
gion; but it has not been included during the whole period 
since, nor has its progress been either steady or continuous* In 
the schools established under the civil government of Spain, 
no music was taught, nor do we find reference even to group 
singing. In the early Anglo-American schools, many of which 
taught both boys and girls, songs were generally sung, if the 
teacher was capable of singing; in the schools for girls, the 
guitar and piano were almost always among the branches of 
instruction offered for a special fee, which in the period before 
1860 ranged around $20.00 per semester. There are few ref- 
erences to the teaching of other instruments; these were left 
largely to the private teachers, more or less capable, who, in 
large numbers, offered their services to the public from 1830 on* 
The first specific instance of music taught in the public 
schools as a regular branch of the curriculum at public expense 
was at Galveston. Just when the subject was introduced is 
not clear, but in 1847 when a committee of citizens made a 
visitation of the schools they made the following report: 

Music has been taught in all the schools, since their opening, by 
Mr. Hill, with that thoroughness and skill for which he is so well 
known in the city. The introduction of this beautiful art, as a branch 
of elementary education, has given universal satisfaction to all inter- 
ested, and to none more entirely than the children themselves. This 
is no longer an experiment or a theory. Whether as a means of joy- 
ous recreation to the fagged and weary pupil, or as a weapon of 
discipline over the boisterous one, it is worth tenfold its cost; but 
when we contemplate its probable influence, as a moral hygiene, over 
the minds of our youth, at a season of life when impressions are the 
most lasting, its value is truly incalculable. Among the pupils there 
is a large number of Germans, many of whom entered the schools 
without knowing a word of English. These children now sing our 
National Airs correctly, and feelingly, and are forming their ideas 
of patriotism, and its duties, in their most pleasing association. 

It is not difficult to explain the appearance of this branch of 

Musical Education 

education at this comparatively early date. The movement 
toward inclusion of music as a regular branch of scnool instruc- 
tion was in full swing. Efforts of school officials in Boston 
dating from 1830 finally secured the inclusion of music in 1838 
in the public schools, with Lowell Mason as the teacher* Dur- 
ing the next few years other cities rapidly fell in line: 

Portland 1839 Buffalo 1843 

New York 1840 Pittsburgh 1844 

Cincinnati 1840 Salem 1844 

New Orleans 1841 Providence 1844 

Mr. Hill, the Galveston teacher, had come from New Orleans, 
where music had already been introduced in the schools of the 
Second Municipality, 

Nor is it difficult to explain the interest in such a branch of 
study in a town as remote as Galveston from large cultural 
centers. Galveston was the port to which most of the Germans 
who were about to settle in Texas came. Many went no fur- 
ther; others lingered longer or shorter periods awaiting means 
of transportation to the new settlements inland. Accustomed 
as they were to music in their schools in the fatherland, it is 
small wonder that they lent their influence to its inclusion here. 
As the new German settlements were founded and schools 
established, music took its place in the curriculum. In San 
Antonio, Mr. Heilig became the teacher in "The People's 
Schools/* as a receipt preserved at the City Hall testifies: 

It is hereby agreed between Francis Heilig and the city of San 
Ajitonio through their school committee that said Heilig agrees to 
teach vocal music to the scholars of "The People's Schools" of San 
Antonio, by giving said scholars four lessons per week to be given 
at such hours as the teachers of the different schools may decide. 
For such service the city agrees to pay the said Heilig Ten Dollars 
per month, at the end of each mionth. 

J. M. West 

F. Heilig 

J. Ulrich 
Chairman of the School Committee 

This agreement is dated 1853, and the records show that Mr. 
Heilig continued to perform that service for many years* 

During the forties and fifties music was generally taught in 
the private institutions of learning, but this instruction generally 
covered no more than group singing for all, and piano or guitar 


Music in Texas 

playing for the girls. Mrs. Seelfeld at Velasco, Miss Mad- 
den at Houston, the Misses Sims at Washington and Mrs. 
Mayo at Rutersville were among the early teachers, Wesleyan 
at San Augustine, the University of San Augustine, Nacog- 
doches University, and the Masonic Collegiate Institute at 
Fanthorpe, now Anderson, were among the schools that ad- 
vertised this branch. Melinda Rankin recounts the presence of 
a good teacher of music at Matagorda for some years pre- 
ceding 1850; and the Lavaca Institute offered instruction in 
both piano and guitar, as did the Boston Female Academy, 
where vocal music was made a part of each day's exercises. 
In 1851 Mr. L. H. W. Johnson was proposing to teach music 
by a system of mutual education and the use of figures: 

I would introduce to a class say from seven years and upwards 
the science of music by figures, which from its combining pleasure 
with utility its simplicity and facility of acquisiton its moraliz- 
ing and harmonizing influence is decidedly preferable to any other 
elementary branch for the purpose of attracting the attention, ex- 
panding the mind, and paving the way, or forming a prelude to other 
solid, scientific, ornamental, and useful branches of education. . . 

In the following year Mr, G. G. Miner announced to the Hous- 
ton public that he would instruct in both harmony and com- 
position in addition to vocal and instrumental music. In 1853 
Baylor Female College was advertising for a " thoroughly 
qualified" music teacher* 

The Civil War was scarcely over before strong effort was 
made to include music as a part of the regular work of the public 
schools. At the meeting of the State Teachers Association in 
1866, the standing committee on music, of which H. Ernest 
Vaas and Gustave Duvernoy, both of Houston, were mem- 
bers, reported on the adoption of a text book in music, The Sil- 
ver Lute by Geo. F. Root, published in Cincinnati by John 
Church and Co, in 1862. Extant copies point to its wide 
popularity, both in the day and Sunday schools. Of the va- 
rious state superintendents who urged the teaching of music, 
Prof. Hollingsworth was a leader. The Acme Song Collec- 
tion recommended by him is the first textbook seen by the 
writer which contains songs with a specific reference to Texas, 


Musical Education 

one being an adaption of Dixie to words descriptive of Texas 
conditions. The company which issued it also circulated small 
prospectuses which contained printed music; and even these 
seem to have come into popular use. 


Oh! our Texan State is a grand creation, 
The largest of all this glorious nation. 
Then hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! sing we all. 

CHORUS: The boundaries of our State so fair, 

Hurrah! hurrah! 
Surprise all people everywhere, 
Such riches vast containing. 

Hurrah! hurrah! the grand young State of Texas! 
Hurrah! hurrah! the grand young State of Texas! 

And the growth of great men will Texas nourish, 
For she is aroused to make her schools nourish. 
Then hurrah 1 hurrah! hurrah! sing we all. 

We will make our schools unto none the second, 
The best let them soon through the world be reckoned. 
Then hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! sing we all. 

Cultured minds and hearts be the lovely graces 
For crowning the beauty of fair Texas faces. 
Then hurrah! hurrah! hurrah! sing we all. 

Come and j.oin our song in a glad rejoicing, 
With glorious zeal together all voicing. 

Then Oiurrah! hurrah! hurrah! sing we all. 

FIG. 3O 

The organization of the Music Teachers National Associa- 
tion in 1876 and that of the Music section of the National Edu- 
cation Association in 1884 were quickly reflected in Texas by 
the organization at Austin in 1 886 of the Texas Music Teachers' 
Association, with 76 members. Its object was to unite the musi- 
cal profession "for better protection of its interests, frater- 
nal feeling, improvement in methods of teaching and a higher 
degree of musical culture throughout the state/* and to work 
in cooperation with the national body. The moving spirit of the 
organization was }. Alleine Brown of Chappell Hill, who was 
vice-president for Texas of the national association; its secre- 
tary during the ten years of the existence of the organization 
was William Besserer of Austin. After some five years of 


Music in Texas 

continued growth, the membership declined and the attendance 
at the annual meetings became so limited that it was permitted 
to expire after 1894. Its membership was made up almost exclu- 
sively of private teachers of music, largely piano, although 
some of the private schools were represented. Its rolls give no 
indication of any alliance of its interests with the teachers of 
music in the public schools, who were still few in number. 

Before 1900 such instruction in music as was given at public 
expense was, as was true of the United States in general 
limited to vocal music; but in contrast with the programs of 
the larger cities, Texas adopted no uniform course of study, 
*uch as Luther Mason's National Course, whose popularity 
was extensive. Few were the attempts at systematic teaching 
of even the fundamentals of music except in the schools which 
employed special music teachers, and these were usually visit- 
ing members of the staff, not a part of the regular faculty. Only 
in the German schools was music taught systematically through 
the grades. In the public high schools, which came into exis- 
tence after 1880, no music was taught for many years. 

Very slowly, with the opening of the 20th century, was the 
system inaugurated in the larger cities of having a music super- 
visor teach the regular class-room teachers, who, in turn, at- 
tempted to teach the children. Certain defects became at once 
apparent; there were few musicians trained for public school 
work; and many class-room teachers, good in other subjects 
lacked both voice and ear for music. To obviate the latter 
difficulty, any teacher in a school found especially fitted either 
by nature or training to conduct the music classes, was permit- 
ted to exchange with the other teachers who could not. In the 
Anglo-American schools the movable-do system was uniformly 
followed and the textbooks used were of American origin; in 
the foreign schools, where the best work was done, the fixed-do 
system prevailed and foreign textbooks were the rule. Vocal 
music was the only type known to the schools. 

While progress, if somewhat slow and halting, was thus 
being made in Texas, Thomas Edison was at work on his sound- 
reproducing machine, for which he secured his first patent 
in 1877. So slow was its improvement, that even after fifteen 
years the reproduced tone was so faint as to be inaudible to 
all but the person connected with the machine by a transmitter 
to his ear. In the nineties these machines reached Texas, where 


Musical Education 

they were regarded with great curiosity. Phonograph parlors 
vere instituted as a form of amusement. Each machine was 
provided with from six to eight pairs of transmitters; the auditor 
held them to his ear in an attempt to catch sounds which 
appeared to come as from a great distance, accompanied with 
much creaking and groaning of the apparatus. Musicians 
scoffed at such music; and educators could not, at the time, 
foresee any application to their field of this still crude toy. 

Piece by piece the sound reproducing machine was perfect- 
ed. The early wax cylinder gave way to circular discs; fric- 
tion was gradually eliminated; the tone quality was improved; 
and the recording done by electrical methods. Before all these 
improvements had been worked out, educators had begun to 
sense the increasing importance for them of the machine. In 
1896 Springfield, Massachusetts, introduced an appreciation 
course in music, made possible through the illustrations fur- 
nished by the machines; and by 1910 such instruction was being 
given in Texas, if not in as organized a form. Year by year 
thereafter the phonograph advanced from the kindergarten to 
the college, until it became a daily disseminator of, and a con- 
tributor to, the understanding of music as an art. 

The Vacant Chair. 



. . _i.V ^ ^' 

1. We shall meet, but we shall miss him, There will be one vacant chair ; We shall linger to ca- 

2. At our fire-side sad and lonely, Often will the bosom swell At remembrance of the 

3. True they tell us wreaths of glory Ev-er-more will deck his brow, But this soothes the anguish 


p t , p p 

M J > ' 

ress him While we breathe our evening prayer. When a year ago we gathered. Joy was 
sto - ry How our noble Willie fell ; How he -strove to bear our banner Thro* the 
on - ly Sweeping o'er our heart-strings now. Sleep to - day, O ear - ly fall, - eti, In thy 

1 j yi *t tX ' 

' M U * 

1 ' -U i- U tf.I 

in his mild blue eye. But golden cord is severed, And our ho'pes in ru - in lie. 
thickest -of thought, And up - hold our country's honor, In the strength of manhood's might, 
green and narrow bed, Dirges from the pine and cypress Mingle with the tears we shed. 


in *iioet farm. wiiU t/iupbouy ftud accompaniment, by 001 & Cur, 95 Clark ., CLicaco. Price 2i ceo 

From The Si/uer Lute. FJG 




Effects of the World War on Musical Progress 

THE years preceding the entry of the United States into the 
\Vorld War served for Texas as a period of initiation, for 
conditions in Mexico necessitated the transit of large bodies 
of troops from all parts of the country to and through Texas. 
The occupation of Vera Cruz in 1915 seemed an echo of 
the events of 1846-1848; the Pershing expedition into Mexico 
and the contacts of the Federal troops stationed along the 
Rio Grande, where bandits and revolutionists kept all astir 
for years, brought into Texas a flood of Mexican airs and revo- 
lutionary songs. Some of these came in printed form; many 
more, through oral transmission. 

The entrance of the United States into the European melee 
ushered in an era of community singing never before known in 
Texas. The songs most commonly used were the patriotic and 
those already generally familiar; the new war songs sung in 
Texas during that particular period are the subject of a special 
study not yet complete.* Certain ones, such as "Smiles/* 
"Pack up your troubles/' and "There's a Long, Long Trail 
a~winding/' attained great popularity in all the army camps; 
of these Camp Travis at San Antonio was easily the greatest 
in the Southwest. The encouragement of community singing 
in the camps had both good and bad results. Men who had 
never sung before and who had looked upon music as some- 
thing quite beneath their dignity, now, under the influence of 
the crowd, joined wholeheartedly. So far, so good. But both 
this singing, which became quite a popular pastime, and 
the music played by the military bands were turned directly to 
the one end desired by political and military leaders that of 
arousing a public sentiment which would support the war pro- 
gram. In accomplishing this, the music program sponsored 

*Dr Milton Gutsch of the History Department of the University 
of Texas, with rare foresight, gathered a remarkably complete col- 
lection of documents showing tihe relation of Texas to the World War. 
These will furnish many detailed studies for future historians. 

Music in Texas 

by the War Department emphasized Americanization so dras- 
tically that the enthusiasm of the foreign elements for their 
own music was, unfortunately, completely destroyed. 

Not only music suffered as a result of the Americanization 
program; foreign languages were swept from the curriculum 
of the graded school. At the very time that a child is most 
susceptible to a cultivation of the sense for language, such in- 
struction was prohibited. German, which had, for a half 
century, beea taught in the public schools of San Antonio from 
the third grade on, and Spanish, usually taught from the fifth, 
were eliminated by legislative enactment. French, taught only 
in a few high schools, was but slightly affected; in the 
secondary schools the enrollment veered toward Spanish. But 
now, for the first time in Texas, the child of foreign ancestry 
was made to feel ashamed of it. Even in towns like New 
Braunfels in which German had been the language of the 
people since its establishment in 1845, the teachers were so 
carried away by war propaganda or fear of criticism, that 
children were made afraid to address their parents at home in 
the tongue they had formerly used. To such extremes did 
otherwise intelligent people go that, in an excess of patriotic 
fervor, they consigned ruthlessly to the flames German libraries 
and collections of music which were priceless from an histori- 
cal standpoint, as they covered, in some instances, the whole 
period of German life in Texas. The drafting of young men 
who were descendants of foreign immigrants had the further 
eilect of sundering forever the bonds of blood and language 
which had united them with Europe. The severing of these 
relations was promptly reflected in the commercial world* 
Books and music, formerly imported, and sung in foreign 
tongues, were replaced by others printed in the United States 
in the English langugage. In only too many cases, the former 
contacts with sources of the best of foreign music and literature 
were broken, never to be restored in the same fashion. 

The effects of the war propaganda on the young children of 
Germanic descent were soon perceptible. After being taught 
in their most impressionable years that their European relatives 
were monsters capable of committing the most horrible atroc- 
ities, many grew up with a horror of all things German; they 
were ashamed to admit understanding the language, much less 


Effects of the World War on Musical Progress 

using it. Foreign-born parents were replied to in English; 
foreign books, pictures, even music were regarded with scorn. 
As the schools conducted in a foreign language were entirely 
closed for a time, and only slowly, as people recovered from 
the general hysteria, reopened, thousands of children who had 
spoken readily a foreign tongue lost their command of it en- 
tirely. As a result of this drastic program, the songs their an- 
cestors had sung and cherished were discarded; the ranks 6f 
the musical organizations the parents had fostered were never 
filled by the sons and daughters. A gap was opened between 
two generations, never to be bridged. 

Nowhere were the results more noticeable than in the fields 
of literature and music in Texas. In the higher institutions 
of learning, the special classes open to students who commanded 
a speaking knowledge of a foreign tongue were discontinued, 
for the students entering could neither speak nor read any- 
thing but English. The rich background of folk song and 
dance had also been lost, and nothing substituted therefor. 

Other drastic changes which banished music from the social 
life of the foreign element in Texas, especially among the labor- 
ing classes, were brought about through prohibition, which was 
made possible largely through the war conditions prevailing 
at the time of the passage of this measure. It closed the old 
German beer-hall and the beer-garden, where music and social 
enjoyment had advanced so comfortably hand in hand through 
the years. During the period of prohibition, most of these 
places disappeared, never to be restored. Gone were the 
resorts where the family went together on Sunday afternoons; 
gone, too, was the habit of the family staying together. 

Especially were these changes reflected in the German sing- 
ing societies, whose history we shall now briefly retrace. 



Singing Societies in Texas 

THE earliest singng societies of which we have a record in 
the early annals of Texas were not composed of Germans; 
they were made up of Anglo-Americans. The call for the 
organization of the first of 
these was issued at Hous- 
ton late in 1&39. The 
organization was effect^ 


ed, and the society func- 
tioned for a time, accord- 
ing to bits culled from the 
local press of the era. It 
served more as a choir for 
the religious services held 
in the capitol than as a 
secular choral group, but 
enlisted in its ranks were 
people sufficiently inter- 
ested in music to attempt 
to promote a better type 
of sacred music than 
was generally current. 
Beginning late in 1850, 
the Austin Serenaders, a 
group of male singers, 
gave a series of concerts at 
the capital city. A musical 
association was formed in 
Dallas in 1856 of which 
we have a few details; 
one in Houston, organ- 
ized in I&57 was broader 
in design, as it included 
both sacred and secular 
vocal and instrumental 
music on its programs. 
There existed, no doubt, 
other Anglo-American 

Sacred Music Society. We have 
been reauested to invite those ladles 
and gentlemen of this city who art 
anxious to form a society for the pur 7 
pose of improving themselves in -Sa^ 
cred music, to assemble on Thursday 
evening next, at 1 1-2 o'clock, in the 
Representative Hall. Itoe importance 
of such a society will present itself to- 
every individual, who will reflect a 
moment on the subject. Singing is- 
one of the most interesting parts of 
public worship and as such has re- 
ceived ^articular attention in all 
Christian countries; and in the North- 
ern United States, is now one of the 
prominent branches of study in many 
schools. It is indispensable to the- 
agreeable and effective performance 
of this portion of divine worship, that 
those who desire to participate hi it 
should have at least a little knowl- 
edge of the rules and principles of 
music; else its soothing effect will be 
lost, by want of harmony, time, &c. 
In addition to this, there is another 
strong reason why such a society 
should be organized. Most persons, 
particularly the young, take pleasure 
in singing, or in listening; and it has 
now become a well known fact, that 
individuals need not be born singers, 
but that the human voice is as suscep- 
tible of cultivation and improvement as 
the human mind. An innocent and 
agreeable method of passing some of 
the long winter evenings, is thus pre- 
sented to those and we trust there 
are many such who prefer amuse- 
ment of this nature, to those which 
tend alike to- injure the normal and in* 
tellectual character. We confidently 
expect to see a numerous attendance. 

FIG 32. 

Singing Societies in Texas 

groups in the same era, but little is known of their activities. 

The German singing society in Texas* was the outgrowth 
of a movement in Germany which culminated in the formation 
of the first German National Saengerfest at Frankfort-on-t he- 
Main in July, 1838, when over 700 singers participated. As 

The First German Singing Society in Texas, the Germania, organized 
in New Braunfels, March 2, 1850. This drawng was made by Carl G. 
Iwonsky, in 3,857. The members pictured above are (reading around 
the table from tlhe left) : August Bechstedt, A. Baier, Ed Rische, F. Mo- 
reau, H. Conring, C. H. Holtz, Julius Bremer, EL Seele, E. von Stein, G. 
Eisenlohr, A. Schlameus, J. Rennert, A. Hartmann and H. Schimmel- 
pfennig. ... - 

an echo of that program, there was organized at New Braun- 
fels on March 2nd, 1850, the Germania, the first German sing- 
ing society in the state. 

Soon afterward similar groups were formed at Austin, San 
Antonio and Sisterdale, a tiny hamlet in the hills. On October 
15, 1853, these four groups met in the First Saengerfest 
at 'New Braunfels. Torrential rains made the trip almost 

~*To some extent I (have followed the "Brief History of toe German 
<^te Saengerbund of Texas" in Moritz Tilings German Element 
in rLas^Houston, 1913), but the possession of the original programs 
collected by Carl Besserer of Austin (1850-1931) fcas enabled me to 
make certain corrections and enlargements. 


Music in Texas 



1 Mor - gen muss ich fort von hier und muss Ab - schied neh - men. 

2 Wenn zwei gu - te Freun-de sind, die ein - an - der ken -nen, 
3. Kus set dir ein Liif - te - lein Wan - gen o - der Han - de t 


O du al - ler-schon-ste Zier, Schei - den, das bringt Gra - men. 
Sonn' und Mond be - we gen sich, e - he sie sich tren - nen. 
den - ke, dass es Seuf - zer sein, die ich zu dir ^ sen j- de. 

Da ich dich so treu ge - liebt, ii - ber al - le Ma - ssen f 
Noch viel grd - sser ist derSchmerz.wenn ein treu ver- lieb -tes Herz 
Tau - send schick* ich tag Hch aus, die da we - hen urn dein Haus, 

soil ich dich ver - las 
in die Frem-de zie 
weil ich dein ge - den 

sen, soil ich dich ver - las - sen ! 
het, in die Frem-de zie - het. 

weil ich dein ge-den - ke. 


FIG 34 

The selection sung at the first Texas Saengerfest (18530 by the 
Austin group. 


Singing Societies in Texas 

impossible; the Austin singers lost their books and sup- 
plies while swimming the swollen Blanco River; the Saenger- 
halle could be reached from the town only by wagon; yet 
everybody was there. The director of the Satk Antonio group 
was Adolf Douai, editor of the San Antonio Staatszeitung 
and prominent later outside the state as a writer; A. Siemering 
directed the Sisterdale group; H. Guenther of New Braunfels, 
the Germania; while the Austinites were led by G. Petmecky. 
The program, which well deserves to figure in the annals of 
music in Texas was as follows: 


Vaterlandslied A Marschner Mass chorus 

Liebeschmerz Volksons Austin Society 

Minnelied, J. Otto Germania Singing Society 

Der Tanz, J. Otto San Antonio Society 

Das treue deutsche herz by J. Otto Germania 

Trinklied C. Kreutzer Sisterdale Quartette 

An die Freundschaft, A Neithardt Mass chorus 

L.ebewohl P. Silcher Austin Society 

Auf dem Wasser zu singen by Goethe Sisterdale Quartette 

Schlosserlied, by J. Otto, Germania Singing Society 

Was 1st des Deutschen Vaterland, by Cotta, San Antonio 
Singing Society 

Jaegers Abschied Mendelssohn Mass Chorus 

The second Saengerfest was held the next year at San An- 
tonio with the same organizations participating. We are not 
concerned here with the political activities of these groups; 
but the fact that the meetings gave opportunity for organized 
expression on many public questions should not be overlooked. 
At San Antonio a constitution of the Saengerbund was offered 
for adoption, and the leaders seized the occasion to express 
themselves upon various public questions, notably on slavery 
<md public education. 

By 1855 there were thirteen German singing societies in 
the state, but only Indianola, Columbus and La Grange, in ad- 
dition to those already named, took part in the third meeting 
at New Braunfels. After Austin declined the honor of acting 
as host for the next year, the Austin, San Antonio and La 
Grange groups met again at New Braunfels as guests of a 
newly organized society, the Liedertafel. Here for the first 
time the songs were accompanied, a piano taking the place of 
the original orchestral accompaniment to "Bine Nacht auf dem 


Music in Texas 

Meere," a -choral work which included solos and duets. The 
fifth 'meeting was also held at New Braunfels with only four 
societies attending, as the Sisterdale group had dissolved; the 
sixth was at Fredericksburg, then a frontier outpost, with two 
groups from New Braunfels and one each from Austin, San 
Antonio, Fredericksburg, Pedernales and Grape Creek taking 
part. At the seventh Saengerfest, held at New Braunfels in 
March, 1&60, a mixed chorus participated for the first time 
this was the Concordia of New Braunfels* The meeting 
planned for Austin for 1861 was, due to war conditions, not 

Not until 1869 was an attempt made to revive the Saenger- 
fest; in that year representatives from the two San Antonio 
groups, the Beethoven Maennerchor and the Liedertafel, the 
Austin Germania, and a group from Boerne prepared a new 
constitution and selected San Antonio as the next place of 
meeting. In September, 1870, the eighth Saengerfest was held 
there in a jubilant spirit, for the Franco-Prussian War had 
brought victory to the Germans. Although there were Ger- 
man singing societies in both Houston and Galveston, only 
groups from west of the Colorado participated: the two New 
Braunfels groups, Boerne, Comfort, Yorktown, La Grange, 
and San Antonio. It was then, decided to hold the meetings 
only biennially. At the 1872 meeting the establishment of sing- 
ing schools for children was recommended, and for many 
vears such schools were conducted in various cities and towns 
of South Texas* Not only children of German parentage but 
also those of other ancestry were instructed; and from their 
ranks came, in many cases,, the later members of the singing 

The eleventh Saengerfest at San Antonio in 1877 marked 
the initial appearance of soloists and an orchestra in connection 
with the mass.ed chorus. Meeresstille by Fischer and parts of 
Rossini's Stabat. Mater were given. From this meeting dated 
the attempt of each city to outdo its predecessor in the matter 
of orchestra and soloists; singers from New York and orches- 
tras from Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago and Minneapolis were 
imported to add splendor to the programs. 

At the twelfth Saengerfest, held in Austin in 1879, the 


Singing Societies in Texas 

twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the State Saenger- 
bund was celebrated. 



Overture Eganont by Beethoven, Orchestra 
Lob des Gesanges by L. Maurer, Mass Chorus 
Zauber der Liebe, J. Herbert, Salamander, Galveston 
Das Deutsche Lied by P. E. Schneider, Mass Chorus 

and Orchestra 

Das Einsame Roeslein, by Hermes, Gennania, Brenham 
Phantassie, Die Zigeunerin, by Balfe, Orchestra 


Siege sfeuer by Rheinlander, Mass Chorus 
Ghor aus Ernani by Verdi, Mixed Chorus, Austin 
Potpouri, ATda by Verdi, Orchestra 
Wie hab ich sie geliebt by Moehring, Frohsinn, Dallas 
Schaeferlied by Eckert, Mass Chorus 

PART in 

Leichte Cavallerie by Supp, Orchestra 
Muttersprache by C. Kuntze, Beethoven, San Antonio 
Bundeslied by F. Lachner, Mass Chorus and Orchestra 
Song by New Braunfels Maennerchor 
Fackeltanz No. 3 by Meyerbeer, Orchestra 

Here were present for the last time the organizations from 
New Braunfels, Comfort and other towns further west, as 
they had formed the "Mountain Singing Union/' which has 
persisted to the present day. The Austin program was also 
marked by the presence for the first time of organizations from 
Dallas and Brenham, and the promise of participation by the 
Houston Maennerchor. 

From this time on the meetings revolved between Dallas, 
Galveston, Houston, and San Antonio. The first at Dallas 
was in 1883. At the twentieth held at Houston in 1894, three 
Anglo-American groups participated for the first time. These 
were the "Musical Union" of Austin, directed by Carl Besserer, 
also director of the Austin Saengerrunde; the "Quartette 
Society*' of Houston, and the "Quartette Society" of Galves- 
ton. Only Texas musicians played in the orchestra or 
took part as soloists. 

The presence of the Anglo-American groups is an evidence 
of the gradual fusion of interests which had been going on 
in the larger cities. In Houston an organization known as the 


Music in Texas 

Philharmonic Society was established as early as 1872 by Mrs. 
Lucy Griinewald; this was composed of from thirty to forty 
mixed voices. Mr. Grunewald had a music store in Houston; 
their granddaughter Lucy Hickenlooper, later known as Olga 
Samaroff, is a pianist of note and the wife of Stokowski of 
the Philadelphia Symphony. In 1885 the Houston Choral Club 
was organized for the purpose of giving musical plays and 
light operas. In 1894 the gentlemen of that city organized a 
male quartet club which functioned until 1915; Anton Diehl 
was the first director and H, T. Huffmaster the last. The first 
woman's singing society was the Treble Clef, 1895-1900, which 
was followed by the Woman's Choral Club, active for many 


Even before the formation in 1877 of the second German 
singing society in Austin, Mrs. Fanny L. Crooker, director 
of the choir of St. David's Episcopal Church, had organized a 
singing group which she directed until her death in 1886. In 
1888 the "Musical Union" was formed; this lasted over a 
decade, but directed its efforts largely to the production of 
opera. Noteworthy was the presentation of Mendelssohn's 
Zx>refezV first given in Vienna in 1881, and in this Texas town 
only a few years later. The Turn Vercin also maintained a 
singing society of which L. Klappenbach was director for many 

At Dallas the Musical Society, organized as early as 1876, 


Singing Societies in Texas 

included the most acocomplished vocalists; it was functioning 
in 1 883 as the Ladies Musical Society. Galveston had a Phil- 
harmonic Society in 1874; and the Mozartina and Island City 
Glee Clubs, under the direction of Profesor H, Lebennan, also 
included singers of other nationalities than German. 

After the turn of the century the Saengerfests continued 
uninterruptedly until 1916, that at Houston in 1913 being 
especially noteworthy in that the selections for the mass 
choruses were entirely by American composers, two of whom, 
Hans Harthan of Austin and Frank Renard of Sherman, were 
citizens of Texas. Twenty-one singing societies were present, 
the whole being directed by Arthur Claasen, who was shortly 
afterward engaged as director of the Beethoven Maennerchor 
of San Antonio and the 1916 Saengerfest. For this occasion 
soloists were imported, but the orchestra, largely of local tal- 
ent, had been organized well in advance. Joined with the 
men's voices was the Mozart Society, a San Antonio group of 
women's voices of superior quality. With great brilliance the 
thirtieth Saengerfest was celebrated. That occasion marked 
the greatest height to which the German singing societies in 
Texas attained, either in point of number of societies, voices, 
or excellence of performance. 

Another year and the United States was at war with Ger- 
many. The German singing societies, composed largely of 
men, were necessarily disbanded. The effect of public senti- 
ment during the war on German music has already been point- 
ed out. The anti-German feeling which persisted after the 
treaty of Versailles prevented reorganization for a time; in San 
Antonio a group was brought together in 1921 in order to give a 
concert for German relief. The next year a small group as- 
sembled at Austin in an attempt to resuscitate the old German- 
American spirit; the results were disheartening. Not until 1929 
was a Saengerfest held; this meeting in San Antonio was at- 
tended by the survivors of the Beethoven Maennerchor, the 
Liederkranz, and a mixed chorus of the Sons of Hermann from 
San Antonio; groups from New Braunfels, Austin, Taylor, 
Houston, Galveston, Schulenberg, and Uhland; some 300 
voices under the direction of H. Jacobson of Rochester, New 
York. In 1932 the Mountain Singers, then a flfty-one-y ear-old 


Music in Texas , 

representative of the Germans from New Braunfels westward; 
gave a concert in San Antonio, 

In all of these meetings the fact that young blood was lacking 
was all too apparent. Either because they knew no German, 
bad lost contact with the past of their ancestors, or because 
the new age had left no place for such a form of recreation, the 
young man no longer slipped in beside the father. Although 
the older men have held on, some of the organizations have 
already ceased to exist. Clearly the death knell of the Ger- 
man singing society has been sounded, and it can be only 
a few years before that institution will have become only a 
tradition in the musical annals of Texas; for in a short time 
few records will remain of one of the strongest factors in the 
cultural development of the state* 

A survey of the activities of these various groups brings out 
a few facts of special interest. One of these is the very slow 
growth of organizations of women's voices. After 1880 a 
mixed chorus was usually organized in the city which was to 
entertain the next Saengerfest; this included all singers will- 
ing to take part. But separate organizations of women's 
voices intended to be permanent were rare among the Ger- 
mans* The Mozart Society, organized by Arthur Claasen as 
a sister group to the Beethoven Maennerchor, is one of the 
few survivors. The use of school children for choral purposes 
dates from 1891, when the children of Comfort sang four-part 
songs at a meeting of the Mountain Singers. At Houston in 
1913 and at San Antonio in 1916 and 1929 large groups of 
public school children joined in the choruses. In the last meet- 
ings, members of the high school orchestras have taken places 
in the chairs of the Saengerfest orchestra. 

In these children, whose sole instruction is that given in the 
public schools of Texas, lies hope for the continuance of choral 
singing in the future. The old traditions, the old spirit of com- 
radeship within the small group of kindred spirits linked by 
ties of blood and language, have gone. In their place something 
new must be created; perhaps it is already in the making. But 
at the point in the road at which the new branches off from the 
old, a backward glance offers the conviction that during al- 
most a century the German singing society served a most 
worthy purpose and deserves no small place in the history of 
musical culture in Texas. 


The Opera in Texas 

REMOTE as Texas was from the musical centers of North 
America before the building of railroads, it is surprising 
\vith what speed operas traveled in whole or in excerpts to her 
borders. One of the most popular ballads from Fra Diavolo, 
first produced at Paris in 1830, was sung on the Texas stage in 
1838 and passed at once into the permanent repertoire of the 
singers of the state (See Figure 36). 

Through the next two decades bits of opera of various types 
crept into Texas in some form. The March from Norma 
was popularized though the music of the Mexican War. 
Among the operatic excerpts which reached Texas before the 
Civil War, were songs from Fry's Leonora; Bellini's Sonnam- 
bula; the Postillion of Lonjumeau; Cinderella; Bishup's Guy 
Mannering; and Balfe's Daughter of St. Mark and The En~ 
chantress, in addition to the well known Bohemian Girl and 
Wallace's Maritana.* In addition to the solo selections, duets, 
trios, and choruses from these and similar operas were known 
in Texas almost as soon as in New Orleans, where the French 
opera reigned supreme. 

The first company organized expressly for opera which 
played on Texas soil was the German opera company which 
came to Galveston from St. Louis in 1 856 and gave at Lone Star 
Hall acts from several operas to make up a performance. The 
first opera given in Texas was in German. During the same 
decade Galveston was visited by the French opera, and in 1857 
there was an Italian opera company from Mexico at Browns- 
ville, which is not surprising as the Mexicans had, from their 
first contact with Italian Opera in 1833, shown themselves en- 
thusiastic devotees of that type. These auspicious beginnings 
of opera in Texas were rudely cut short by the Civil War. 

Late in the sixties operas were again being given, both by 
local talent and visiting companies. In 1869 the Marie Fred- 
erici company gave Martha, Fra Diavolo, and the Magic Flute 

*Copies of these, brought to Texas largely before 1853, are In the 
possession of the writer. 


J N .Hf^^FFr 

Ofl yon-der rock re . din - ing. That ce ad awar - thy Sana. heiold; Fort. Ida hands his 

car . line hold, Tfc hit beat Wend af old! This way 

. Ka - ing, H 



"g ' 


car - let plume wave* o'er ha bwnr, And hi* rel - ret cloak hangs low, Playing in gnu* - ful 




E'en while the Hoc^ is teat . ing, A-fer hear Echo 


pert - u& PuCTotot Diaotol Diarobl Ttem 

- Ja ' 1 


Although his foes waylaying 

He fights with rage and hatecombin'd. 

Towards the gentle fair they find 

He's ever mild and kind: 

The maid too heedless straying 

(For one we Pietro's daughter know) 

Home returns full sad and slow, 

What can have made her so? 

Tremble! each one the maiden meeting 

Is sure to be repeating, 

Diavoio! Diavolo! Diavolo! 

Diavolo. While thus his deeds accusing, 
Let justice too at least be shown; 
All that's lost hfie, let us own, 
Mtyn*t be his prize alone: 
Full of his name abusing. 
Perchance some young and rustic beau. 
Whilst with love he feijrns to glow 
At beauty's shrine bows low ! 
Tremble! each sighing lover dread, 
For of him more truly may be said, 
Diavolo! Diavolo! Diavolo! 

FIG 36 

First operatic selection sung on the concert stage in Texas 


Music in Texas 

at Houston, and that same year Partido's Mexican troupe: 
visited San Antonio, Austin, New Braunfels, Seguin, Brenham, 
Houston and Galveston. Selections from opera were fre- 
quently offered on concert programs. At Austin, at a benefit 
concert, the Overtures to Fra Diavolo and Wiliam Tell were 
given, and among the songs were "Tyrant Burst thy Chains" 
from the Barber of Seville; an air and chorus from Masaniello; 
"Sweet Spirit Hear My Prayer" from Wallace's Lurline; 
"Through yon Window" from Lucrecia Borgia; "Ernani, Res- 
cue Me" from Ernani; and "111 Sustaining the Encounter" 
from // Trovatore. Shortly afterward the first scene from 
Don Giovanni and the first act of Der Freischutz were given 
with a large orchestra and chorus under the direction of Julius 

Before 1870 the state boasted only theaters and music halls,, 
but vvith the erection of the Tremont Opera House in Galves- 
ton in 1871 the era of the opera house as the home of the 
best in drama and music begins. In the eighties Dallas, Austin 
and San Antonio each had an opera house; all of these have 
gone; even a later one in Austin is today a moving-picture 
house. At the Tremont in Galveston in 1872 an operatic con- 
cert was given at which selections from // Trovatore, Lucia, It 
Puritani, and Ernani were given with orchestral accompani- 
ment under the direction of Mr. Maddern. The first produc- 
tion in this class by local talent was in 1876 when "The Feast 
of Roses,'* an operetta in three scenes, the text by Mollie 
Moore Davis, later famed as a poet, and music by William 
Kepler, was presented and favorably received. Dallas' first 
opera with an orchestra was Martha, directed by Professor 
Otten at Field's Theater on February 12,1875; // Trovatore 
followed shortly with the leading roles filed by Miss Ella Rives, 
Dr. J. W. McGee, Mrs. Ben Ward, Major Obenchain, and 
Mr. Hess, while the best amateur talent of the city figured in 
the choruses and orchestra. Saulsbury's "Troubadours" gave 
the comic opera Patchwork there in 1876, and continued to re- 
turn to Texas every year until late in the nineties. The ban- 
ner year of musical life in Dallas before 1900 was 1883, ~in 
which the new opera house, with a parterre and galleries seat- 
ing 1200, was opened with a performance of lolanthe, a Gil- 
bert and Sullivan success. Here opera, with the best of the 
drama, flourished until the building was destroyed by fire in 


The Opera in Texas 

1901. A new one at once took its place. 

The extent to which the "Little Opera/' if we may so parallel 
the popular use of the term "Little Theater/' flourished in Tex- 
as, even before the coming of the railroads, is generally little 
realized. Yet in a town as small as Austin, opera by local 
talent was no rare event. From the return of William Besserer, 
born there in 1850 but sent to Germany to study during the 
Civil War, dates a period in which some group of singers was 
constantly busy rehearsing or giving opera. Many of the 
scores used are now in the possession of the writer: among 
these are Olivette, Nanon, Chimes of Normandy, Maid Marion, 
Robin Hood, Czar und Zimmerman, Princess Ida, The Pretty 
Chanticleer, Sonnambula, Love's Vow, Nachtlager in Gra~ 
nada* Stradella, Martha, Mikado, Pinafore, It Trovatore, and 
Faust. The orchestra was drawn from local musicians, occa- 
sionally assisted by a few from Houston or San Antonio, In 
the main, though, Austin is typical of the small Texas town 
with a substantial German population: it created its own amuse- 
ments, and one of the tavored foims was opera. 

Another group of organizations that sponsored light opera 
with local talent was made up of the Turner Societies. This 
practice was followed in both large and small communities. 
the Turners thus contributing to the general culture of the 
group. One of their functions was the promotion of song 
among the younger members, and these performances fur- 
nished a definite end toward which to work. In San Antonio, 
the Turner group contributed not only the performances but 
the main theater, for Turner Hall, which occupied the site of 
the present Brady Building, was for more than thirty years 
the center of drama and music in that city. The Casino had 
a small stage on which operas and operettas were presented, 
largely by the German element. 

The extension of railroads to San Antonio early in the eight- 
ies made it possible for opera companies of national fame to 
reach both that city and Austin. During the season of 1887- 
88 we find the Carleton Opera Company and that of Emma 
Abbott booked; the following year the Faust Opera Company 
and Campanini's troupe gave performances in both cities after 
a series in Dallas. It was these towns, with Houston and Gal- 
veston the ones that entertained the Saengerfest that were 
usually visited by touring companies. 


Music in Te r xas 

The practice of having a few visiting opera companies each 
year give one or more performances continues to the present 
day, but the practice of depending on local talent has become 
more and more general among the non- German population. 
Bits from the musical annals between 1915 and 1919 will illus- 
trate something of this trend, although war years can scarcely 
be regarded as typical* In May, 1915, Martha was given at 
Plainview; Pinafore at Amarillo in January, 1916. In March, 
came the Boston opera with Pagliacci, Butterfly, and L'Amore 
de tre re to Dallas. In April, Carl Venth's Fair Betty a comic 
opera was given by local talent in Fort Worth. In Houston* 
Van Hoose formed an operatic society to give Cavalleria, Mar- 
shall presented the Egyptian Princess; Amarillo repeated Pina- 
fore. In October the Ellis grand opera company gave Carmen 
and // Trovatore at Fort Worth; in the following January the 
Boston Company, Faust, Iris, Atda at Dallas, and Atda and La. 
Boheme at Austin. In 1917 Faust was given at Fort Worth 
by local talent, while a community opera company at Waxaha- 
chie gave Priscilla, and Faust and Lucia were given at Houston. 
Creatoress company gave Cavalleria and Pagliacci at Waco 
early in 1919; in June the Mikado was reported from Cleburne; 
the Scotti company gave Cavalleria and L'Qraculo at Dallas; 
and the Chicago, Aida, Butterfly, and La Boheme at Fort 
Worth. In that same year Rafaelo Diaz, the son of a San An- 
tonio cigar manufacturer, was engaged to sing at the Metro- 
politan, and shortly afterward Josephine Lucchesi of the same 
city was starred by the San Carlo Company. 

Since 1920 the disconnected efforts to support opera have 
fused to some extent, especially in San Antonio, Dallas, and 
Houston, in an effort to develop municipal opera. In general 
the traveling opera company as a feature of musical life is fast 
disappearing. All indications point to the future development 
of opera through sound pictures and the establishment of munic- 
ipally-financed productions through the use of local talent 
for at least the minor roles and the chorus.There is no ques/- 
tion that the raw material is at hand; it only requires training 
and wise direction. As more capable teachers and directors 
control the field, there seems small doubt that the opera of 
the future in Texas will be sung either by international stars 
in sound pictures or by Texas singers* 


The Symphony Orchestra in Texas 

THE first steps toward the development of the symphony 
orchestra in Texas are to be sought in the records of the 
German singing societies, for it was the need of an orchestra as 
the background for a successful Saengerfest that led to the 
formation of larger instrumental groups in various parts of 
the state. While the first programs of these singers were en- 
tirely unaccompanied, such conditions did not endure long; 
even by 1 855 the piano was substituting for the orchestra. But 
not until 1877 did a group of instrumentalists appear; in that 
year Mr. Zawadil gathered thirty-four players at San Antonio 
for the performance of orchestral music at the Saengerfest; 
they gave the overtures from The Bohemian Girl, Martha, 
and Nebuchadnezzar by Verdi, and played the accompani- 
ment for Fischer's Meeresstille and Rossini's Stabat Mater. 
From this date, the orchestra, either local or imported, was 
regarded as an indispensable adjunct. In 1879 Austin brought 
an orchestra from New Orleans, which assisted in a pro- 
gram under the direction of Walter Tips. This prac- 
tice of engaging soloists and orchestra from larger cities did 
not meet the approval of the director of the twentieth Saenger- 
fest at Houston; he selected only Texas musicians to play in 
the orchestra or sing the solos. His example was not follow- 
ed; when the twenty-ninth Saengerfest was held at Houston 
in 1 91 3 the St. Louis Symphony orchestra with fifty-five men 
under Max Zach was imported. 

This demand for an orchestral group united local musicians 
who afterwards held together as a body for longer or shorter 
periods. Groups from the different towns were sometimes 
united with a few specially imported players for some of the 
Saengerfests, By the late eighties the larger towns that 
entertained the Saengerfest had developed groups of from 
eighteen to thirty men, who played together with some degree 
of regularity. In Austin, Herzog, who was later succeeded 
by Besserer; in Galveston, Zawadil for a time; in Dallas, 

Music in Texas 

Kreissig; and in San Antonio, Zawadil, William Marx and 
Carl Beck directed groups that played music of good com- 
posers. The 1885 Saengerfest program at Houston included 
the Tannhaiiser Overture of Wagner; and other music of 
symphonic proportions found its way to the Texas public. 

Still it was not until after the turn of the century that Texas 
turned seriously to the business of developing and support- 
ing a symphony orchestra. In San Antonio, the instigator 
seems to have been Mrs. Eli Hertzberg, who saw in Carl 
Hahn, an able musician, one suited to such a purpose. Under 
his direction the San Antonio Symphony Orchestra was or- 
ganized in 1904 and continued for some years with a certain 
degree of success, In 1914 Hahn succeeded to the post of 
director of the Arion Singing Society of Brooklyn, vacated 
by Arthur Claasen who accepted the directorship of the 
Beethoven Maennerchor at San Antonio. At once the new- 
comer took up the fallen reins. Aided by Mrs. Hertzberg 
and a committee of San Antonio women, Claasen gathered 
around him the best players of orchestral instruments, both 
men and women; he augmented his forces for the concert sea- 
son with imported professionals for oboe, bassoon, tuba, double 
bass and tympani. In 1914-15 he gave eight concerts, and the 
next season also proved a success musically if not financially. 
At its close the ladies composing the board of directors selected 
another director for the orchestra Claasen had so painstak- 
ingly organized and trained; he himself organized the Phil- 
harmonic Symphony Society, and continued for a time to 
furnish San Antonio with symphonic music of a high type. 
An able director and competent musician, he nevertheless 
lacked the business ability demanded of a manager of such 
a project. At the end of the season he was forced to abandon 
the field, leaving it to Julian Blitz, who conducted the San An- 
tonio Symphony from 1916 until 1922. After paying a defiicit 
of some $18,000, the managing board then found it impossible 
to secure adequate advance support. Since that time there have 
been resuscitations of the organization, but none permanently 


The Symphony Orchestra in Texas 

The Dallas Symphony* can be traced indirectly back to 
Hans Kreissig, who came to that city in the late eighties, and 
directed string ensembles around the opening of the century; 
but directly to Walter Fried who in 1911 founded the Bee- 
thoven Symphony Orchestra, which boasted forty players. Carl 
Venth was secured as director, a post he filled until 1914, but 

FIG 37 


as in San Antonio, the undertaking proved expensive for its 
promoters. In 1918 Mr. Fried again organized a group, the 
Dallas Symphony, which gave concerts, using the local musi- 
cians as soloists* This organization continued until 1924 , 
when he declared a sabbatical year, in order to mature future 
plans. Instead, he died suddenly in 1925. 

His associates, however, decided, to carry on. Through the 
persistence of Arthur Kramer, the organization was continued 
under the directorship of Van Katwijk, the first concert being 
given in December, 1925. Until the present day, the orchestra 
has been maintained on a profesional basis. Among its offer- 
ings have been Respighf s "The Pines of Rome/* Kalinnikov's 

*The facts here briefly summarized are treated more extensively in 
Robert Marquis', "The Development of the Symphony Oretiestra in 
Texas" (Austin, 1934), unpublished* 


Music in Texas 

G Minor Symphony, the Second Symphony of Howard Han- 
son, Honegger's "Pacific 231," Polish dances of Tansman, 
Ravel's Bolero, "Mother Goose" suite, and "La Valse"; Doug- 
las Moore's "Pageant of P. T. Barnum," a movement from 
a Mahler symphony, and a variety of pieces by Albeniz, De 
Falla, Debussy and Sibelius. P. G. Van Rooy's "Piet Hein," 
a Dutch rhapsody, was given its first performance in America 
in 1927 and was repeated in 1931, Wagner and Tchaikovski 
music has been given in the profusion demanded by audiences 
of today. 

The Houston orchestra dates from 1913 when Julian Paul 
Blitz, a Dutch cellist of ability, took charge* He conducted 
there until called to San Antonio to take over the organization 
Claasen had built up. In 1916, Paul Berge succeeded, but 
after some years the orchestra was disbanded. In 1931 Alle- 
sandro effected an organization; the following year Nespoli 
was imported from Italy by Mrs. John Wesley Graham as 
director of the Houston opera and orchestra; besides, E. Van 
Hoose was directing another group known as the Little 
Symphony. When the present director, Frank St. Leger of 
the Chicago Opera, took charge in 1933, the Nespoli organi- 
zation was shattered, while the Little Symphony assumed a 
less pretentious role. The Houston Symphony Orchestra, as 
now organized, is composed of about seventy-five men; its 
program calls for twelve concerts each season. It is supported 
by patrons who pay $100 a year, sustaining members at $25 
and members at $10* 

The Fort Worth Symphony was founded by Carl Venth 
in 1915 with forty-five local professionals, but was disbanded 
with the advent of the World War when the director became 
a bandmaster. In 1924 Brooks Morris reorganized the group 
of about sixty players on a half-professional and half-student 
basis. During 1933-34 it had approximately seventy-five mem- 
bers. Its matinees for school children were especially note- 
worthy, but its general usefulness was restricted by the lack 
of a suitable hall for performances. 

As early as 1892 an orchestral organization was attempted 
at El Paso, under the sponsorship of the McGinty Club; but 
this group of volunteer players, which never reached symphonic 


The Symphony Orchestra in Texas 

proportions, disbanded in 1905. In 1915 P. J. Gustat began 
the work of reorganization; in 1920 Anton Navratil conducted; 
then the orchestra was again disbanded. At various intervals 
under G. M. Buchanan and Ross V, Steele as conductors, 
the group was somewhat brought together. H. Arthur Brown 
of the Juillard Foundation effected a reorganization in 1930; 
this orchestra with sixty people, mostly amateurs, gives four 
concerts a season. A junior symphony orchestra directed by 
William Black is being prepared to take the place of the present 
players within a few years. 

While there are traces of an orchestral group in Amarillo 
as early as 1904, the present symphony orchestra is the out- 
growth of the Philharmonic Music Club, which invited E. B. 
Hall to become its director in 1927. In 1932 it emerged as 
the American Philharmonic Orchestra Association. Utiliz- 
ing the Municipal Auditorium, its fifty-five players, largely 
amateurs, give six programs a season, at which guest artists 
are usually presented. 

Besides the orchestras of the large cities there have been 
orchestras denominated "symphony" in various Texas towns 
for varying periods. Beaumont had such a group in 1919 un- 
der the direction of H. F. Chojnachi; Corsicana in January, 191 7, 
was supporting such an organization; one was started in Austin 
in 1917 under the directorship of Frank L. Reed, head of the 
music department in the University; Waco was under Severin 
Frank; but all seem to have expired from one cause or another. 

From these meager notes it might seem that Texas is hope- 
lessly backward in developing and supporting orchestras of 
symphonic proportions, but when contrasted with other older 
states her efforts are not to be despised. There are only 
four really great orchestras in the whole United States, 
the New York Philharmonic, the Philadelphia, Boston, and 
Chicago. Twelve other cities maintain organizations of lesser 
rank Atlanta, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Cincinnati, Denver, 
Kansas City, Los Angeles, New Haven, St. Louis, San Fran- 
cisco, and Seattle; but these are all fairly young, and most of 
them have lived through periods of vicissitudes such as the 
Texas orchestras have experienced. None are entirely sup- 
ported through public funds. 

During the period of evolution of local groups, many of 


Music in Texas 

these older orchestras have visited Texas and furnished inspi- 
ration and incentive. In 1916 the New York Philharmonic 
made a tour of the state; in 1917 the St. Louis; and in 1918 
the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra paid a visit* In 1920 
the Chicago Symphony visited Dallas and the Cincinnati, 
Houston; in 1921 the New York Philharmonic returned; and 
in 1922 Rudolph Gans was in Dallas with the body from St. 
Louis. This routine has largely been maintained since, one or 
more of the older organizations visiting at least some part of 
the state each year. 

The future of the symphony orchestra in Texas lies largely 
in the high schools which, with their band masters and orches- 
tral directors are introducing the children in their plastic years 
to the instruments whose mastery is essential to the maintenance 
of such an organization. While it may be years before the 
state can give really artistic performances with local talent, 
the way has been opened; and in the future the cost of main- 
taining symphonic orchestras in Texas will be brought within 
the reach of the average city through the employment of 
trained local musicians* 



Music Education, 1914-1936 

WHILE music continued to hold an important place in the 
curriculum of the private institutions of higher learning 
in the state, in the University of Texas, established in 1883, 
music had no place. Only through persistent effort on the 
part of a few individuals, notably Dr. W. J. Battle, a member 
of the faculty, was music, for the first time, made a part of the 
curriculum in 1914. Three courses, one each in harmony, his- 
tory of music, and analysis, were offered. The response was 
immediate; enrollment increased; the teaching staff was en- 
larged; new courses in public school music were added;* and a 
private institution to give technical instruction under univer- 
sity supervision was authorized. In 1922 admission credit was 
granted for courses in music pursued in high schools. But 
soon afterward there was a general slump in the enrollment, 
due perhaps most directly to the personnel of the teaching staff; 
difficulties both within and without the institution led the au- 
thorities to look with disfavor upon departments with "tem- 
peramental" faculties; finally, in 1925, when the university 
budget had to be trimmed to meet legislative appropriations, 
the school of music, with others that had given rise to admin- 
istrative problems, was eliminated. 

This experience would suggest to those unfamiliar with the 
situation that Texas was not yet ready for a real school of 
music* Other evidence proves such was not the case. The 
College of Industrial Arts, established at Denton in 1906 for 
women only, had built up in the intervening period one of the 
largest departments in the South, In 1919 the legislature ap- 
propriated $150,000 for a music building. In 1921 the school 
leported an enrollment of over six hundred students and a 
faculty of twenty, actually the foremost in the South. Its growth 
has continued with the exception of the depression years. The 
school has drawn, in many instances, students who would have 

*Representative of the University taste in music is the Communi- 
ty Song Book issued in 1918. 

Music in Texas 

gone elsewhere, but were attracted by the facilities offered for 
the study of music. "What this school, now known as the Texas 
State College for Women, has done, the University of Texas 
might have far outstripped, had the school of music been under 
competent direction. A movement is on foot, with the opening of 
the centennial year, to bring about the re-establishment of a 
school of music of the first class in connection with the lead- 
ing educational institution of the South. 

The private music teachers of the state were meantime awak- 
ening to some of the problems that began to threaten their fu- 
ture. As the public schools took over the teaching of music, the 
status of the private teacher was menaced, for with the intro- 
duction of the credit system in the schools, no child wanted to 
take anything which did not "count." Hence arose the problem 
of securing credit for music studied outside of the public school 
with private teachers; the solution depended apparently upon 
the establishment of some type of standardization among the 
teachers as yet untouched by the certification laws of the state. 
Around 1915, San Antonio, Dallas, and Austin teachers formed 
local organizations; and in that same year a new state organiza- 
tion was formed at Dallas; this is still functioning more or less, 
actively according to the leadership of its executives. In 1917 
when the United States Bureau of Education approved tbe 
accrediting by high schools of work done under private teach- 
ers, the smaller Texas towns quickly fell into line: Beaumont^ 
El Paso, Port Arthur, and Galveston soon secured recognition 
from the school authorities for instrumental work done under 
private teachers; more towns added special teachers and super- 
visors; and instrumental music, in the form of bands and or- 
chestras, was slowly added to the regular courses offered. 

The inclusion of such courses in high schools introduced new 
problems of accrediting, both by the high school and the high- 
er institutions to which the students proceeded. The accredit- 
ing of high school work for college entrance, for many years 
in the hands of a committee appointed by the University of 
Texas, was taken over in 1917 by the State Department of 
Education, to which school administrators naturally turned for 
assistance in regard to curriculum, accrediting, and 'standard- 
izing of music. In an effort to solve the many problems re- 
lating to music, the State Superintendent, at that time Miss 


Music Education, 1914-1936 

Annie Webb Blanton, who had no appropriation with which 
to employ a Music Supervisor, appointed as one of her rural 
supervisors Miss Elfleda Littlejohn, formerly music supervisor 
in Galveston, and delegated to her the organization of music 
in the schools. A course of study was prepared, some stand- 
ards of accrediting theoretical courses were worked out, and 
a beginning made at standardizing the institutions in the state 
which professed to teach music. During fifteen years the State 
Department, without any special funds for such work, has 
attempted to carry on a general supervision of the music taught 
in the schools; but as there has been no single individual in the 
department, during much of the time, who was either a theoret- 
ical or practical musician, the results have been somewhat 
dubious. Each of the 246 city supervisors of music listed in 
1 925 was a law unto herself; each reigned supreme in her small 
realm with none but the local superintendent, who usually 
knew nothing of music, to say her nay. The courses of study 
issued by the department were generally the work of some 
single individual unconnected with the department, and repre- 
sented the views of an individual rather than the ripened judg- 
ment of a group of experienced supervisors. 

The first attempt to formulate a music program for the rural 
and elementary schools of the state is that of L. A. Wbods, 
Superintendent of Public Instruction, who hopes to have every 
child taught at least ten songs a year; these are to be sung in 
large choral groups in the larger cities during the Centennial 
year. The basis of this program, instruction through the use 
of phonograph records, hardly appeals to the trained music 
teachers and supervisors of the state, for they realize that while 
such a program may introduce music into the rural school and 
the classroom in which the teacher is incompetent to direct 
singing, it cannot do anything more than lay the most rudimen- 
tary foundation for the rural child, who still will not be on a 
level musically with those who have had even a year of in- 
struction in a good school system. A beginning is being made 
to bring music within the reach of every child; but no intelli- 
gent concerted program of music study for the better schools 


Music in Texas 

of the state has been worked out* There is still no real leader- 
ship musically emanating from the State Department of Edu- 
cation. This will probably come only after a legislative appro- 
priation for a State Supervisor of Music makes possible the 
appointment of a thoroughly trained and experienced official* 

Another approach to mass instruction in music through the 
use of sound-reproducing machines, but from the standpoint 
of appreciation rather than production, was made through 
the music memory contest. Instituted first in 1906 by C. M. 
Tremaine as a means of interesting his own children in good 
music, the idea caught the attention of educators, and soon 
contests were held in various cities of the United States* The 
first noted in Texas was in 1919, when one was planned by 
Mrs* Charles Norton and directed by Miss Alva Lochhead, 
supervisor of music at Fort Worth* By 1922, 36 towns in 
Texas conducted such contests as part of the public school 
work in music. That same year Miss Henrietta Pyle, super- 
visor at Wichita Falls, introduced the plan to the whole state 
through the Inters cholastic League, a branch of the Extension 
Division of the University of Texas. In 1923 a State contest 
was held. From merely memory work, this contest was ex- 
panded to include recognition of theme, form, and the tone 
of the leading orchestral instruments. For this part of the con- 
test unfamiliar records were sent out in sealed packages to 
the supervisors of the 254 county contests, at their request. To 
assist the teacher who lacked experience or material, a test 
service was instituted by which a new set of records is sent 
each week to the schools subscribing. In this way both teacher 
and pupil have an abundance of material suitable for training 
in music rather than in memory. In 1932 a choral singing con- 
test, the pioneer of the plan now sponsored by the State Depart- 
ment, was introduced. As a basis for this contest phonograph 
records served; the songs were very simple, as befitted the 
rural schools that had previously had no music of any kind. 
There was an immediate response and the demand has grown. 

Although teacher-training courses in music have been of- 
fered by all the state-supported teacher-training institutions 
except the University of Texas, none of of these schools can 


Music Education, 1914-1936 

as yet maintain the standards of a first-class music school. 
Among the reasons for this are probably the mad rush to in- 
crease enrollment regardless of type of student; lack of prep- 
a ration in music on the part of college students who would 
like to teach music; and the difficulty of obtaining salary ap- 
propriation that would attract the best teachers of the subject. 
In the public junior college, practically no music courses of 
value are given; and only a few of the private schools of this 
type are doing standard work. Three denominational colleges, 
Southern Methodist University at Dallas, Baylor University at 
Waco, and Our Lady of the Lake at San Antonio, are the 
only music schools in the state authorized by the National Asso- 
ciation of Music Schools to confer degrees in music. The In- 
carnate Word College of San Antonio will probably be ac- 
cepted in 1936; Simmons College is on probation. According 
to the rating of the State Department of Education, only two 
private institutions, the Texas School of Fine Arts at Austin 
and the Fort Worth Conservatory, are recognized as giving 
courses leading to the special music certificate. Under the 
laws of Texas, any teacher holding even a second-grade cer- 
tificate can teach music without ever having had a course in 
the subject, but the holder of a special music teacher's certifi- 
cate, although required to have practically two years of gen- 
eral college work, is not authorized to teach anything else. 

The private teacher of music is today a relic of an era past; 
elementary music will be taught in the future in schools to 
groups, and practical music will become a laboratory course in 
high schools and colleges. Those able to sense the educational 
changes that are taking place realize that, during the Cen- 
tennial year, there are three goals toward which those inter- 
ested in musical progress in Texas should be striving. The 
first of these is the establishment of a music school of the first 
class in connection with the University of Texas; the second, 
a legislative appropriation and authorization for the employ- 
ment of a competent State Supervisor of Music; and third, 
the inclusion, in the requirements for any teacher's certificate, 


Music in Texas.. 

of at least one course in music.* With these secured, the 
load is open for some real progress in musical education in 

*As tails goes to press, the news* comes that this requirement is Lo 
be made effective in September, 1936, by order of the State Superintend- 
ent of Public Instruction, who, although not himself a musician, has 
shown a keen realization of the value of music in education. There 
is every probability that tthe Board of Regents of the University of 
Texas, supported by the State Federation of Clubs, Music Clubs and 
various civic organizations, will include a School of Fine Arts in 
its 1937-39 budget requested of the State Legislature. 



Other Agencies Cantribuing to Musical Progress 

IN awakening an interest in music in the general public, prob- 
ably no single agency has been more active and effective than 
the women's clubs of the state. First organized about 1885, 
these groups interested themselves at first solely in the study of 
literary subjects; but by 1897, when the State Federation of 
\Vomen r s Clubs was organized, something of their potentiality 
in other fields was beginning to be realized. Some of these clubs 
included music on their programs in the early days, but around 
1 895 groups whose distinct purpose was music study came into 
existence. As to which is the pioneer, perhaps no one can an- 
swer defiinitely. As a result of the study of a Musical Literary 
Course prepared by Mr. Derthick of Chicago and introduced 
into some of the larger towns and cities, a music club was or- 
ganized in Houston in 1895 by Mr. Sandy Mason, a violinist; 
Mrs. Edwin B. Baker was president, and Mrs. lone Allen 
Peden and Mrs. Baltis Allen were among its members. Nav- 
asota formed a similar group in 1899 with Mrs. Laura Black- 
shear as president and Miss Julia Owen among the members. 
Until 1915 such music clubs were either separate entities or 
members of the State Federation of Clubs, which had a Music 
Department; in 1915 these formed the State Federation of 
Mucic Clubs, but still retained membership in the General Fed- 
eration. In 1921 there were seventy-seven clubs so federated, 
in addition to some who retained membership only in the Gen- 
eral Federation. 

By 1925 the duplication of fees and other problems led to 
the complete separation of the two groups. At the opening 
of 1936 there are over four hundred clubs who are members of 
the Music Federation and many that are members of the 
General Federation; some are pursuing courses prepared by 
the Extension Division of the University of Texas or other 
educational institutions; and there are a few entirely independ- 
ent units. The total membership of these various groups, 

Music in Texas 

whose common purpose is the study of music and its general 
advancement in the state, is such that no thinking person can 
fail to realize the influence they can exert when they wish* 
Through the programs of the members, sponsorship of guest 
artists, the encouragement of music in the public schools, the 
development of community and municipal music, these organi- 
zations have exerted an incalculable influence. The large 
number of concerts sponsored by clubs may be seen from the 
calendar of the 1920-1921 season in the Appendix. The large 
constructive leadership these clubs should be of great influence 
in the future. 

Among the professional organizations in the state, the most 
powerful should be the music section of the State Teachers 
Association, in existence since 1886, but it has not exerted 
itself in proportion to its ability. Joined with it should be the 
membership of the Texas Music Teachers Association, which 
has functioned since 1915, but whose membership is largely 
made up of private teachers of limited perspective as regards 
the whole music program of the state. The Texas Band Mas- 
ters Association formed in 1922 has been active; credits have 
been secured for band and orchestral work in the schools, and 
municipal efforts have been given support. Two other pro- 
fessional groups, the Texas Chapter of the American Guild 
of Organists, organized at Dallas in 1918 and the Texas Chap- 
ter of the American Association of Harpists in 1922 suggest 
something of progress in both these fields. A Church Music 
Conference, held annually at Southwestern University at 
Georgetown since 1928, has had as its purpose the advance- 
ment of standards in church music generally. 

In the field of civic music Texas has made a beginning. Song 
leaders and band directors were trained during the World 
War; at its close some were employed by various agencies. 
The Dallas Municipal Music Commission appointed in July, 
1919, while not the first in the country, was the first estab- 
lished on broad principles and the first to grasp the aims and 
possibilities of such a body and the true character of democrat- 
ic musical activities as a public service. This commission has 
sponsored the Music Memory Contest, Music Day, Music 
Week, a Municipal Chorus of some two hundred voices ac- 
companied by the Dallas Symphony, sing-songs in the munici- 


Other Agencies Contribuing to Musical Progress 

pal parks as a feature of band concerts, free Sunday after- 
noon concerts, and a spring music festival. At first without 
any financial appropriation whatever, the body was later given 
$5,000 a year, which under careful apportionment has been 
sufficient to keep various musical activities afloat. Other cities 
have used this body as a model; Forth Worth early estab- 
lished a Music Commission; Beaumont followed suit in 1922. 

Something of the status of music in Texas in 1924 from the 
standpoint of municipal encouragement may be gleaned by re- 
plies to questionnaires sent out to the mayors of cities of over 
5,000 population by the National Bureau for the Advancement 
of Music. The figures do not by any means tell all the facts; 
like San Antonio, some cities did not reply; others reported no 
money spent for music although they actually had well devel- 
oped school music departments, maintained from school rather 
than municipal funds. Most of the mayors who replied were 
more than favorable to the encouragement of municipal music, 
but stated that lack of funds was the strongest deterrent factor, 

In the thirty-two towns* reporting, the municipal appropria- 
tion for music ranged from nothing in twenty-one, and $60 in 
Vernon, to $10,000 in Houston. While only six claimed bands 
wholly supported by city funds, all but nine sponsored open 
air concerts; some of these were financed by the Cham- 
bers of Commerce, by the American Legion, and by joint ef- 
fort of the citizens. Some concerts were given by the Army 
bands, some by the Junior Rotary and High School bands. 
Abilene, with 32 concerts, headed the list in respect to number 
given. All towns that had city auditoriums granted them free 
for free concerts; others used their high school auditoriums 
similarly. Not one town reported a municipal pipe organ, al- 
though there was one nl San Antonio and Houston had one 
under consideration. No municipal opera was reported, al- 
though San Antonio was well on the way to such an institution. 
Only Fort Worth reported a municipal orchestra. Dallas, El 
Paso, Ennis, Houston and Victoria encouraged community 
singing. The smallest; amount refx>rted spent on music in the 

* Abilene, Amarillo, Austin, Beaumont, Helton Brownwood, Burk- 
bjmiett, Childress, Dallas, Denison, Denton, El Paso, Ennis, Fort 
Worth, Gainesville, Galveston, Greenville, Hillsboro, Houston, Min- 
eral Wella, Navasota, Paris, Ranger, San Angelo, San Marcos, Taylor, 
yexarkana Tyler, Vernon, Victoria, Weatherford and Wichita Falls. 


Music in Texas 

schools was $300 at Denison; this was, no doubt, supplemented 
by school funds. Outstanding in encouragement of music in the 
schools were Beaumont, which spent $52,600, and Dallas, 
whose expenditure was over $98,000* Fifteen of these towns 
reported music supervisors. Childress was alone in having "no 
public school music taught/' 

A survey of the status of community music in the smaller 
towns that same year showed they were making substantial 
progress. 63 places reported 18 bands; 56 towns reported 76 
orchestras; 54 supported 75 choral organizations; 32 held com- 
munity sings; and 31 sponsored music memory contests. Among 
the larger works performed. in the smaller towns (San Antonio, 
Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin and Waco were excluded 
from consideration) were: Sullivan's Pinafore, 'Cowen's Rose 
Maiden, Gaul's Ruth and Joan of Arc, Dubois' Se^en Last 
Words, Stainer's Crucifixion, Haydn's Creation, Mendels- 
sohn's Elijah, Rossini's Stabat Mater, Bach's St. Matthew's 
Passion, Handel's Messiah, Verdi's // Trovatore and Aida, and 
Gounod's Faust. 

Other agencies which have promoted music in the various 
communities have been the libraries and extension departments* 
Until 1915 very few libraries in the state could boast of any 
music collection worthy of the name. Between 1915 and 1920 
the Dallas Public Library and the Carnegie Library in San 
Antonio made some real beginnings; the University of Texas 
accumulated a good working collection for the students; and 
the smaller educational institutions of the state purchased books 
on music suited to the various courses taught. The Extension 
Loan Library, a branch of the Extension Division of the Uni- 
versity of Texas, began to assemble clippings, pamphlets, and 
books to be lent to clubs and individuals over the state. The 
Visual Instruction Division added a collection of phonograph 
records to be lent to schools and individuals for short periods. 

Publications have also served to promote professional pro- 
gress and to unite those of common musical interests. Most im- 
portant as chronicler of musical activities in Texas have been the 
Musicale, later the Southwestern Musicale; its successor the 
Southwestern Musician; and the Music News. The first of 
jhese, a monthly, established in April, 1915, by A. L. Harper, 
served as an organ of the State Music Teachers Association, 


Other Agencies Conttibuing to Musical Progress 

the State Federation of Music Clubsj and the Music Merchants 
Association. On its pages are recorded -the activities of music 
studios and concert halls from 1915 to 1933, After the death 
of Mr. Harper on April 4, 1931, its management was taken 
over by others more commercially minded; with the result that 
its value both as a news organ and as a professional journal 
declined. It ceased publication with the second issue of vol- 
ume nineteen. 

Even earlier the State Federation of Music Clubs, in an ef- 
fort to put a copy of its organ in the hands of each member of 
every federated club, began the publication of the Music News 
with four or five issues a year. It has survived periods of sus- 
pension and numerous changes of format. 

Although the withdrawal of the clubs' support seriously 
weakened the Musicale, its place was taken in 1934 by the 
Southwestern Musician under the general direction of Clyde 
J. Garrett of Fort Worth. With June, 1936, it had reached the 
ninth issue of volume two. 

The larger dailies of the state have devoted special pages 
of their Sunday editions to matters of musical interest. 

The greatest disseminating agencies of music itself, through- 
out Texas as throughout the world, are the sound-reproducing 
machines and the radio, which have brought the best in music 
within the reach of the poorest home. Before the advent of 
the broadcasting era, the phonograph of one type or another 
had entered almost every home and school. Recording was 
improved until about 1924 whole operas were available on 
records. Excellent recordings of the best of choral works 
and symphony made possible instruction in the schools of a 
type of music hitherto unknown. But barely was the apprecia- 
tion work well underway in the schools when radio broad- 
casting began. From the miscellaneous programs at first sent 
out, the amount of both good and bad music increased amaz- 
ingly. From the time of the establishment of the two national 
broadcasting chains, music of the best type was available on 
some of the programs. Opera over radio from the Chicago 
and the Metropolitan Opera House, at first only one act and 
later the whole performance; symphony by Detroit, Minne- 
apolis, Cleveland, Boston and New York Philharmonic orches-. 
tras* and vocal and instrumental solos and ensembles by lead- 


Music in Texas 

ing artists were all brought to the home by the magic spark. 
In 1922 the Dallas News established the first of the larger 
broadcasting stations in Texas, \VFAA, which now broad- 
casts the concerts of the Dallas Symphony and some other 
local music of the better type, with a great deal that, from an 
educational standpoint, might be better dispensed with. But 
since it is sometimes better to have a boy reading a poor book 
than no book at all, as he is at least kept out of other mischief, 
perhaps it is better for the masses to listen to music of an in- 
ferior type and perhaps have their taste slowly cultivated, 
than not to listen to music at all. At any rate the phonograph 
and the radio have revolutionized music dissemination and 
instruction; they have done even more than the printing press 
did for literature, because it is possible to enjoy music through 
these means without even having to learn to read. 




Texas Folk Music 

AS in Europe and other partys of the United States, it "was 
necessary for their musical inheritance to be fully absorbed 
by the people of Texas before the creative spirit could mani^ 
fest itself. Not until the years following the Civil War a 
period of great spiritual as well as economic upheaval do 
we catch the first glimpses of such activity. It is true there 
were earlier composers of music in Texas, but they followed 
the models of Europe, Mexico, or the Eastern seaboard. They 
were musically cultured people; their tendency was to follow 
existent models to such an extent that little originality was mani- 
fested. As in Europe in the Middle Ages, it was from the 
illiterate or working classes in Texas that more or less original 
music was to come. 

The first native products which showed traces of originality 
were the songs of the negro, who seemed to absorb music from 
the composite society about him and then to reflect it in a style 
distinctly his own. In his music, as in that denominated 
"creole," are the Spanish rhythms, the strong syncopations, 
snd frequently traces of the Moorish cadences. Its general 
character is religious; and yet it is colored strangely by human 
relationships and feelings. The language is figurative; the 
negro was able to combine his ideas in most unusual ways. The 
fact that none of his songs were written left more room for the 
creative impulse; new versions, both of texts and music, were 
constantly in the making. Most common were the shouting 
songs; of a more finished type are the spirituals, -which breathe 
on the whole a tone of intense piety and faith. While but few 
of these have been transcribed, the material for serious study 
awaits another Dvorak to give to it permanency and form. 
Other songs of the negro are the work songs; these are 
largely connected with rural life especially with corn, cane 
and cotton field,* 

*"Seek and Ye Shall Find" and the "Boll Weevil Song" in the 
Centennial Edition of the Music hour are good exaiaples of these 


TH- * yl_low rose In 


t n& d*rk*y nly me ; SUe 

y^g ggs 

*o when I lft her, i* 


lik* *olrolc my Keari r And If I e-^r** find hr w* never more nU ymrt . 

ar* tirij^lit as lianiontls,they 

sparkle likeituitln^Ybunsfiy *13talxniiyoa*Dir4MaT,a\ii 


pyes ar* bright as diaiaonds,tliey 

sparkle like ilift tl<w,Yon may bilk ahout jourDeftw-dMjVjMul 


V * V\ 

hell<s of Tennessee. 

sin* of Rosa Lee, Bui the yellow ros< o 

a-ts the 




sins; nf Rosa Lee, Btit 

r rose of Texas 1 


FIG. 38 

From the city we have the call of the water boy, the hod car- 
rier, the ditch digger. From the convict camp have come many 
of the work songs, sung perhaps in former happier days in the. 
fields and later adapted to the rock pile or the lumber camp. 


Music in Texas 

Nor should the love songs of the negro be entirely overlooked 
although these are less characteristic of the race. In this con- 
nection it is of interest that the first song to achieve lasting 
popularity in which the word "Texas" appeared in the title 
"The Yellow Rose of Texas" was an imitation of just such 
a song (see pages 128-129)* 

"Down on de Rollin* Brazos" is another imitation of a negro 
song associated in the public mind with Texas (see pages 132- 

While the evolution of negro music in Texas was not radi- 
cally different from that in other portions oi the South, another 
class gave rise to a specific type, not limited to Texas but which 
probably had its origin in that state and 'is certainly most closely 
associated with it. This is the music # the cowboys. Follow- 
ing the Civil War only one source of income presented itself 
to the poverty-stricken landowners the cattle that roamed 
the plains. But there was no market for them in Texas; no 
railroad linked the Southwest with the cities of the Middle 
West; it was necessary that the cattle be driven within reach 
of the buyers. Then began the trail- driving; the opening of 
routes by which vast herds of cattle could be moved within 
reach of marketing centers. Those from Texas have been 
celebrated in song and story; the Shawnee Trail over Red River 
up through Arkansas; the Chisholm Trail over Red River to 
Abilene, Kansas; the Fort Griffin 1'rail to Dodge City, and 
the Goodnight-Loving Trail to New Mexico. Over these, vast 
herds moved northward. 

The life of the cowboy was essentially a life in the open. He 
practiced few of the amenities of polite society, but he knew 
the vast open spaces. The stars in the sky were close to him; 
and he shared to some extent the Indian's instinctive feeling 
of awe and respect toward the creator of all he saw about him. 
His life was hard; his bed was often the ground; and his "grub" 
offered little in the way of culinary dainties. Instead, coarse 
bread, beans, and plenty of meat constituted the daily diet. 
He was up early; exposed to the extremes of the Texas norther 
and the blistering suns of summer, he rode his horse long hours 
without feeling fatigue; he kept watch over the herd through 
the night. He was employed all the year on the extensive 
ranches of southwest Texas. The high spots of ranch life 
were the semi-annual roundups one in the spring for the pnr~ 


Texas Folk Music 

pose of branding the calves and strays; and one in the fall for 
the selection of beef for the market. In both cases, cattle were 
gathered from far and wide; and large numbers were put 
through the ^branding process or were weeded out as unfit. 
Following the fall roundup came the slow trail-driving north- 

Separated from society in general as the cowboys were, 
they evolved forms of expression of their own, and music was 
one of the channels that expression took. The origin of the 
cowboy music has been a topic for much discussion. Some 
believe the cowboy composed his own songs; but those who 
have studied the subject more closely admit that most of the 
songs of the cowboy can be traced to old ballads or songs cur- 
rent in that day among more cultured people. Once heard and 
absorbed by the cowboy, these songs underwent a gradual 
"transformation until the version in which they appeared some 
decades later is so different from t^he original as to furnish 
some justification for those who attribute original composition 
to the cowboys. In the main, however, the cowboys, like the 
negroes, were creative only to the extent that they absorbed 
one type of music so completely that before it became asso- 
ciated in the public mind with them, it had been completely 
recolored. A comparison of one version of such a song as 
"Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie/ 1 * popular in the eighties, 
with the text and music of "Bury Me Not in the Deep, Deep 
Sea/' issued in 1850, is sufficient to convince even the most 
skeptical that the cowboy song is fundamentally a paraphrase. 

Of these songs there are various types. There is the song 
'be sang while in the saddle, a rhythmical swinging tune, .often 
.set to words associated with cattle. Such is " Whoopee-tee- 
yi-yo/'* There is the herding song, sung to lull the cattle at 
.night There is the camp-fire song, used purely for his own en- 
tertainment; its text is frequently quite unprintable. In a study 
of the rhythms of these songs, Newton Gaines, a grandson 

"These songs are included in tlie Centennial Edition of the Music 

' The cowboy songs are not reproduced in this volume as they are 
readily available in John A. Lomax's Co wboy Songs published by 
.Macmillan; in the cheap version Songs Texas Sings, and separately 
in the artistic settings of Oscar Pox and David Guion. 



HjH> r-i 

f f . 

r "! 




r r? Er"fr"fr~fi' 

^ mp * 'tf~fy 
LDowtf on de roll -in' Bra-zos shore, "Wharde corn-tops al -ways bloom, i 

2. ni build for Bose a log- cab -in, Bight up- on de Bra- os shore, An* we'll 
S. De Yanlcs an* Bcbs dey boff shake hands, In degrabeyards all o-ber de land. An* 

jjtfe? g~ -- r-^ J-'l PFP^ 







J .' fea 

- ) 1* 





"1 F "i 



i * 

PU u 'y i- 


goes ter see my Bo - *a dear by de glim - mer ob de moon. 
fiothsit by de door in de eve, and list to de al - ma -ga -tor's roar. 
eb-'ry-body in de whole ere - a-tlon be - longs to Gideon's band. 



-b ^-f 1 TT 

J. ^ b Kl 

ft \ \ 

gmn - tree boat it skims de rib -her, An* I am filled with glee, An 1 my 
r bnnt de pos&'m and coon fro'de bot-tom, I gol - ly, we'll live high. Ro-aa'll 
nig*r minds his bus -'ness good's & white man, An* good times sure to come, An* I 

v ' 1 1 *- 

-^ * . * 

f s f 

-* C - * 


? __j f 

1 tH 

4 i t t 


heart** al - most a bust - in', kasc, I know we both um free, 

train de vines all ronn' de cab'n, an'we'll lib dar till we di* 
gol-ly,how hap - py Ko-eaan' I will be in our cab - in home. 


=F= 3 = 

Oh, Ho - sadear, am dat you? Bont yer-see Fse cum-min*? 

L ALTO._ _ ^ ^ fc 


Oh* Ro - eadear, am dat you? Dont yer eee Pse 



jess sit down an' watch this 

Set dis ole boat a ham - din'. 



-g ^ sir p=ir-p J' -J Ji 

jess sit down an' watch this nig Set dis ole hoat 

a hum - min'. 

FIG. 39 

of one of the Tompkins group who came concertizing to Texas 
in 1850 and settled in San Antonio, says: 

The most outstanding quality of these songs, to me, is the rhythm. 
This rhythm is almost always that of the Western ho-rse; I have dis- 
covered and am able to distinguish three different rhythms and only 
three the three gaits of the overwhelming majority of o-ur Texas 
horses, the walk, the trot and the lope. . . . 

It is true that the music of the cowboy can' usually be traced by 


Music in Texas 

the expert musician to some papular song of the 70s and 80s or to 
some Irish or English broadside. . . . Yet in almost every case, one 
finds that the cowboys have altered the rhythm and melody to suit 
Hheir pioneer experiences and feelings, of which the song is the ex- 
pression. . . .There are some melodies among the cowboy songs, how- 
ever, that I believe have sprung direct from our Western soil. For 
instance, I think that the tune of the familiar "Bury Me Not on the 
Lone Prairie". ... is imitative of the night noises of the prairie, the 
yelp of the coyote bearing the burden. 

A second characteristic is its freeness of expression. .. 

The cowboy, regardless of calendar age, was a boy at heart. He 
was interested in his own experiences, actual and imaginary; and so 
a third characteristic of most of his songs is a persistent use of the 
first person ['they" being generally replaced by "we"] 

A fifth characteristic of cowboy songs is a spirit of democracy.* 

Interesting* as these suggestions are, the writer ventures the 
assertion that careful study of these songs and comparison 
of them with their originals will not bear out the theories ad- 
vanced. As an example of the lengths to which imagination 
and folk-lore can go, take the Song of the Texas Ranger be- 
ginning "Mount, Mount and Away/' which has been credited 
with the rhythm of the lope, the spirit of the range, and other 
characteristics of the free life of the prairies. When, how- 
ever, its original is shown to be "I'm Afloat, I'm afloat on the 
Wide Rolling Tide" (see pages 46-47), of which the melody 
is identical and the text a close paraphrase, the rhythm of the 
saddle is forced to give way to the roll of the waves, not gen- 
erally credited with being one and the same. Multiplication of 
such examples is not difficult. 

The Texas cowboy is not, historically, an original figure; 
the Mexican vaqttero, his prototype, figures in 16th century 
annals. He appears late in Texas because the presence of 
hostile Indians deterred him. In the latter part of the 17th 
century he roamed the El Paso region; in the 18th, he invaded 
the lower Nueces and the Rio Grande Valley. Separated in 
turn from his prototype, the Spanish or Indian herdsman, by 
a much greater period of time, the songs of the Mexican 
vaquero are probably more original than those of the Anglo- 
American cowboy. Emanating from the high tablelands about 
the capital, these songs traveled up through Central Mexico; 
others came along the West Coast and then through Sinaloa 

*Procedings Texas Folk Lore Society, VII, 145-154. 



Arranged by Manuel Ponce 



^.AJL... .ywift.,..._>Q JEyM. VMV dA/^vvLCiyA/ 



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1 1 

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>J J 


FIG. 4O 
A Song of tne Texas border. 

Music in Texas 

and Sonora. A few of these current in the 20th century 
among all classes of the "frontera" of Texas have been trans- 
cribed and aranged in more or less artistic form. Of the more 
finished versions are those of Manuel Ponce and Ramon 
Campos* Of these Palomita is a good example. 

In the field of Mexican cowboy music, little has as yet been 
done, but its vistas are fascinating to the serious student 
equipped with the necessary historical, musical and linguistic 

Under folk music should be included such local adaptations 
of older songs as linked them with Texas places or events. 
Into this class fall especially a group of songs connected with 
the various rivers* Among these are "Down on de Rollin' 
Brazos/* "Can I Forget that Night in June upon the Brazos 
River/* an adaptation from "The Danube/' "Red River Val- 
ley/* a version of the "Bright Mohawk Valley" and "On 
Red River Shore*'; "On the Banks of the San Antonio/' adapted 
from "Old Salt River*'; and various local shifts in the text of 
"On the Banks of the Blue Moselle." Many of the cowboy 
songs introduced the Rio Grande in one form or another. Adap- 
tation of other well known songs with an historical setting 
was also general. "Bruce's Address" by Robert Burns served 
as the basis for three Texas songs between 1836 and 1846;* 
"Hohenlinden" by Campbell for others. A detailed study of 
such adaptations would yield a volume illustrative of the dis- 
semination of various types of music among the people of 

*For titles see pages 26 and 45. 


Music Composed in Texas or by Texans 

THE "Brazos Boat Song," composed In 1831 on the banks 
of that river by Mary Holley, a cousin of Stephen F. Aus- 
tin, is the first musical composition written on Texas soil, so far 
as known to the writer. In the next decade a few composers 
of varying qualifications made their homes in Texas: Adolf 
Fuchs, whose existing manuscript volume is representive of 
bis songs; Ally re Bureau, who worked at "La Reunion'* in 
the late fifties; Gustave Fitze at New Waverley, whose music 
was published by Ditson; and F. W. Smith, professor of 
music at Baylor College before it was moved from old Inde- 
pendence, composed music of interest in its day. \Ve have 
mentioned the "Texan youth" who composed music during 
the Mexican "War, and the March by Clarence \Vharton pub- 
lished during the Civil War. T. B. Bishop in Galveston and 
Professor Bauer in Dallas, who composed a Christmas An- 
them, also deserve mention. The publishing house of Thomas 
Goggan and Brothers, established in 1866, issued many other 
works of an ephemeral character written by Texans* 

Franz Van der Stucken has already been referred to as 
the first composer born within the confines of the state to 
achieve international fame. His work was, however, in no 
way associated with the state. The first native composer to 
achieve fame through the use of Texas background was Os- 
car Fox ( 1 879- ) , who no doubt inherited from his grand- 
father, Adolf Fuchs, some of his musical ability. Educated 
in San Antonio and later at Zurich, he served for years as or- 
ganist, choirmaster and teacher in various Texas cities before 
achieving fame through his settings of the cowboy songs col- 
lected by John Lomax. Only after these paved the way was 
the merit of his original work recognized. Since 1922 he has 
labored persistently. "White in the Moon the Long Road 
Lies/' "The Hills of Home" and "The Rain and the River" 
are among his best known songs. Corn Silks and Cotton Blos- 
soms is published here for the first time. 


Whitney Montgomery Oscar Fox 

In Ihe manner of a folk song 



Corn sUks and cot ton bios - - soma, Flow'r of the SomL, 


r r 


r--ty years I've ten --ded them Thru rain and drouth* 

J J 



CJorn silks and cotton blossoms, 

Flow'r of the South, 
Thirty years I've tended them 

Thru rain and drouth. 
Thirty years I've tended them 

A-toiling hard and long 
Dreaming now and then a dream 

That turned into song. 



Dream -ing now and then a dream That tur---ned in to song. 






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sre I bind them in a wreath For 



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Corn silks and col - - - ton bios - - soma, 

luil =; J J J - J 1 

And the heart of nv 


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Corn silks nmlcol-~ttm - blos-"soms. And the heart of uie. 

Here I bind them in a wreath 

For all the world to see, 
Corn silks and cotton blossoms, 

And the heart of me. 
Corn silks and cotton blossoms, 

And the heart of me, 

A hitherto unpublished song by Texas' best known song writer. 
Used by permission. 

Music in Texas 

The second native composer to achieve fame is David Guion, 
born at Ballinger in 1895* He, too, has used as thematic mate- 
rial cowboy and negro melodies; especially has he turned his 
attention to the humble strata of society, as is shown in his 
collection of "Alley Tunes/' One of these, "The Harmonica 
Player/' and his arrangement of "Turkey in the Straw are 
among the best of his instrumental productions; his setting 
of "Home on the Range*' is unquestionably superior; and 
both the negro and the Indian have received sympathetic treat- 
ment by him. Again, it seems that local material has furnished 
this Texas composer his best subject matter. 

In the creation of music in larger forms, the first Texan to 
achieve fame is Harold Morris, born in San Antonio. After 
securing his degree at the University of Texas, he studied at 
the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. His violin sonata, still 
unpublished, a Symphonic Poem for orchestra and his piano 
Concerto have won the praise of outstanding critics. His 
"Doll's Ballet" is within the range of the average player; but 
the "Sonata in B-flat Minor" and the "Scherzo" call for more 
finished technique. 

Among song writers, Texas can claim several who have done 
creditable work: "Wash Day/' "Plantation Ditty," "Boats of 
Mine/* and "Parting at Morn" are among the best known of 
the published works of Anna Stratton (Mrs. Thomas Holden) 
who was born in Cleburne and educated at the University of 
Texas. Kathleen Blair Clark, while a composition student of 
Arthur Claasen, produced a few songs which showed prom- 
ise among them "Fanchonette" and "Little Rose of May." 
Horace Clark, born in Houston, the son of a professor 
at old Baylor College, received his early training under 
Mrs. Griinewald, the grandmother of Olga Samaroff. Al- 
though he attended the New England Conservatory, it is the 
coloring of the South that pervades his work. "Songs from 
the South/' one of his best known groups, includes those 
of the negro, such as "Aunt Sally," "Over Jordan," and "When 
Old Aunt Lindy Sings." Raide Britain of Amarillo follows the 
Texas tradition with "Hail Texas" and "A Western Suite" 
which includes five sketches "On the Plains," "The Covered 
Wagon," "Mirage," "Campflre" and "Stampede." Newell 
Cummins, born in Denison and a student of Edward McDow- 


Music Composed in Texas or by Texans 

ell, has made some arrangements of cowboy and southern mel- 
odies; Annette Myers, born in Marshall and a graduate of the 
American Conservatory in Chicago, has written a string quar- 
tette, a "Reverie" for cello and piano and a song, "Texas Our 
Native State/* Alice Mayfield Brooks of San Antonio has used 
negro themes in an interesting manner. Louise Daggett Fisher 
has written songs and music for strings that show musical in- 

Composers born outside of Texas but who have done work 
worthy of attention while residents of the state include: Reu- 
ben Davies, born in 1891 and educated at the University of 
Kansas and the Institute of Musical Art, whose "Western 
Romance/' "Echoes from Colorado/' "Tishomingo/' and "From 
a Log Cabin" have a western coloring; Anna E. George, a 
native of Mississppi, educated at Bush Conservatory, a few of 
whose compositions, such as "The Creek" and "The Prairie 
Pictures/' possibly have a Texas background; Julius Jahn, of 
Dutch-French ancestory educated at Munich and Vienna, who 
has written especially for women's voices "Barcarplle." "The 
River," "Laughing Song," "Lullaby," "Evening/' and "Morn- 
ing/' The most voluminous composer of this group and the 
one most closely associated with Texas life is William J. Marsh, 
born in England, but a cotton broker in Texas since 1904, and 
the composer of the State song, "Texas, Our Texas/' As he 
has served for years as an organist and choir director, many 
of his works are sacred in type masses, motets, anthems, 
Christmas and Easter songs. Local coloring is to be found in 
"Chinita" a Spanish serenade and "Bluebonnet Time/* In 
San Antonio one of the outstanding composers is John M. 
Stein f el dt, born in Hanover, Germany, but educated mainly 
at the Cincinnati Conservatory. He, too, has "written much 
sacred music, including a "Mass in G Minor/* Marked by 
Texas coloring are his fine choral Hymn to Texas and a piano 
number,"At the Mission/* His interest lies mainly in the field of 
piano music. Both Arthur Claasen and Carl Hahn deserve 
mention here, although their best work was done outside of 
the state. At Southern Methodist University is Harold Hart 
Todd, born in Ohio, and educated at Oberlin and the Univer- 
sity of Nebraska, whose principal contribution has been his 


Music in Texas 

editorial work on the Cokesbury Hymnal. At Westmoorland 
College, San Antonio, is Carl Venth, born in Cologne in I860 
and educated under Hiller and Wieniawski. Once concert 
master of the Flemish Opera at Brussels, he came to America 
in 1880, played in the Metropolitan Orchestra, conducted the 
Brooklyn Symphony, and was concert master of the St. Paul 
orchestra. In Texas, he has served as director of the Kidd 
Key Conservatory, of the Dallas and Fort Worth Symphony, 
and of the School of Fine Arts at Texas Woman's College. 
His three one-act operas and a Centennial song, "I arn a Texan" 
are among his Texas productions; his Pan in America won the 
National Federation of Music Clubs prize in 1923, and his 
numerous cantatas have had wide rendition. His comic opera 
"Fair Betty " was presented in Fort Worth in 1916* He has 
a Texas opera ready for presentation in 1936. 

The bits of history recalled by these pages can only be fairly 
interpreted when fitted into the larger picture of American 
and world culture, of which they form a part. When the first 
European music was taught in Texas, John Sebastian Bach 
was not yet born; Spanish music was being sung during the 
lifetime of Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert; 
the Republic of Texas carne into being on the crest of the 
Romantic Movement, when Chopin, Mendelssohn and Schu- 
mann were mature men; and the Civil War period, represented 
in Texas by the music of the "Old South'* is contemporary 
with the beginning of the modern school of composers. While 
distinct types of folk music were evolving in Texas, Russian 
and Spanish composers were beginning to turn their attention 
to native themes; Liszt and Brahms made known to the world 
the variety and richness of Hungarian music; and Dvorak 
awoke the pride and enthusiasm of the Czechs for their own 
folk music. Had one sought a century earlier in those coun- 
tries for the music of the people in printed form, there would 
have been even less of interest found than is presented here in 
connection with Texas. What each of these countries has 
since contributed in the form of modern music is the adapta- 
tion and utilization of existent material. Texas and her various 


Music Composed in Texas or by Texans 

folk themes still await the composer who is to give them ade- 
quate expression in the form of a great suite, choral work, 
symphony or opera. Perhaps this sketch, pieced together from 
the insignificant items of past life in Texas, may serve to sug- 
gest that goal, or inspire the effort which will create in this 
state, from themes typically Texan, a musical masterpiece of 
the first rank. 





Nov. 5 Josef Lhevinne (Mrs. 

Katherine Buford Peeples). 


Oct. 11 Marie Tiftany (Simmons 
College) . 

Oct. 29 Josef Lhevinne (Sim- 
mons College). 

Jan. . . Thelma Given (Sim- 
mons College). 

Paul Althouse and the Victor Or- 
chestra will be presented by 
the Christian College during tihe 
season, but dates have not 
been assigned. 


Oct. 25 Reed Miller and Nevada 
Van de Veer (Amarillo College 
of Music). 

Dec. .. Marie Rappold (Ama- 
rillo College of Music). 

Feb. 17 Florence Hardeman and 
Stewart Wille (Amarillo Col- 
lege of Music). 


Nov. 4' Rafael Diaz and Eddy 
Brown (Belton Music Club). 

Nov. . . Great Lakes String Quar- 
tette (Baylor College;. 

Dec. 10 Marie Rappold (Belton 
Music Club). 

Dec. . .Albert iLindquist (Bay- 
lor College). 

Jan. 25 Redpatfh Concert Orches- 
tra (Baylor College). 

Feb. .. Mme. Schumann-Heink 
(Belton Music Club). 

March 23 Reinald Warrenrath 
and E. Robert Schmitz (Bel- 
ton Music Club), 

April . , Anna Case (Belton 
Music Club). 

Nov. 2 Bertha Freeman Ashberry 

(Nevin Club). 
Nov. 12 Lambert Murphy (Nevin 



(Symphony Orchestra date not 

Oct. 11 Allen McQuhae (Catho- 
lic Ladies' Aid Society). 

Oct 28 Zoellner Quartette (Uni- 
versity Club). 

Nov. 1 Rafael Diaz and Marie 
Tiffany (E. G. Council). 

Nov. 4 Josef Lhevinne (Schubert 
Choral Club). 

Nov. 7 Merle Alcock (Dallas 

Nov. 8 Pietro Yon (American Le- 
gion) . 

Nov . 10 Scottish Rite Octette 

Nov. 10 Julia Claussen (Musicale 
Concert Bureau). 

Nov. 18 Sophie Braslau (E. D. 

Nov. 22 Eddy Brown and Reuben 
Davies (E. G. Council). 

Nov. 29 Helen Stanley (Musicale 
Concert Bureau). 

Dec. 2 Mary Garden (Mmes. Ma- 
son and MacDonald). 

Dec. 5 Freza Green, assisted by 
Dallas Artist (Dallas Band). 

Dec. 13 Marie Rappold (E. G. 
Council) . 

Dec. 25 American Opera Com- 
pany (Dallas Male Chorus). 

Jan. 5 Harvard Glee Club (Dal- 
las Male Chorus). 

Jan 11 Fritz Kreisler (Mmes, 
Mason and MacDonald). 

Jan 11 Percy Grainger (Musicale 
Concert Bureau). 

Jan 15 Boys' Choir (University 

Jan 17 Duncan Dancers and 
Beryl Rubinetein, pianist (Musi- 
cale Concert Bureau). 

Jan. 24 Benno Moisewitch (E. D. 

Jan. 24^ Arthur Middleton (E. G. 

Jan. 25 Dallas Male Chorus (Uni- 
versity Club). 

*As announced in The Musicale, November, 1920. 

Music in Texas 

Jan. 21 Grace Wagner, Caroline 
Lazzari, Renato Zanelli, Prank 
LaForge at the piano (Mmes. 
Mason and MacDonald). 

Feb. 3 Mary Jordan (Musicale 
Concert Bureau) . 

Feb. 13Albert Lindquist (Dallas 

Feb. -Thurlow Lieurance, Edna 
Wooley and George Tac (Musi- 
cale Concert Bureau). 

Feb. 17 Maggie Teyte (Schubert 
Choral Club). 

March 7 American Operatic Q0m- 
pany (University Club). 

March 7 Mabel Garrison (E. D. 

March . . New York Philhar- 
monic Orchestra (Dallas Male 
Chorus) . 

March IS Albert Spalding (Dal- 
las Band). 

March 14 -Dallas Symphony Or- 
chestra (University Club). 

March 17 Harold Bauer (Mmes. 
Mason and MacDonald). 

March 21 The Kennedys (Uni- 
versity Club). 

March 22 Reinald Werrenrath 
(Musicale Concert Bureau). 

March 28 Vera Poppe (Univer- 
sity Club). 

March 29 Adolph Bolm Ballet 
and Little Symphony Orchestra 
(Musicale Concert Bureau). 

April 4^-Morgan Kingston (E. G. 

April 10 Louis Graveure (Dallas 

April 22 Forrest Laanont (E. G. 

May 8 Gabrielle Besanzoni (Dal- 
las Band). 

May .. Scotti Opera Company 
Mason and Macttonald). 

May . . Music Week: Annual 
meetings of the Texas Teach- 
ers' Association, Texas Federa- 
tion of Music Clubs and Texas 
Music Merchants* Association. 

Oct. 14 Allen McQuhae (Ameri- 
can Legion). 

Oct. 19 Caruso (Harmony Club). 

Oct. 28 Josef Lhevinne (Inez 
Hudgins) . 

Nov. 3 Merle AJcock (Euterpean 

Nov. 12 Julia Claussen (Ameri- 
can Legion). 

Nov. 15 Lambert Murphy (Eu- 
terpean Club). 

Nov. 17 May Peterson (Ameri- 
can Legion). 

Nov. 30 Helen Stanley (Inez 

Dec. 3 Mary Garden (Harmony 

Jan. 10 Percy Grainger (Har- 
mony Club) 

Jan. 1(5 Thelma Given(Inez Hud- 

Jan. 26 Mary Jordan (Inez 


Jan. .. Louis Graveure (Ameri- 
can Legion). 

Feb. 15 Thurlow Ldeurance; 
Edna Wooley, soprano; George 
Tack, flutist (Inez Hudgins). 

March 14 E. Robert Scnmitz and 
Olive Kline (Euterpean Club). 

Week of March 27 Anna Cas 
(Harmony Club). 

March . . . Forrest Laanont (Am- 
erican Legion). 

After Easter LeDesca Loveland 
and Edgar Schofield (Inez Hud- 

April 15 New York Philharmonic 
Orchestra (Harmony Club). 

Oct 22 Enrico Caruso (Edna W. 


Nov. 15-17 San Carlo- Opera Com- 
pany (Edna W. Saunders). 
Nov. 23 Sophie Braslau (Edna W. 

Saunders) . 
March ..Chicago Grand Opera 

Company/ two performances 

(Edna W. Saunders). 
April 12 New York Philharmonic 

Orchestra, matinee and night 

(Edna W. Saunders). 
May 8-10 Scotti Grand Opera 

Company (Edna W. Saunders). 




Oct. 22 Merle Alcock (Rusk Col- 
lege Conservatory). 
Feb. 21 Yolando Mero (Rusk Col- 
lege Conservatory). 
March 22 Olive Kline (Rusk Col- 
lege Conservatory). 


Jan. 28 Renato Zanelli and 
Frank LaForge (J. Culberson 
Feb. 25 Eight Victor Artists (J. 

Culberson Deal). 
March 4 Mme. Frances Alda (J. 
Culberson Deal). 


Oct. 12 Rafael Diaz (San Anto- 
nio Symphony Society). 
Nov. 5 Josef Lhevine (Tuesday 
Musicale Club and Chamindde 

Nov. . . San Carlo Opera Com- 
pany (Tuesday Musicale Club 
and Ohaminade Society). 
Nov. 16 Julia Claussen (Alva 
Wilgus). Thelma G-iven and 
Genia Zielinska, joint recital 
(Alva Wilgus). 
Nov. 22 Sophie Braslau (Mozart 

Society) . 
Dec. 6 Helen Stanley (Mozart 

March 19 Giovanni Martinelli 

(Mozart Society). 
March 1 Paul Althouse (ALva 

Wilgus) . 

April . . LeDesca Loveland and 
Edgar Schofield, joint recital 
(Alva Wilgus). 

Oct. 5 Bomar Cramer (Kidd-Key 

Music Club). 

Oct. 15 Anna Case (Austin Col- 

Oct. 28 Frank Renard (Kidd-Key 

Conservatory) . 
Oct 29 Marie Tiffany (George 

Condon) . 
Nov. 5 Eddy Brown (Kidd-Key 

Music Club). 
Nov. 14 Julia Claussen (Kidd- 

Key Music Club). 
Nov. 19 Marie Rappold (Austin 

College) . 
Dec. 2 Henrica Jones (Kidd-Key 

Conservatory) . 
Jan. 14 Percy Grainger (Kidd- 

Key Musical Club). 
Feb. 11 Maggie Teyte (Kidd-Key 

Music Club). 
March 14 Albert Spalding 

(George Congdon). 
March 14 Paul Althouse (Kidd- 

Key Music Club). 
March 15 Harold Bauer (Kidd- 

Key Music Club). 
Mr. Hans Richard, Miss Ethel 

Rader and Mr. Harold Loring, 
lecture-recital, will be presen- 
ted on dates to be determined. 


Nov. 9 Merle Alcock (Mrs. Ray 

Jan. 27. Salvatore de Stefano 

and Mrs. Eberson, joint recita- 

(Mrs. Ray Eberson). 
May 3 Allen McQuhae (Mrs. Ray 


Nov. 2-5 San Carlo Grand Opera 
Company (Cotton Palace Ex- 

Nov. 29 Marie Rappold (Musi- 

cian's Club). 

March 28 Morgan Kingston (Mu- 
sicians' Club). 



Abbot Opera Company, Emma, 77, 


Abt, P., 62 
Abilene, 121 
Acadians, 53, 54 
Acme Song Collection, 82 
Accordion, 27, 71 
Accrediting of music courses, 113- 

115; of music schools, 117; of 

music teachers, 114, 115, 117 
Adey, A., 70 
Ai'da, 97, 106, 122 
Alabado, 8, 9, 11, 12 
Alamo, 24 

"The Alamo/* Hewitt, 45 
"The Alamo-," Durriage, 45 
"Alamo Hymn/' 37 
Albniz, I., 110 
"All for Texas," 45 
Allen, Peter, 26 
Allesandro, V., 110 
Alley Tunes, 140 
Amarillo, 105, 106, 111, 121, 140 
"American Bivouac/* 49 
American Guild of Organists, 120 
"American Maiden's Song to her 

Lover/' 50 

American music, 37, 38, 99 
Aonericanization, 90 
"Americans, protect your blood/' 


Avnore de tre re, J/% 106 
"An die Freundschaft/' 95 
Anderson, 82 
'* Angel of Dreams," 65 
Anglo-American settlements, 23 
"Annie Laurie/' 62 
Antwerp, 37, 38 

Appreciation, musical, 85, 116, 123 
Arion Singing Society, 37, 108 
Arkansas, 31 
Arts in Texas, 14 
Association of Harpists, 120 
"At the Bar," 68 
"At the Cross/* 65 
"At the Window," 39-40 
Atlanta, 111 
Auditorium^, municipal, 111,, 121 

"Auf dem Wasser zu singen/' 95 
Augusta, Georgia, 61, 63 
Austin, 29, 34, 58, 60, 69, 75-77, 

79, 92-99, 104-107, 111, 113-114, 


Austin, Stephen P., 34, 136 
Ave Maria, 9 
Aztecs, 6, 7 

Bach, John Sebastian, 3&, 122, 142 

Baker, Mrs. Edwin B., 119 

Balfe, M., 97, 101 

Ballads, 17, 136 

Ballet, 37 

Ballinger, 140 

Baltimore, 49, 63 

Band masters, 120 

Bands, 17, 41, 61, 63, 70-75, 77-79, 
89, 114, 120-122 

Bangs, Samuel, 25 

"Banks of the Blue Moselle," 26 

Barber of Seville, 104 

Bassoon, 108 

Battle, W. J., 113 

"Battle of Buena Vista," 50 

Battle of San Jacinto, 24-26 

Bauer, Alexis, 37 

Bauer, Theodore, 78, 137 

Baylor College, 35, 82. 137, 140 

Baylor University, 71, 117 

"Beauregard's Grand March/' 62 

"Beauregard Manassas Quick- 
step," 62 

Beck, Carl, 108 

Beebe, John N., 26 

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 70 

Beethoven Club, 73 

Beethoven Maennerchor, 96, 99, 
100, 108 

Bell ringers, 70 

Bellini, V., 101 

Belton, 121 

Berger family, 71 

Bernais mountain singers, 72 

Besserer, William, 76, 83, 93, 97, 
98, 105, 107 

Bild der Rose, Das. 79 


Music in Texas 

Bishop, H. R., 101 

Bishop, T. B., 71, 137 

Blaeh, William, 111 

Blackmar, A. E., 61, 63 

Blackshear, Laura, 119 

Blanton, Annie W., 115 

Blind,- -musical education of, -72, 

75, 77 : ' -. - - - 

Blitz, -Julien Paul, 108, 110 -- -- 
BoJieine., La, 106 
Bohemia, 58 - 

Bohemian Girl, 97, 101, 107 
"Bonny Blue Flag," 61 
"Bonny Eloise," 61 
"Bonny Jean", 62 I 

Boston, 26, 45, 81, 111, 123 
Boston Opera Company, 106 
"Brave Boys are they", 63- 
Brazos, 27, 35, 132, 136-7 
"Brazos boat song", 137 
Brenham, 76, 79 
"Bright Mohawk Valley," 136 
Britain, Raide, 140 
Brooklyn, 108 

Brooks, Alice Mayfield, 141 
Broom, George, 26 
Brown, A. F., 56 
Brown, J. Alleine, 83 
Brownsville, 101 
Brownwood, 121 
Buchanan, A. M., 110 
Buck, Francis, 50 
Buckley, F., 65 
"Buena Vista", 49-50 
"Buena Vista Grand March/' 50 
Buena Vista (opera), 50 
Buffalo, 81, 111 
Bugles, 26 
<f Bundeslied," 97 
Bureau, Allyre, 56-58, 137 
"Burial of Sir Jonn Moore", 50 
Burns, Robert, 136 
"Bury Me not", 131 

"Cajuns", 54 

"Call of the Tamale Vender," 16 

Calvello, Charley, 74 

Camden, 31 

Campfire song, 131 

Qamp meetings, 31, 32, 65 

Campanini opera company, 105 

Camp Travis, 89 

"Campbells are coming", 49, 52 

Campos, Ram.6n, 136 

"Can I Forget", 13>6 

Canary Islanders, 14 
"Capitaine May", 49 
Capitol at Houston, 28 
^Captain Walker's Quickstep", 48 
"Capys, Charles, 55 
Carleton opera company, 77, 105- 


"Carrie Bell", 62 
Casino, 105 
Castro, Henry, 55 
Castroville, 55 
Catholic Church Music, 6-14, 29^ 

72, 74 

Cattle trails, 130 
Cavalleria rusticana, 106 
"Cerro Gordo March", 52 
Certification laws, 114, 117 
Chadwick, H., 52 
Chappell Hill, 83 
Chants, 9, 10 
Chicago, 96, 111, 123 
Chicago opera co., 106, 110, 111,. 


Chickermg pianos, 71 
"Childhood Days", 63 
Childress, 121, 122 
GUitnes of Normandy, 105- 
Choate, Mr., 27 
Choirs, 9, 14, 72, 74 
Chojnachi, H. F., Ill 
^Choosing a flc-wer', 57-58 
Choral music, 9, 34, 38, 60, 70, 76, 

77, 92, 95-100 
Chorales, Swedish, 60 
Christmas music, 17-20, 137 
Ohurch and Company, John, 82 
Church music, see Music, sacred 
Church music conference, 120 
Cincinatti, 31, S3, 81, 82, 96, 111 


Cinderella, 101 
Civic music, 120-122 
Civil War, 41, 42, 58, 61-75, 79, 

101-105, 127 
Claasen, Arthur, 99, 108, 110, 140 r 


"Clang! Clang! Clang!" 56, 58 
Clarions, 26 
Clark, Horace, 140 
Class music teaching, 41, 70, 80, 82 
Clay, Henry, Jr., 50 
Cleburne, 106, 140 
Cleveland, 111, 123 
Clubs, music, 119-120, 123, 144-146 
Coast of Mexico, 48 



College of Industrial Arts, see 

Texas State College for Women 
"College entrance credit in music. 


Colleges, 60, 91 

"Columbia, land of liberty" 32 
Columbus, 95 

"Come dwell with me" 27 
'Come, flowers to me" 57 
"Gome, oil come with me" 59-60 
Comfort, 96, 97 
Community music, 89, 120-122 
Composers, 26, 35-6, 38, 41, 77, 137 
Compositions, musical, 78, 104, 

127, 1S7-143; instruction in, 82 
Concert managers, 77, 144-146 
^Concerts in Texas, 17, 28, 29, 34, 

37, 41, 62, 63, 69-78, 92, 101, 104, 

108-111, 120, 121 
Concert halls, 28, 41, 76, 105 
Concordia (New Braunfels), 96 
Concordia Club (Dallas), 79 
' Confederate Flag", 61 
"Confederate Grand March", 62 
Cornet, 78 

Considerant, Victor, 55, 58 
Conservatory of music, 70, 77 
Contests, 116 
Corpus Christi, 45 
Corri, Henry, 28 
Corsicana, 111 
Cosmopolites, 79 
Cowboy songs, 37, 65, 66, 130-137 

140, 141 

Creation, 76, 122 
Creole music, 53, 127 
Crooker, Fanny L., 75-76, 98 
Crucifixion, 122 
Culture, 3 

Cummins, Newell, 140 
Curricula, music, 114-118 
G%ctr und Zimmerman, 105 
Czechs in Texas, 26, 58, 60 
Cymbals, 26 

Dallas, French in, 55-58 

Dallas, music in, 76, 77-79, 92, 97, 
98, 104, 106, 107, 114, 120-122 
124, 137; Glee Club, 78; Sym- 
^ phony Orchestra, 109, 110 

D*aly, Abel, 77 

Damrosch, Leopold, 37 

Dance halls, 41 

Dances, 4, 5, 9, 12, 14, 17, 27, 29, 
53, 74 

Dancing teachers, 78 

Daughter of St. Mark, 101 

Davies, Reuben, 141 

Davis, Mollie Moore, 63, 104 

"Days of Absence,/ 26 

"Dead at Buena Vista," 50 

Dean, W. K., 49 

De Bar, Mrs., 28 

Debussy, C., 110 

De Palla, M., 110 

"De larga Jornada," 18 

Delgado, Eusebio, 71 

Denison, 121, 122, 140 

Denton, 113, 121 

Denver, 111 

Derthick music clubs, 119 

Detroit Symphony Orchestra, 111 

Deutsche Lied, Das," 97 

Deutsche Schriften in Texas, 37 

Devine, Judge T. J., 75 

Diaz, Rafaelo, 106 

Diehl, Anton, 98 

Ditson Cc-., Oliver, 41, 71, 137 

"Dixie," 83 

"Dixie War Song," 61 

"Does your Mother Know," 27 

"Doll's Ballet," 140 

Domenech, Bmanuel, 55 

Don Giovanni, 104 

Doran, John, 32 

Douai, Adolf, 37, 94 

Double bass, 108 

"Down on de rollin' Brazos," 132- 


Dramatic performances, 20, 76 
Drummer, 26 

'Drummer Boy of Snlloh," cs 
Drums, 25 
Dubina, 58 

Dubois, Theodore, 122 
Dunn, George, 63 
Dunn, John G., 50 
Durivage, F. A., 48 
Durriage, T. A., 45 
Duvernoy, Gustave, 82 
"Dying Camille," 65 

Eaton, E. O., 65 

Eberhardt, Louis, 75 

Eckert, Carl A. F., 97 

Eckhardt, Profesor, 70 3 

Edison, Thomas, 84 

Education, musical, 62, 69, 70, 74- 

77, 80-85, 113-118; physical, 74; 

State Department of, 114-118; 


Music in Texas 

through sound-reproducing ma- 
chines, 115-116 

JLJgmont, 79, 97 

Egyptian Princess, 106 

"Einsarne Roslein, Das," 97 

Lriijah, 122 

Ellis Opera Company, 106 

El Paso, 7, 110, 114, 121, 134 

Enchantress, The, 101 

Ennis, 121 

Ernani, 79, 97, 104= 

Esther, 76 

Evangeline, 53 

European contacts, 69, 71, 90-1 

''Fair Betty," 106 

''Fair Land of Texas," 45 

'Fairies Have Broken Their 
Wings,," 63 

"Fall of Matamoras," 49 

"Fall of Veracruz/' 50 

Fallersleben, see Hoffman vou 
Fallersleben, A. H. 

Fanthorp, see Anderson 

Faust, 105, 106, 122 

Faust Opera Company, 105 

Fayetteville, 58 

Feast of Roses, 104 

Felton, (organ builder), 72 

Festival, music, 60 

Festlied, 37 

Fiddlers, 27 

"'Field of Monterrey/' 50 

"Fields of Mexico," 50 

"Fire Away/' 49, 52 

Fischer, Jjouise Daggett, 141 

Fisher, Alice, 79 

Fitze, C. Gustave, 41, 71,137 

Fixed-do system, 84 

"Flag of Texas/' 45 

"Fleurs des Alpes/' 79 

Flute, 5, 9, 17, 27, 71, 73, 77-78 

Folk dances, 58 

Folk fests, 70 

Folk-Lore Society, Texas, 32 

Folk music, 69, 127-136; Anglo- 
American, 24-5, 33; Cowboy 37, 
65-6, 130-6; Creole, 127; 'Czech, 
58; French, 53, 54; German, 
36, 70; Mexican, 14, 15, 134^5; 
Spanish, 14, 15, 53, 74 ; Swedish, 

Folk-tales, 17, 21 

Ford, Anna, 63 

Fort Bend County, 41 

Fort Brown, 49 

"Fort Brown Quickstep," 48 

Fort Worth, 106, 110, 116, 117, 
121, 123 

Foster, Stephen, 65 

Fox, Oscar, 37, 137-139 

jL-'ra, Diavolo, 28, 101-103, 104 

France, 23, 58 

Francis, W. G., 79 

Franco-Prussian War, 70, 75, 9G 

Frank, Severin, 111 

Fredericksburg, 34, 37, 38, 96 

Frederici, Marie, 101 

Frees, Henry J., 79 

Fried, Walter, 108 

FreiscJiutz, Der, 79, 104 

French, 62, 78; in iTouisana, 53; 
in Texas, 8, 53-58 

Frohsinn, 78 

"From the Rio Grande's Wat- 
ers," 50 

Fry, W. H., 101 

Fuehs, Adolf, 35-37, 137 

"Funeral March/' 49 

Gaines, Newton, 133-34 

Gainesville, 121 

Galveston, 25, 34, 41, 61, 63, 69- 

72, 76, 79-81, 96-98, 101, 105, 

107, 114, 121, 137 
G-alveston News, 72 
Games, 20-21 
Gante, Pedro de, 6 
Ganz, Rudolph, 112 
Garcia, Bartolome", 11 
Garcia de San Francisco, 7 
Gar denier, John R. B., 50 
Garret, Clyde J., 123 
Gaul, A, R.. 122 
"General Taylor's Grand March/' 

48; "March at Buena Vista/' 50; 

"Quickstep," 48 
George, Anna E., 141 
George, G., 62 
Georgetown, 120 
"Gorman Backwoodsman/ 5 36 
Germania, 93, 95-97 
Germans in Texas, 34-42, 69, 77 > 

78, 81, 93-100 
Gilbert, William, 105, 122 
Glover, Stephen, 61 
Gluck, C., 38 

"God Will Defend the Right/' 61 
Goethe, J. W., 36, 95 
Goggan, Thomas, 71, 137 



Goliad, 23, 24 

Gottschalk, L. M., 79 

Gounod, Charles, 122 

Graham, Mrs. Jolin Wesley, 110 

Gramaphone, 84 

"Grand Military Quadrille," 52 

Grape Creek, 96 

Greenville, 121 

Gregorian music, 8-11, 13 

Grobe, Charles, 48, 49 

Griindler, H. F., 77 

Griinewald, Lucy, 98, 140 

Griinewald, C., 98 

Guadalupe mission, (El Paso), 7 

Guenther, H., 95 

Guion, David, 140 

Guitar, 9, 16, 27, 71, 75, 78, 80, 81 

Gustat, P. J., Ill 

Gutscli, Milton, 89 

"Habanera," 33 
Hahn, Carl, 108, 141 
Hall, B. B., Ill 
Hall, William, 71 
Halletsville, 62 
Halsell, Mrs. S. B., 78 
Hamburg, 38 
Handel, G. F., 122 
Hanson, Howard, 110 
Harding, Mrs. E. B., 77 
"Harmonica player", 140 
Harmony, Instruction in, 82 
Harp, 9, 17, 71 
Harps, German, 26 
Harper, A. L., 122-123 
Harrisburg, 34 
''Harry Bluff" 45 
Harthan, Hans, 99 
Hartwell, 62 
Havana, 54 
Haydn, Joseph, 122 
Hearn, Lafcadio, 53 
Heilig, Francis, 63, 73, 74, 81 
Heine, C. G., 70 
Henderson Beacon, 31 
Herbert, J., 97 
"Here's a Health to Thee. 
May," 49 
Herff family, 73 
Herff, Ferdinand, 73 
"Heroine of Monterey," 50 
Herzog, George, 75, 107 
Hess, (Dallas) 104 
Hewitt, J. H., 45, 49, 50, 51, 63- 

Hickeuloc-per, Lucy (Olga Sama- 

roff), 98 

Hicks City Band, 75 
High Schools, 84 
Hill, 80, 81 
"Hills of Home," 137 
Hillsboro, 121 
Hoffman, Charles, 62 
Hoffman von Fallersleben, A. H., 

35, 36 

"Holienlinden," 136 
Holley, Mary, 26, 34, 137 
Hollingsworth, O. N., 82 
4 *Holly Oak Grand Waltz," 71 
"Hoane on the Range," 140 
Honneger, Arthur, 110 
Hood, Thomas, 63 
Hood's Seminary* 77 
Hostyn, 58 
Houston, 27, 28, 29, 41, 58, 62, 

63, 69, 70-71, 79, 82, 92, 96-100, 

104-108, 110, 112, 119, 121, 140 
Houston Choral Club, 98 
Houston Symphony Orchestra, 110 
Houston, Sam, 24, 27 
"How Can I Leave Thee," 62 
Huffmaster, H. T., 98 
Hungarian Gypsy Students, 77 
Hugarians, 41, 72 
-'Hunters of Kentucky," 26 
"Hurrah! The Grand Young 

State of Texas," 83 
"Hurrah for Rough and Ready," 

"Hurrah for the Halls of Monte- 

zuma," 52 

"Hymn of the Alamo," 26 
Hymns, 7, 9, 28, 29, 65, 69, 74, 127, 


"I a*m Dreaming Still," 65 

'*! Know a Maiden," 63 

"I Know not why I love Thee," 

"111 Sustaining the Encounter," 


Ilsley, E. Clarke, 63 
'I'm Afloat," 45-47, 134 
"I'm Leaving Thee in 

Sorrow," 65 
Imitation of Nature, 3 
In the Two Worlds, 35 
Incarnate Word College, 117 
Indian music, S, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 140 
Indianola, 76, 95 


Music in Texas 

Indians in Texas, 3-9, 11-13, 14 
Institute of Musical Art, 141 
Instrumental, group, 9, 17, 107 
Instruments, musical, 17, 24, 69 
"Invitation, The," 25 
Interscholastic League, 116- 
lolanthe, 104 
Iris, 106 

"I See Her Still," 65 
Isaacs Menken, Adah, 72 
Island City Glee Club, 99 
Italians in Texas, 60 
"I Want to be an Angel/' 50 
'I Would Like to- Change My 
Name," 62 

Jacob son, EL, 99 
"Jaegers Abschied," 95 
Jahn, Julius, 141 
'Joan of Arc," 122 
Johnson, L. H. W.,. 82 
Jones, Mrs. Enoch, 73 
"Juanita," 65 
Juillard Foundation, 111 

Kalinnikov, 109 
Kansas City, 111 
"Keep the Powder Dry," 63 
Keller, Mattias, 49 
Kepler, William, 104 
Klappenbach, L. y 76, 98 
Kleberg family, 34 
Klotz, Henry A., 75 
Kramer, Arthur, 109 
Krehbiel, Henry, 53 
Kreissig, Hans, 108,, 109 
Kreutzer, C., 95 
Kucken, F., 62 
Kuntze, C., 79, 97 

Lachner, F., 97 
Lackie, J. D., 78 
La Coste music store, 75 
La Coste, Zulema, 73 
Lady of the Lake, 117 
La Grange, 34, 63, 95-96 
La Hache, Theodore, 62 
Lancaster, 78 
Lane, Alice, 61 
Lane, Mrs, J. J., 77 
Language teaching, 27, 90 
Lanier, Sidney, 73 
4 'Last Hope,' 79 

Lathan, Virginia, 77 

Lavaca Institute 82 

Laws affecting unusie teachers^ 
114-115, 117-118 

"Leaf by Leaf the Roses Fall," 71 

Leberman, H., 72, 99 

"LebewoOil," 94, 95 

Lemky, Friedrich, 26, 27 

Leonora, 101 

"Let Me Kiss Him for His Motn- 
er," 65 

Libraries, 122; German, 90; Swed- 
ish, 60 

"Liebesehruerz," 95 


(New Braimiels), 95; 
(San Antonio), 96 

''Listen to the Mocking Bird," 65 

Liszt, Franz, 37, 63 

'"Lob des Gesanges," 97 

Lochhead, Alva, lift 

Loniax, John, 137 

''Long, Long Ago," 33 

Longfellow, Henry W., 63 

Longview, 79 

L<5pez, Nicolas, 8 

Lorelei, 76, 98 

"Lorena," 64-65 

Louisiana, 53, 54 

"Love was Once a Little Boy," 2& 

"'Love's Vow," 105 

"Lover's Wish," 63 

Lucchese, Josephine, 106 

Lucia de Lammermoor, 79, 104, 106 

Lucretia Borgia, 104 

"Lucy Neale," 48 

Lullaby, Indian, 5; Spanish, 15 

Lurline, 104 

Macarthy, Harry, 61, 63 

MacDowell, Edward, 141 

MeGee, J. W. r 104 

McGinty Club, 110 

Madame Butterfly, 106 

Madden, R. B., 82 

Magic Flute, 101 

Mahler, Gustav, 109 

Maid Marion, 105 

"Maid of Monterey," 50-51 

Manners and customs, Anglo- 
American, 23; French, 54-58; 
German 81, 90, 91, 99, 105; In- 
dian, 3-13, 16; Spanish, 14^17, 

"March to the Battle Field," 49 



Margil de Jesus, Antonio, 9-11, 14 

Maritana, 101 

Marschner, H. A., 95 

"Marseillaise," 26, 101 

Marsh, William J., 141 

Marshall, 106, 141 

Martha, 79, 101, 104-105 

Mars, William, 106-108 

"Mary of Argyle," 62 

''Maryland, My Maryland," 63 

Masaniello, 104 

Mason, Lowell, 31, 81 

Mason, Luther, 84 

Mason, Sandy, 119 

Masonic Colleg.ate Institute, 82 

Matagorda, 26, 82 

"Matamoras Grand March," 49; 
"Quickstep," 49; "Triumphal 
March," 49 

Maurer, K, 97 

Mayo-, Virginia, 82 

"Meeresstille," 96, 107 

Melodeon, 74 

''Men of Churubusco," 52 

Mendelssohn, Felix, 63, 76, 95, 98, 

Menken, Adah Isaacs, 72 

Messiah, 122 

Messmer, J., 77 

Metropolitan opera, 123 

Metzenthin-Raunick, S., 37 

Mexican War, 33, 45-52, 137 

Mexico, 23, 69, 89, 101 

Mexico City, 6, 50, 52, 54, 71 

Meyer, Henry E., 32 

Meyerbeer, G., 97 

Mikado, 105-6 

Miller, George, 70 

Miner, G. G., 82 

Mineral Wells, 121 

Minneapolis, 95-6, 112, 123 

"Minnelied," 95 

Missions, 6-9, 13, 80; life in, 9, 11; 
music in, 6-13- ; Guadalupe, 7; 
Ro-sario, 8; San Antonio de Va- 
lero, 24; San Francisco de la 
Espada, 11; Scin Juan, 9; secu- 
larized, 13 

Moehring, F., 78, 97 

Monterey, 50 

Montgomery, Whitney, 138 

"Moon was Shining Brightly, 
The," 51 

Moore, Douglas, 110 

Moore, Thomas, 25 

"Morgen muss ich fort," 94 

^iorris, Brooks, 110 

Morris, Harold, 140 

Moseley, R. J., 26 

"Mount, Mount and Away," 46-8, 

Mountain Singing Union, 97, 99, 

Moveable-do system, 84 

Mozart, 101 

Mozart Society, 99 

Mozartina, 99 

Municipal niusic, 120-2 

.auslc, Anglo-American, 23-33, 45- 
52, 61-68, 82-85; Czech, 58-60; 
French, 53-5S; German, 34-42, 
69-80; Italian, 59-60; Swedish. 
59-60; and religion, 5, 23, 29-31; 
i~-C social life, 41, 1 ; apprecia- 
tion, 85, 116, 123-4; as medi- 
cine, 5; attitude toward, 14, 23, 
28, 29, 34, 41; books, 26, 71; 
broadcasting, 124; civic, 120-2; 
clubs, 111, 118, 123, 144-6; col- 
lections, 90; commission, 120; 
community, 120-2 ; composers, 
26, 35-6, 38, 41, T7, 127, 131, 134, 
136, 137-42; day, 120; directors, 
75, 1U4, 120; engraving, 49; fes- 
tivals, 38, 60; halls, 41, 71; in 
colleges, 113, 114, 116-7; in 
missions, 6-13; hi schools, 30-1, 
70, 74, 80-5, 114-6; in high 
schools, 84; in rural schools, 
115; libraries, 122; memory con- 
tests, 120, 122; Merchant's asso- 
ciation, 123; "military, 5, 24^-6, 
32, 89; municipal, 120-2; "Music 
News, 122-3; patriotic, 26, 28, 
45; publications, 122; publish- 
ers, 31, 41, 45, 48, 61, 63; schools, 
38, 62, 70, 74, 113-4, 116-7; socie- 
ties, 29, 69, 7lr, 75, 78-9, 92-100, 
108-11, 119-21; stores, 41, 71, 
74; study and teaching, 5, 6, 13, 
30, 75, 77, 80-5, 113-8, 120, 123 ; 
supervisors, 115-7, 122; teachers, 
6-9, 26, 27, 41, 63, 69, 70, 72, 77, 
78, 80-85, 113-8, 120; teacher's 
organizations, 83, 120; week, 120 

Musical Union (Austin), 76, 98 

Musical instruments, 4, 5, 7, 9, 17, 
24, 26, 27, 69, 71, 74 

Musical manufacturers, 34 

JJusicale, 122 


Music in Texas 

Musicale Society, 79 
^Muttersprache," 97 
Myers, Annette, 141 

"Nacht auf dem Meere," 95 

Nachtlager in Granada, iu& 

Nacogdoches, 23 

Nacogdoches University, 5* 

Nanon, 105 

National Association of music 
schools, 117 . 

National Education Association, 83 

"National song of Texas," 25 

Navasota, 119-121 

Navratil, Anton, 111 . 

"Near Buena Vista's Mountain 
Chain," 50 

Nebuchadnezzar, 107 

Negro music, 53, 69, 72, 75, 127-J.30 

Neithardt, A., 95 

"Nellie Gray," 65 

Nespoli, Uriel, 109 

New Braunfels, 34, 37, 63, 69, 76, 
90, 93, 95-7, 99, 100 

New England, 31, 73 

New Mexico, 7, 8, 54 

New Orleans, 27, SI, 49, 50, 54-5, 
61, 63, 69, 71, 81, 107 

New Sweden, 58 

New York, 26, 27, 45, 71, 81, 96, 
111-2, 123 

Newton, Mrs. Samuel, 73 

Norma, 52, 101 

Norton, Mrs. Charles, 116 

Notation, musical, 5, 31 

''Now while our Cups are Plow- 
ing," 49 

Nueces River, 48, 134 

Obendhain, Major, 79, 104 

Odin, John Murray, 72 

O7i, peregrina agraciada, 19 

Oh, surtout cache Im, 55 

"Old Salt River," 136 

"Old Windham," 29, 30 

Olivette, 105 

"On Buena Vista's Bloody 
Field," 49 

"On Red River Shore," 136 

"On the Banks of that Lone Riv- 
er',, 136 

"On the Banks of the Blue Mo- 
selle," opp. 26, 136 

"On the Banks of the San An- 
tonio," 136 

"On to Texas," 35 

"On to the Charge/' 49 

"On Yonder Rock Reclining," 2S,. 

Opera, 35, 49, 50, 52, 54, 71, 73', 74, 

77, 79, 98, 101-106, 121 
Opera houses, 29, 104, 105 
Oraculo, I/', 106 

.Orchestral director, 37, 38, 55 
Orchestral music, 62, 107-110 
Orchestras, 27, 38, 61, 95, 96, 98, 
104, 105, 122; high school, 100, 
112, 114; in United States, 111; 
junior symphony, 111; local,. 
107; Mexican, 17; string, 17, 70, 
74, 75; symphony, 107-112 
Ordway, John P., 65 
Organists, 72, 141 
Organizations, music teachers', 83 V 

84, 114, 120, 122 
Organs, 7, 9, 14; municipal, 121; 

pipe, 29, 72, 74, 76, 121 
"Origin of the Stars and Bars," 


Otis, Charles, 62, 63 
Otto>, J., 95 
Owen, Julia, 119 

"Pacific 231," 110 
"Pack up your Troubles," 89 
Paganini, N., 77 
Pagliacci, 106 
Palm, Sir Swante, 58, 60 
"Palo Alto," 49; "and Resaca de 
la Palma," 49; "Grand March," 

Palomita, 135, 136 
Paris (Texas), 55, 77, 121 
Partido*, (opera manager), 104 
Pastores, Los, 20 
Patchwork, 104 
Pater Noster, 9, 10 
Peak,family, 71 
Pedernales, 96 
Perote, 33 

Petmecky, George, 37, 75, 95 
Petrunken, Henry, 49 
Philadelphia, 31, 98, 111 
Philharmonic Music Club, 111 
Philharmonic Society, 75, 99 
Philharmonic Symphony Society, 


Phonographs, 84-85 
Phonograph parlors, 85 



Pianists, 63, 77, 79, 81 

Pianos, 27, 34, 62, 72, 74, 77, 78, 

SO, 107 

Piano tuners, 71 
"Piet Rein," 110 
Pike, Albert, 50 
Pinafore, 105, 106, 122 
"Pines of Rome," 109 
Pisarenski, A., 32 
Plagge, Christopher, 63, 73, 74 
Plainview, 106 
Point Isabel Chaunt, 48 
Ponce, Manuel, 136 
Port Arthur, 54, 114 
Posadas, Las, 17-20 
Postillion of Lonjumeau, 101 
Praha, 58 

Prcity Chanticleer, 105 
Prevost, Eugene P., 49, 50 
- , ince Wolfgang von Anhalt, 76 
i'-nncess Ida, 105 
l*'i iscilla, 106 
''Prisoner's Lament," 63 
Progressive Music Series, 40, 56-58 
Psalm tunes, 22, 24, 29-31 
Public school music, 41, 77, 80-85, 

100, 114-116, 118, 119, 122 
Puritani, II, 104 
Pyle, Henrietta, 116 

Quartette Society, 98 

Radio, 122-123 

"Rain and the River/' 137 

Ranger, 121 

"Ranger's song," 46-48 

Rankin, Melinda, 82 

Ravel, Maurice, 110 

Records, phonograph, 85, 115, 116, 


"Red River Valley/' 136 
Reed, Frank L., Ill 
Reichardt, J. F., 79 
"Remember the Alamo," 45 
Renard, Frank, 99 
Respighi, Ottorino, 109 
Reunion, La, 55-58, 137 
Revell, Clara, 77 
Reybaud, Miss, 72 
Rheinhardt, Madame, 63 
Rhodius, Udo, 77 
Richmond, Virginia, 61, 63 
Richmond Academy, 41 
Ringgold, David, 49, 52 
"Rio Bravo," 48 
Rio Grande, 7, 8, 45, 48, 49, 89 


llivers, Ella, 79, 104 
Robbins, J. A., 77 
-'lOZOi Hood, 105 
Rodwell, G. H. B., opp. 26 
Root, Geo. F,, 82, 85 
^oae Maiden, 79, 122 
"Rose of Alabama," 48 
looses of Spring, 31 
Rosier, F. W., 63. 
Rossini, G., 96, 107, 122 
"Rough and Ready," 48 
Round Rock, 58 
Russel, Henry, 46-47 
Kutersv.ile, 62, 82 
Ruth, 122 

Sachtleben, August, 41, 61, 71, 72 

Sacred Music Society, 92 

Saengerbund (Texas), 34, 95 

Saengerfests, 34, 37, 76, 78, 79, 
93-9, 105-7 

Saeagerrunde, 76, 9$ 

St. David's church, 75, 98 

St. Leger, Frank, 110 

St. Louis, 27, 96, 106-7, 111-2 

St. Mark's Church, 74 

St. Mary's Cathedral, 72 

St. Mary's Hall, 73 

St. Matthew's Passion, 122 

Salamander, 97 

Salisbury Troubadours, 97, 104 

Samaroff, Olga, 98, 140 

San Angelo, 121 

San Antonio, missions near, 8-13; 
established, 14; French in, 58, 
74-; music in, 10, 11, 14-16, 23, 
34, 37, 41, 55, 58, 63, 69, 72-6, 
79, 81, 89, 95-7, 99, 100, 104-9, 
114, 117, 122, 137, 140-1; first 
public school music in, 81; 
symphony orchestra, 108 

San Augustine, 82 

San Carlo opera company, 106 

San Felipe de Austin, 35 

San Fernando Cathedral, 14 

San Jacinto, 24, 26 

San Marcos, 121 

"San Jacinto," 45 ; "Quickstep, " 

"Santa Fe" Prisoners," 32 

Santo Domingo, 54 

Schiller, Friedrich, 76 

Schmidt, Charles F., 70 

Schneider, P. EL, 97 

Schubert, Franz, 95 


Music in Texas 

Schulenberg, 99 

"Scots what hae," 26 

Scotti opera company, 106 

Seven Last Words, 122 

Shaped notes, 3-1 

Sheet music, 41, 45, 61-3, 71, 75 

Sherman, 99 

Sibelius, Jan, 109 

Siegesf^uer, 97 

Siemering, A., 95 

Silcher, F., 94, 95 

Silver Lute, 82, 85 

Simmons College, 117 

Singers, 27-8, 71-3, 92-100,, 106 

Singer's Union, 34 

Singing conventions, 31; games, 
20-1; school texts, 30-1; schools, 
30 96; societies, 29, 34, 37^ 41, 
61, 70-4, 76, 91-100, 106 

Sisson, C. T., 77 

Sisterdale, 34, 93, 95, 96 

"Smiles," 89 

Smith, Daniel B., 32 

Smith, Ellen S., 78 

Smith, F. W-, 63, 71, 137 

Social classes, 23, 69 

Social life, Spanish, 14-21; Ger- 
man, 34, 41-42 

"Soldier's Tear," 3S 

"Soldier's Widow/' 50 

Soils, Gaspar J., 8, 9 

Solms-Braunfels, Count, 37 

"Song of Buena Vista," 50 

"Song of Palo Alto,*' 49 

l 'Song of Ringgold's Artillerists/' 

"Song of the Texas Ranger/' 134 

Songs, 4, 6, 12-21, 25-8, 30-3. 35-7, 
39-40, 45-52, 54-69, 73, 75, 79, 83, 
89, 94-5, 97, 100-4, 127-36, 137-41 

"Songs from the South/' 140 

Sonnambula, La, 101, 105 

Sons of Hermann, 99 

Sound-reproducing machines, 84-5, 

"South, The," 63 

"Southern Marseillaise," 62 

Southern Methodist University, 

"Southern Pleiades." 61 

"Southron Chant of Defiance," 61 

"Southron's Watchword/ 7 61 

Spanish-Mexican music, 14-22 

Stalat Mater, 96, 107, 122 

Stainer, John, 122 

Standardization, 114, 115 

Stanton, EL S., 61 

Starlight s-chottische* 41 

'Stars of Our Banner/' 61" 

State Federation of Clubs, 119, 
123; of music clubs, 119, 122-3 

State music supervisor, 116 

State Teachers Association, 82, 120 

Steele, Ross Y., 110 

Steffee, Judson B., 78 

Steinfeldt, John M., 144 

Stewart Female Seminary, 77 

''Storming of Monterey," 50 

Stradella, 76, 105 

Stratton, Anne (Mrs. Thomas Hoi- 
den), 140 

Street cries, 15, 16 

"Strike for our Right/' 48 

Subsidies, music, 121 

Sullivan, Arthur, 104, 122 

Sullivan, M. Dix, 50 

Supp<, Franz von, 97 

"'Sweet Spirit, Hear my Prayer/' 

Swiss Glee Club, 78 

"Switzer's Farewell/' 62 

"Symphonic Poem" (Morris), 140 

''Take Me Home," 65-68 

"Tamale vender's song," 16 

Tambourine, 71 

Tancreai, 79 

Tannhciuser, 108 

Tanz, Der, 95 

Taylor, 99, 121 

Taylor,' Bayard, 50 

Taylor, Zachary, 45, 48, 50 

"Taylor's Grand March," (Grobe) 

Teacher training colleges, 116-117 

Terrell, 79 

"Texan Youth," 52, 137 

Texarkana, 121 

Texas Band Masters Association, 

Texas composers, 137-141 

Texas Female Institute, 77 

"Texas hoch," 37 

Texas, national song of, 25 

"Texas, Our Texas/' 141 

Texas School of Fine Arts, 117 

"Texas Star," 28 

Texas State College for Women, 
113, 114 

"Texas the Young Tree of Free- 
dom," 45 

"Texian General's Address," 45 

"Texians Brave/' 26 



"Texians to your Banner Ply," 26 

"Texian's War Cry," 26 

Textbooks, 11, 82 

Theater, 27, 37, 55, 70 

*' There's a Long, Long Trail 

A-winding," 89 
"There's Life in the Old Land 

Yet/' 63 

Thieleman, Louise Ehlers, 27 
Thielepape, W. C. A,., 73, 74 
''Through yon Window," 104 
Tiling, Moritz, 9E 
Tips, 'Walter, 1G7 
Todd, Harold Hart, 141-142 
Tompkins family, 73 133 
Townsend, Cecilia, 77 
Trask, Prances, 26 
Treble, Clef (Houston), 98 
Tremaine, C. M., 116 
Tremont Music Hall, 71 
"Treue deutsche Herz, Das/ 1 95 
Trinity River, 8, 23, 54 
"Trinklied," 95 
Trovatore, II, 104-106, 122 
Tschaikovski, Peter, 110 
"Turkey in the Straw," 140 
Turner halls, 41, 74, 76 
Turner societies, 78, 79, 98, 105 
Tyler, 121 

Tyler, Mrs. Bettie, 77 
Tynapani, 108 
"Tyrant Burst thy Chains," 104 

Uhland, Johann L., 36, 99 
Ulrica, J., 81 

"Uncle Sam and Texas/' 45 
University of Texas, 60, 113, 114, 
116-118, 140 

Vaas, H. Ernest, 82 

"Vacant Chair/ 85 

*'Va ingrate bergere," 54 

Van der Stucken, Franz 37, 40, 137 

Van Hoose, EL, 106, 110 

Van Katwijk, Paul, 109 

Van Roo-y, P. G., 110 

Velasco, 82 

Venth, Carl, 106, 109, 110, 142 

"Vera Cruz Grand March," 50 

"Vera Cruz Quickstep/* 50 

Verdi, 97 104-107, 122 

Vernon, 121 

Victoria, 121 

'"Violette/* 62 

Violin, 9, 17, 27, 71, 77, 140 

Vogue, vogue, oh ma ftalancelle, 55 

"Volunteers, The/' 61 

Waco, 79, 106, 111 
Wagner, R., 38, 108, 110 
"Walker's Quickstep," (Grobe), 


Wallace, William, 104 
Ward, Mrs, Ben, 104 
"V, MS 1st des Deutschen Vater- 

land/' 95 
Wat hen, E., 50 
"Watson's Lament/' 49 
"Wave, Wave the Banner High," 


"Waverly Schottische/' 41 
Waxakachie, 78, 106 
Weatherford, 78, 121 
Weoster, J. P., 64, 65 
"\Ye Met by Chance," 62 
"We're the Boys for Mexico/' 48 
Wesley an College, 83 
Wesson, ThGtmas, 26 
West, J. M., 81 
"SVe were not many," 50 
Vvharton, Edward C., 61, 137 
"\Vnat is Home/* 65 
"When the Fair Land of Poland," 

"When the Swallows Homeward 

Fly," 52 

'White in the Moon," 137 
Wichita Falls, 116, 121 
Vvie hab' ich sie geliebt, 78, 97 
Wieland, C. M., 36 
Wightman, Mrs. Mary S., 26 
Wilke, C., 37 
Wilks, C. C., 32 
"Will You Come to the Bower," 

25 33 

'William Tell, 104 
Willis, Dr., 78 
"Windham," 29, 30 
Woods, L. A., 115, 118 
Work songs, 127-136 
World War, 89-dl, 99, 110, 120 
"Would'st than have Me Leave 

Thee," 50 

"Yankee Boodle/' 24, 26, 45, 52 
"Yellow Rose of Texas," 128-129 
Yorktown, 96 
"Yo soy la viudita," 21 

Zach, Max, 107 
"Zachary Taylor/* 48 
"Zauber der Liebe," 97 
Zavsla, Lorenzo de, 27 
Zawadil, Emil L., 72, 107, 108 
Zurich, 137